Jodie Comer Reacts To Ryan Reynolds Saying Disney Wants Free Guy 2

Jodie Comer Reacts To Ryan Reynolds Saying Disney Wants Free Guy 2

Exclusive: Jodie Comer says she would “jump at the chance” to return for a Free Guy sequel with Ryan Reynolds, calling it “a joyous experience.”

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Jodie Comer, who played Molotov Girl in Free Guy, reacts to Ryan Reynolds revealing that Disney wants a sequel to the popular film. Free Guy hit theaters in August to positive reviews from both critics and fans and, considering the pandemic environment to which it was released, performed exceptionally well at the box office. The Disney film follows a bank teller named Guy, played by Reynolds, who discovers that he’s actually a non-player character in a video game. Guy decides to take control of his own life and become his own hero.

Although many fans know her as Villanelle from Killing Eve, Comer has recently exploded onto the Hollywood scene in a big way with her role in Free Guy and her upcoming role as Marguerite de Carrouges in Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel. Comer’s character in Free Guy, Millie, also known as Molotov Girl, proved to be a big hit with audiences and becomes a key player in the film’s climax, ultimately helping Guy to defeat the film’s villain, played by Taika Waititi. The ending to the film doesn’t exactly hint at a sequel, but nevertheless, Reynolds Tweeted back in August that Disney wanted one.

In a new exclusive Screen Rant interview to promote The Last Duel, Comer, at the mention of returning to the world of Free Guy, seems more than willing to reprise her role as Millie. Although it appears she missed Reynolds’ August tweet about Disney wanting a sequel and was somewhat caught off guard by the news, Comer was excited about the possibility of getting to work with Reynolds and the rest of the cast and crew again. Read Comer’s full comment from Screen Rant’s exclusive interview below:

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“I just heard this right now! Someone else just said the same thing. I would honestly jump at the chance to be back on a set with all those guys. It was such a joyous experience — so to hear that that may be in the cards sound like a ton of fun.”

Free Guy ends with all of its plot threads resolved, but the premise of the film leaves plenty of room for further exploration in a sequel. Guy remains alive and well in the Free Life game and, although Millie unplugs from the game and chooses to focus on building her relationships in the real world, that doesn’t mean she can’t be drawn back into another virtual conflict. After all, Antwan, Waititi’s villain character, makes it through Free Guy and will likely have some grudges against Guy and Millie after the failure of his Free City sequel, Free City: Carnage.

Comer and Reynolds had great chemistry in Free Guy and exploring their relationship further would be a great move for Free Guy 2. Although any sort of romantic relationship is now clearly off the table (Millie is a real human and Guy is artificial intelligence, after all), setting the two characters up more as friends could create an interesting buddy-cop style dynamic. The sequel to Free Guy has not yet officially been greenlit but, if Reynolds’ Tweet is any indication, it seems very likely that an announcement will be made in the coming months. If a sequel does get the go-ahead, it seems that Comer is ready and willing to plug back into Free Life as Millie. Free Guy is now available to stream on Disney+.

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