Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

It’s Always Sunny: 10 Moments From “The Gang Gets Quarantined” That Are Peak 2020


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia may not have the prophetic reputation of The Simpsons, but the episode “The Gang Gets Quarantined” is peak 2020.

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Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the longest-running live-action comedy series in American television history. The show is funny, edgy, and politically incorrect. But, is it also premonitory? In 2013, during its ninth season, one particular episode was aired that resembles a lot of what the world is going through today.

“The Gang Gets Quarantined” begins with Frank’s warning about the worst flu season Philly has ever seen. So, Frank, Charlie, Dennis, Dee, and Mac decide to self-quarantine inside the bar. Little did they know, seven years later, this would become the world’s reality.

10 Young And Vital

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

Upon hearing Frank’s suggestion to self-quarantine, Mac’s immediate response is to dismiss the idea based on the fact that, except for Frank, they’re all “young and vital,” a response not that different from a lot of young people in 2020.

Being outside of the high-risk group, many youngsters refused to stay home, wear masks, and social distance. In the show, Mac’s mindset is quickly changed by the gang’s own selfish reason, and don’t we wish this also happened in the real world?

9 Alcohol-Mania

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

The gang’s first idea when locked-down inside the bar was to drink. Does that ring any bells? For the first phase of the quarantine, in March, alcoholic beverage sales boomed by 55%, according to Nielson. That’s when many states ordered people to stay in.

In the show, Dennis doesn’t allow the gang to drink to safeguard their throats due to a singing competition ahead. But, knowing Dennis, Dee, Charlie, and Mac, we all know that didn’t work out well.

8 A Grocery Run Became War

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

There’s a lot more we know now about the coronavirus and how it spreads, but, when the pandemic started, anything was considered a possible contamination vessel, and previously simples things like grocery shopping became high-risk activities.

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Being inside a supermarket still comprises risk and should be done responsibly, but the CDC guidelines are a lot clearer with dos-and-don’ts. And wearing a bubble boy suit, like Charlie and Mac do in the episode, is not necessary.

7 The Hope Is In The Vaccine

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

In the episode, Frank’s plan is to self-quarantine until the vaccine for the flu comes out, and, as we all anxiously await for a safe coronavirus vaccine to be available and allow us to return to our normal lives, we look back at the It’s Always Sunny’s episode and think: what is taking so long?

Even though the international scientific community is doing an incredible job, and we’re set to have a vaccine ready in record time, it’s been a hard wait because normality is at stake. So, like Frank, we hold on to hope and stay in quarantine.

6 Freaking Out About Take-Out

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

When we can’t go out for food, the food needs to come in. Right? Some people would disagree, and I don’t only mean Frank in this episode.

Especially in the beginning, when less was known about the disease, many people were afraid to order food, thinking it could be a potential breach of the quarantine. Luckily, safety measures were taken by restaurants and delivery services, and we don’t have to stay away from a favorite restaurant even when we can’t go inside of it.

5 Coughing Is The Worst Thing To Do In Public

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

There are many reasons why one could cough. Maybe they choked, maybe it’s allergies. But, the possibility that it’s due to being sick has made the act of coughing the worst thing anyone could do in public. Based on Charlie and Mac’s reaction when a lady coughs inside the market where they’re buying food, this is something else the episode has in common with 2020.

But, truth be told, regardless of why you may cough, you should always make sure you’re not propelling respiratory droplets onto the air. After all, this is an airborne disease, and you might be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus.

4 Crazy Haircuts

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

Unless you live with a hairstylist, being locked out at home means no professional grooming, and, for a lot of people, that meant taking the matter to their own hands. Literally.

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Some say cutting their own hair was an inexplicable pandemic urge, while some say it was a matter of necessity, but, when it comes to quality, the fact is the results do not differ too much from what Frank experienced when he shaved his own hair in his quarantine. If anything was learned from this episode, it was to not mess with your hairstyle.

3 Losing People We Know

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

A sad thing that the 2013 IASIP episode and the year 2020 have in common is the loss of people to the disease. The episode starts with alarmed Frank telling the gang that Rodriguez, an old man from their building, has passed away from the flu.

Unfortunately, knowing someone who died is something a lot of people can relate to. There’s an alarming number of deaths around the world due to the coronavirus, which is why it’s so important to take all necessary measures to protect yourself and your community.

2 Hand Sanitizer Obsession

Its Always Sunny 10 Moments From The Gang Gets Quarantined That Are Peak 2020

Frank is not the only one obsessed with hand sanitizer, though, hopefully, no one went as far as he did when using it. Hand sanitizer has become an essential item when leaving the house during this pandemic. Since washing our hands is impossible in many situations, the small bottle of alcoholic gel has become the savior.

Even though swimming in a pool of hand disinfectant may sound like a smart way to kill any unwanted germs, it is not a practice recommended by the CDC. And it might lead to unwanted consequences.

1 The Deniers

As if a pandemic isn’t bad enough, there’s always something that could make it worse: the deniers. People who don’t believe the disease is real, trust science, or follow simple safety measures, like wearing a mask. But, above all of that is one specific type of denier: the one who never believes they are sick. Like Dennis after he’s quarantined inside the quarantine. Or Charlie, since he believes he’s already been vaccinated for everything.

The problem with people not acknowledging they might have contracted the coronavirus is that they increase the spread by not taking any preventive measures. Everyone could get the coronavirus, so the best thing to do is always to make sure to keep yourself and your community safe.

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