Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Lucifer: 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel, Ranked


As an immortal archangel in the Netflix show Lucifer, Amenadiel has a wide variety of powers that make him an intimidating and fascinating character.

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Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

The eldest child of God and Goddess, Lucifer’s Amenadiel served as both the protagonist and antagonist on different occasions. Born as an Archangel, the character has displayed several powers and abilities that match Lucifer’s. In fact, the son of Satan even describes him as “one of God’s finest” and a highly qualified warrior who is “undefeated in battle.”

On the Netflix show, all angels bear a certain set of powers that allow them to attack and protect others in dangerous situations. Amenadiel similarly boasts of some immense powers that range from the ability to slow down time to immortality. These supernatural skills have significantly helped him in protecting his loved ones and implementing God’s wishes on Earth.

8 Slowing Down Time

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Amenadiel can not only travel through dimensions but also slow down the very course of time through what is known as chronokinesis. His ability to slow time can prove to be monumental in saving lives. For instance, in season 2, he uses the power to help save Linda. After Charlotte had stabbed Linda, she lay in pain for some time until Amenadiel realized it would be too late to get her to a hospital. This is when he decides to stop time allowing Maze to take Linda to safety.

While Lucifer himself has the coolest powers on the show, Amenadiel’spowers are equally impressive if a bit more limited than the titular hero’s abilities. Like Lucifer, Amenadiel has the power to stop time, which he displayed once in season 3. This power doesn’t rank as high as his flight and healing factor because of how chronokinesis is heavily draining for Amenadiel. Even after the incident with Linda, he felt physically exhausted and required a lot of mental concentration. As a result, these time-altering powers can only be used as a last resort which is why viewers rarely see them on the show.

7 Flight And Inter-Dimensional Travel

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

The wings on his back not only allow Amenadiel to fly at great heights but they also bless him with the ability to travel across different dimensions. Be it Heaven, Hell, or Earth, he can easily engage in inter-dimensional travel and has displayed this power throughout Lucifer’s 5 seasons.

While his wings are a constant part of his physiology, they are vulnerable and can be easily damaged or even destroyed. In season 2, his wings began to molt as a result of being stabbed with a demon blade during a fight. As Amenadiel began questioning his life choices and work on Earth, he became a fallen angel with his wings rotting to a skeletal framework. It is only in season 3’s later episodes that he decides to get his wings back so that he can travel to Heaven and provide solace to the deceased Charlotte’s soul.

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6 Curses And Miracles

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

The meaning behind Amenadiel’s name translates roughly to “So be it says God” and so one of the angel’s most Biblical powers is his ability to curse mortals as well as bless them with divine miracles according to the wishes of God The Father. When it comes to the former, he had left a mark on Pierce’s (Cain) arm cursing him with immortality. As for performing miracles, it is revealed that he once blessed John and Penelope Decker with Chloe who was considered to be a ‘miracle child’.

In both cases, he had followed the orders of his father. While it is possible that the Archangel can use these powers at his own will, he has never used them without God’s consent. If God wanted to change a particular person’s fate, Amenadiel can curse or bless this person depending upon the situation. Whether through blessings or curses, Amenadiel uses these powers to manipulate the actions and choices of mortal beings. Because the only restraint is God’s command, he cannot use them to solve every problem he encounters.

5 Ressurection

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Amenadiel’s divine power can also be used to bring people back from the dead. This is perhaps most evident when he resurrected one of Lucifer’s vilest villains Malcolm Graham and instantly healed his gunshot wound. His resurrection process includes finding a soul from another dimension and placing it within a corpse.

The only drawback with this power is that he needs his wings to travel to either Hell or Heaven to find a soul. In an episode from season 2, he temporarily lost his wings and thus, his ability to resurrect people. While he eventually gets his wings back in the next season, Amenadiel is hesitant to use his resurrection power. For example, he took Charlotte to Heaven without placing her soul into a new body. The show never specifies why Amenadiel refrains from bringing Charlotte back to life, but the now unpredictable nature of his resurrection powers does add to his vulnerability.

4 Superhuman Strength

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Not only is Amenadiel a main character on Lucifer but he is also one of the strongest angels in the show’s mythos. This can be proven from his duels with Michael and Remiel. In both cases, he could overpower his foe with just a few punches. Metal weapons such as guns are easily bendable in his hands and he can exert a high degree of physical force on any object.

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When he temporarily lost his powers as a fallen angel, his superhuman strength was drastically reduced. He could still hold his own against humans and is frequently depicted successfully fighting multiple people at once. His strength was eventually restored after Charlotte’s death in season 3, making him an even more physically intimidating presence in battle.

3 Speed

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Like most angels on the show, Amenadiel possesses superhuman speed that, while rarely depicted, showcases an incredibly useful power. Lucifer himself can fly at a fast speed that gets him out of potentially fatal situations like multiple fights with Cain. In addition, Lucifer’s impressive flight speed in “Quintessential Deckerstar,” considered one of the best episodes from season 3 of Lucifer, reveals his speed is otherworldly and thus, of a superhuman level. Since Lucifer and Amenadiel are brothers and possess identical powers like super strength due to their supernatural physiology, it’s fair to assume that Amenadiel’s flight speed is similarly impressive and a power that has been employed to save his friends like Chloe from certain death.

2 Immortality And Superhuman Durability

Lucifer 8 Best Powers of Amenadiel Ranked

Since the beginning of time, Amenadiel has existed. His roots as a first-born angel imply that he’s older than all other memorable angels of Heaven. His eternal youthful lifespan ensures that he survives the test of time and he shows no signs of either dying or decaying.

While it’s obvious that his angelic roots would ensure a long life, his immortality is evident in the show when Amenadiel’s son Charlie is born. The fact that his son would lead a limited mortal life (because of his mother Linda Martin’s human roots) saddens him to the point where he wishes to give up his own immortality, an offer that God rejects. Considering that he isn’t losing his immortality anytime soon, Amenadiel’s unlimited life will function as both a curse and a power that’s both his greatest weakness and one of his most useful abilities in the show.

1 Healing Factor

On Earth, there’s virtually nothing that can kill Amenadiel. Bullets and knives pierce through his skin but automatically heal in seconds. For instance, when Chloe is shot at with multiple rounds of ammunition, Amenadiel protects her by physically absorbing most of the gunfire.

Only celestial weapons like Demon Daggers can hurt him significantly. In season 1 of Lucifer, Malcolm stabs Amenadiel with a Demon Dagger and almost kills the immortal angel. Aside from this holy artillery, Amenadiel’s healing factor is one of his greatest powers and is of use in all of his fights. Unlike his chronokinesis and flight, there are very rare chances for him to lose the healing factor unless if he does so at his own will. Amenadiel’s greatest power is thus a defensive one that has allowed him to survive countless battles over the course of history.

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