Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Kevin Smith’s 10 Best Recurring Actors, Ranked By Appearances


Kevin Smith has relied on many of the same actors for most of his movies, and here are the ones who appeared more than any others.

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Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Kevin Smith has been making movies for 27 years and got his start in the indie boom of the ’90s. From the moment that Smith made his first movie, Clerks, in 1994, he began to build what he labeled the View Askewniverse. This not only meant that many of his movies were connected, but that he brought in a lot of actors more than once.

The core of Smith’s acting troupe came from Clerks, although there were others that popped up in the next movie, Mallrats, and many of these names returned several times. There are even Oscar winners who kept coming back to cameo in Smith movies over the years. While Smith has appeared in most of his movies, he found loyal partners that stuck with him throughout his entire career.

10 Jeff Anderson (5)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Jeff Anderson was there from the start as video store worker Randal in Clerks. While Dante was the mature one, it was Randal that provided some of the funniest lines of the movie. However, after Clerks, he disappeared mostly. His next acting role was in Dogma in a cameo, but then in 2000, he was back.

After the Clerks animated TV series, Anderson returned as Randal for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Clerks 2. He got a brand-new role in Zack and Miri Make a Porno as Deacon, the cameraman. While he wasn’t one of the more noted actors, Anderson played the same cocky immature role in all his appearances and was always a fan favorite.

9 Matt Damon (5)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Matt Damon made his debut in the View Askewniverse in the Kevin Smith religious satire Dogma. The movie had Damon and his real-life friend Ben Affleck star as two angels banished from Heaven and forced to walk the Earth. When a demon realizes there is a loophole to get them back into Heaven, at the cost of Earth itself, the heroes have to set out to stop them.

Damon won an Oscar two years before this movie, making him one of the most successful actors to appear multiple times in a Kevin Smith film. Dogma was the only movie where Damon was in a lead role, though. Most of his other appearances had Damon’s characters joking that he was only there because he owed Kevin Smith.

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8 Scott Mosier (6)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Scott Mosier is not an actor by trade, but he has still appeared in six Kevin Smith movies in smaller roles. Mosier is a producer who went to college with Smith and helped him get Clerks made. In Clerks, Mosier took on several roles, including an angry hockey player and a dimwitted man named Willam Black.

Mosier returned as Black in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Clerks II. In Mallrats, Ethan Suplee played Black while Mosier was still in the cast as a game show producer. His main purpose was to show up in small cameos as an Easter egg for fans.

7 Harley Quinn Smith (6)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

It should come as no surprise that Kevin Smith’s daughter would show up in his movies. However, what might seem surprising to all but Smith’s loyal fans is that Harley Quinn Smith first appeared when she was two years old in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Her role was as a baby Silent Bob. She also appeared in her dad’s movies as a five and seven-year-old, and again in Tusk when she was 13.

Since then, she headlined two of her dad’s movies. First, she starred in Yoga Hosers with Johnny Depp’s daughter Lily-Rose Depp and then she had a major role in Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. By this time, Smith had become a legitimate actor and moved on to roles outside her dad’s movies.

6 Walt Flanagan (7)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Walt Flanagan is another non-actor who got his roles in Kevin Smith movies because they are life-long friends. Flanagan had roles in seven movies for Smith, but he gained popularity in other ways. He ran Smith’s comic book store and he appeared on both his podcasts and his reality TV show, Comic Book Men.

While not a very good actor, Flanagan hit it big thanks to Smith’s writing him some iconic roles. In Clerks, where Kevin Smith established his style, Flanagan was the guy inspecting the eggs and the cigarette protester. In Mallrats, he played Walt, the character whose famous line was “Tell ’em, Steve-Dave,” something fans still quote to this day.

5 Brian O’Halloran (7)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

The two men who helped make Kevin Smith a star were his Clerks leads, Jeff Anderson and Brian O’Halloran. While Anderson delivered the funny lines, it was O’Halloran who gave Clerks and Clerks 2 the heart. O’Halloran played Dante, the guy who wasn’t even supposed to be at work that day.

While Anderson disappeared for a few years, O’Halloran stuck with Smith for the director’s first five movies, and while he played four different roles, they all had the surname Hicks.

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4 Ben Affleck (7)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Along with Matt Damon, Ben Affleck provided Kevin Smith with an Oscar-caliber actor for several movies. Affleck actually made his debut for Smith first, appearing in Mallrats as the antagonistic Shannon Hamilton.

Smith also gave Affleck one of his best early roles when he cast him as the lead Holden McNeil in Chasing Amy. Affleck won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting after that but never said no to Smith. He came back as an angel in Dogma and then brought back Holden for several appearances in later movies.

3 Jennifer Schwalbach Smith (8)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

In 2001, Kevin Smith cast his wife Jennifer Schwalbach Smith in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. After that, he cast her in every movie he made except for Cop Out. Much like his childhood friends, Smith never had big roles after that first appearance.

She played mostly small cameo roles, although her character in Clerks 2 was a little more important as she was set to marry Dante. While not a major Hollywood actress, she has kept up a consistent series of roles thanks to her husband.

2 Jason Lee (8)

Kevin Smiths 10 Best Recurring Actors Ranked By Appearances

Before Mallrats, Jason Lee was a world-renowned skateboarding champion. After that movie, he was Kevin Smith’s most popular actor. Lee had no acting experience, but he brought his cocky, self-assured attitude to Smith’s movies and became an overnight sensation.

Lee played Brodie Bruce in the underrated gem Mallrats, but that was just the start. After that, he took on the role of Banky Edwards, a comic book writer in Chasing Amy and he played both Banky or Brodie in five of the next six Smith movies he appeared in. His best role came in Dogma, where he portrayed the demon Azrael, the character who set the angels on their path to destruction.

1 Jason Mewes (9)

The one person who appeared in more Kevin Smith movies than anyone else was his closest friend, Jason Mewes. For almost every appearance, Mewes was the Jay to Smith’s Silent Bob, and the two became cultural icons for an entire generation.

There were only four Kevin Smith movies that Mewes did not appear in and he was Jay in every one of them except for Zack and Miri Make a Porno. In that movie, he was Lester, an adult film actor the protagonists cast. While it was nice to see something different, fans just wanted him back as Jay, which they got in Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.

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