Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Marvel Comics: 10 Best Mustaches


There have been many epic mustaches to come and go throughout the history of Marvel Comics. Here are the 10 best mustaches in Marvel’s history.

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Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Since the first comics were published under the Marvel banner over 60 years ago, the facial hair of their heroes and villains has been on display.

Beginning with the iconic mustache of founder and universe builder, Stan Lee himself, there have been many epic mustaches throughout the history of Marvel Comics. While some have stood the test of time and are still present in the modern era, others are fondly remembered as their wearers have adapted to new styles over changing times.

10 Corsair

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Father of the X-Man Cyclops, and leader of the spacefaring Starjammers, Christopher “Corsair” Summers has worn the same Horseshoe Mustache since his earliest appearances. Also called “The Winnfield,” this traditional style was first popularized by the cowboys of the American Southwest, so it’s absolutely appropriate for a space-cowboy such as Corsair.

Defined by its vertical extensions grown on the corners of the lips and down the sides of the mouth towards the jawline, the Horseshoe is most popularly related today to the wrestler Hulk Hogan. While he often fancies himself a pirate, Corsair’s facial hairstyle hardly resembles the pirates of lore, but exudes the same energy.

9 The Leader

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Perennial Hulk villain Samuel Sterns, better known as The Leader, wears an unassuming mustache style. Often unnoticed at first, The Leader’s mustache is frequently eclipsed by his green skin and massive cranium. Still, this classic English Style mustache bleeds sophistication and discipline. A style not easily maintained, The English requires regular maintenance from its wearer.

Beginning at the upper lip, the whiskers are grown long and pulled to the side, while the areas past the corner of the mouth are cleanly shaven. The fact that The Leader has the time and patience to maintain this style amongst his schemes of world domination is a testament to his goal-oriented and highly professional operating standards.

8 Hogun The Grim

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

One of the legendary Warriors Three, the classic Thor ally, Hogun the Grim, has worn a traditional Fu Manchu style for at least the last few centuries of his existence. Depicted as such in Thor flashback stories set during the Viking Age, Hogun has actually canonically worn this style before it was assigned its modern name.

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The Fu Manchu mustache is originally named after Dr. Fu Manchu, a fictional villain created by the English author, Sax Rohmer, in 1913. Meant to invoke the imagery of the darkest accumulated wisdom, this drooping style is traditionally depicted as villainous and ancient, emphasized by the commitment the mustache itself traditionally takes to grow and perfectly suited to the grimmest of Asgard’s pantheon.

7 Diablo

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Another wearer of the Fu Manchu, the classic Fantastic Four villain, Diablo, is bread from the same sentiment of ancient deviousness associated with it. Born as Estaban Corazon de Ablo in 9th century Spain, Diablo was raised in affluence and eventually invested his vast family fortune into his studies of the alchemical arts. Through arcane means, de Ablo was eventually able to gain immortality, renaming himself Diablo as he studied further dark magics.

With his extensive experience with ancient sorcery and alchemy, Diablo has become a consistent conundrum for the more science-oriented Fantastic Four, wearing a mustache style that accurately conveys his accumulated dark knowledge.

6 Tony Stark

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Before Robert Downey Jr. introduced the world to the goateed version of Iron Man we all know today, Tony Stark was previously well known for his mustache alone. Part Pencil and part Pyramidal, Stark’s classic mustache was a staple of the character’s appearances throughout the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s.

Originally based upon the image of the real-life eccentric genius millionaire, Howard Hughes, Tony’s early depictions were an obvious homage, with the only difference between them being the trading of airplanes for armored suits. Although he has updated with the times and adopted a more contemporary style in recent years, Stark’s former facial hair remains memorable and is a true testament to the times in which it originated.

5 Thunderbolt Ross

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

The oldest of Bruce Banner’s enemies, General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross is a decorated career soldier who dedicated his later years to tracking down and apprehending the rampaging Hulk. Depicted since his earliest appearances wearing a very masculine, bushy Walrus-style mustache, Ross has always represented the same rugged appearance and ideals as the American frontiersman-turned-president, Theodore Roosevelt.

Despite shifting cultural norms, Thunderbolt Ross continued to wear this style for years, before eventually obtaining gamma-irradiated powers of his own. As the Red Hulk, Ross’s heat-based abilities, unfortunately, burn his mustache off with every transformation.

4 Dum Dum Dugan

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Commander Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan is one of the original Nick Fury’s oldest and closest allies, and an original member of The Howling Commandos. Granted an extended lease on life by first The Infinity Formula, and later by his recreation as a Life Model Decoy (LMD), Dugan has continued to wear the same vintage Handlebar style mustache since World War Two.

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While the specifics of LMD hair growth have never been fully explained, Dum Dum has occasionally allowed his facial hair to grow out into both Walrus and Horseshoe styles, but the well-maintained and slightly curly Handlebar style remains his trademark look to this day, artificial life form or not.

3 Batroc The Leaper

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

The only Marvel character to be regularly depicted wearing the Dali style, Batroc the Leaper is a French mercenary and parkour master, known for his frequent clashes with Captain America.

Similar to the Pencil, the Dali mustache is even more difficult to maintain, requiring the wearer to not only trim the surrounding face but then also utilize holding products to twist the ends into a slight upturned curl. As a man who regularly defies the laws of gravity in his costumed guise, it only makes sense that Batroc’s facial hair would do the same.

2 J. Jonah Jameson

Marvel Comics 10 Best Mustaches

Former mayor of New York and publisher of the newspaper The Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson has consistently worn a Toothbrush style mustache, beginning with his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #1. Despite the modest and conservative history of the style, Jameson has forged a reputation through his paper as a crusader for civil rights and minority groups, while also being lauded for his tough stance against organized crime.

Blinded by his distrust of anybody choosing to operate under a mask, Jameson has led many misguided smear campaigns against heroes like Spider-Man and his iconic mustache is always front and center during his highly publicized rants.

1 Stan Lee

The creator of The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Black Panther, the X-Men, and countless other pillars of the Marvel Universe, Stan “The Man” Lee’s creative legacy is only surpassed by his iconic and timeless mustache. Worn consistently in the same style since his earliest public interviews in the 1960s through his final years in the 20-teens, Stan’s mustache has come to represent the cultural zeitgeist of Marvel Comics itself.

Having written himself into his own books, such as The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man, Stan’s iconic “Comb” style also exists in the canonical, Earth-616 Marvel Universe, where the fictional Marvel Comics publishes the “real life” adventures of the heroes inhabiting it.

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