Kit Harington Took Eternals Role Hoping To Be In More Future MCU Movies

Kit Harington Took Eternals Role Hoping To Be In More Future MCU Movies

Kit Harington says he took on the role of Dane Whitman in the Eternals film with the hope of potentially starring in more movies within the MCU.

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Kit Harington Took Eternals Role Hoping To Be In More Future MCU Movies

Kit Harington has high hopes for his Eternals character, stating that he’d like to be a part of future MCU movies. Harington is set to star in the upcoming MCU film as Dane Whitman, a character who may be familiar to those who know the Marvel comics. Harington has been keeping fairly quiet about his role, but it has been confirmed that Whitman is the human husband of Gemma Chan’s Sersi, who is an Eternal. Whitman is from London and seemingly gets caught up in some of the events of the film.

While Whitman is a staple in the comics, it seems he won’t have a huge role to play in the MCU as of yet. Harington had admitted that he only shot a few scenes for Eternals and was kept out of the majority of the film’s action. The character does have a connection with Richard Madden’s Ikaris, who is Sersi’s ex, and Harington stated he only shot a few scenes with his Game of Thrones co-star.

But Harington reportedly would like to reprise his role in more MCU films. In an interview with /Film, he discussed Whitman’s comic legacy and the potential for that character to make into the MCU. In the comics, Whitman is the Black Knight, a mantle he adopts when he picks up the cursed Ebony Blade. While that character does not seem to be a part of the upcoming Eternals film, Harington did express interest in exploring the Black Knight.

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“I can’t tell you a lot. I can tell you [I] honestly don’t know. I don’t know where, or if it’s going anywhere. I know what’s on the internet about him. I know who he’s meant to be, and the person that you reference, but really in this, he is, like we’ve discussed, he’s the human side of the story and anything beyond this is hopefully coming. I do think that this is the intro to the character. This is why I took the role, because it’s an introduction to a larger story, hopefully. But right now I’m in this movie, it may go nowhere.”

The Black Knight eventually teams up with and fights alongside the Avengers in the comics, which may be a potential future for Harington’s Whitman. Whitman is actually the third person in the Marvel universe to have the moniker The Black Knight. The character’s origin goes back to Camelot, as Sir Percy was the first incarnation. And in the comics, Whitman’s Black Knight gets up to all kinds of trouble, including time-traveling and leading a group of superheroes called Ultraforce. He even meets pop culture figures, like Dracula and the Lady of the Lake.

As an actor familiar with giving spoiler-free interviews from his time on Game of Thrones, it’s likely that viewers won’t get to know much about Harington’s future in the MCU any time soon. Though he said he himself doesn’t know much about the Black Knight, it’s probably safe to say the idea was broached during Harington’s meeting with Kevin Feige and Marvel producer Nate Moore. While the information will probably be light for the next few months, audiences can hope they’ll see perhaps an Easter egg or reference to the Black Knight in Eternals and that this won’t be the last of Harington in the MCU.

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Next: Black Knight? Everything We Learned About Kit Harington’s Eternals Character

Source: /Film

Caitlyn is a seasoned writer, editor, and content creator who specializes in all things entertainment. A video game and movie enthusiast, she spends her spare time streaming a variety of things for her online following. She writes for many different websites, and specifically loves telling and absorbing stories. She is also a huge fan of traveling and experiencing many other cultures around the world. When she’s not working, Caitlyn can be found reading or visiting her local theme parks!

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