Junji Ito’s Horror Masterpiece is Hilarious in Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Junji Ito’s Horror Masterpiece is Hilarious in Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Junji Ito is known for his absolutely macabre manga, which makes it perfect that one Twitter user carved a pumpkin in honor of his masterpiece.

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Few horror comic creators are as well-loved as mangaka Junji Ito, and that admiration comes a legion of fanworks. With Halloween just around the corner right as Ito’s newest manga, Sensor, released, it’s never been a better time for fans to pay tribute to the horror master, leading one Twitter user to carve a pumpkin referencing Ito’s famous story The Enigma of Amigara Fault.

The Enigma of Amigara Fault is easily one of Junji Ito’s most well-known creations. The story focuses on a strange phenomenon where holes shaped like people are unearthed on the side of a fault. More than just shaped like a generic person though, each hole appears to be a perfect fit for only one person. Something about the holes draws people to them, compelling them to abandon everything to enter their specific hole. Unfortunately, they never leave. The reveal of what exactly happens to those who enter their holes remains one of the most horrific things ever put in a comic book. As one of Junji Ito’s most famous short stories, it naturally has inspired a great deal of fan art.

Twitter user SilverAlethia recently revealed a recreation of The Enigma of Amigara Fault’s most iconic scene with a pumpkin. Originally crafted by another Twitter user named Shugowah who has privated their Tweets, the image depicts the desperate moment someone is clawing their way into a hole. Fortunately, the pumpkin doesn’t depict the aftermath.

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It’s spooky season pic.twitter.com/bEcpu83qL7

Clearly, the pumpkin carving struck a chord with horror fans, as the Tweet managed to amass an impressive 138,700 likes and 28,900 retweets after only being up for two days. It’s a testament to Ito’s ability to create horror that a manga released in 2002 is still being referenced with such affection almost twenty years later. Though the horror elements obviously are what makes it so iconic, The Enigma of Amigara Fault does lend itself well to memes and fan recreations. It’s fitting that a story about inescapable obsession has stuck around for so long in the minds of horror fans across the globe.

Luckily, Junji Ito and his fans show no sign of slowing down. While Ito has created new horror manga like this year’s Sensor, fans have been getting to work finding fun and interesting ways of showing their appreciation for the esteemed creator. If the response to this pumpkin carving is any indication, then the horror community clearly has a place for more fan creations based around Ito’s work. It’s the highest compliment to Junji Ito that a pumpkin carving for Halloween based around his work can get such a big response.

Next: Horror Icon Junji Ito Debuts ‘The Lighthouse’ Manga Adaptation

Evan D. Mullicane is an editor, critic, and author based out of California’s Bay Area. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from San Francisco State University in 2016. In his free time, he enjoys reading graphic novels and writing fantasy.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/junji-ito-enigma-amigara-fault-halloween-pumpkin/

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