Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Marvel: Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality


The Avengers are powerful individually and collectively. Personality-wise, they’re each very different, so here’s how they rank based on personality.

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Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

The Avengers have always been a unique team in the world of Marvel Comics. While groups like the Fantastic Four were a family who did what they needed to do to save the world and The X-Men were outsiders that everyone feared, The Avengers was an official team. For many years, the U.S. Government financed The Avengers, and the team needed to keep its public face clean.

When someone did something out of line, they faced expulsion from the group or even a possible court-martial. It was important for the team to remain acceptable to the public, so we’re here to take a look at a few of the top members of The Avengers, ranked by their personality.

Updated on May 24th, 2021 by Scoot Allan: Following the debut of the team in the 1960s, The Avengers reached new levels of popularity when they appeared together on the big screen for the first time in the 2012 movie that helped launch the Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The first decade of the MCU introduced a number of characters adapted straight from the comics that included quite a few over-the-top and relatable personalities all working together on one team, which led to some climactic clashes between key members of The Avengers. We’ve taken another look at a few new additions to the Avengers to see how their dynamic personalities stack up against the rest of The Avengers.

15 The Vision’s Personality Began To Develop More As He Observed Human Life & Experienced Love

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

The Vision has one thing going against him when it comes to his personality, and it is the fact that he is an android. He has shown a personality at times, though those moments are usually based on his romance with Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch in the comics or his relationship with Tony Stark in the MCU.

However, he is also a logical thinker and serves as The Avengers’ version of Spock, which means he can be one of the most awkward when it comes to personal interactions. However, the character proved he had the potential to be more human than most when he became a father in WandaVision.

14 Hulk Has Displayed Various Personalities Over The Years, Though He’s Usually Angry

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

It shouldn’t be a surprise to see Hulk listed so low because when Hulk gets mad, things get broken. Remember, part of the reason that Hulk has always struggled to remain a hero in the world’s eyes is that he smashes everything and can’t control himself when his rage takes over.

Outside of Professor Hulk, he doesn’t do public appearances and is just the muscle to win fights, though after Hulk stayed transformed for a couple of years in Thor: Ragnarok he adopted a more content personality as he became a celebrated warrior on the planet Sakaar.

13 Scarlet Witch Has Lived A Life Filled With Tragedy And Dark Magic That Influenced Her Personality

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Scarlet Witch, as seen so far in the MCU, is not the most open of characters personality-wise, for a good reason. For one thing, Wanda was held captive and used as a weapon before her brother died in the battle on Sokovia. Then she only really related to an android, who was killed by Thanos causing a further break.

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WandaVision further teased her mental instability caused by the tragedy in her life and the continuing development of her powerful Infinity Stone-derived abilities that are tied to a dark mystical prophecy in the Darkhold. This ties into Wanda’s comic personality, which has become guarded following years of manipulation, loss, and struggles with her abilities.

12 Okoye Has A Hard Warrior’s Personality But Is Also Witty & Charming

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

While T’Challa/Black Panther first began working with The Avengers in Captain America: Civil War and helped the team during the Infinity War, it was actually Okoye who stepped up to join the surviving members of the team in the post-snap world of Avengers: Endgame.

While Okoye might seem cold given her serious nature and no-nonsense approach to her role as the General of the Dora Milaje, she also has a quick wit and charm that often displays in battle, where she seems to be most comfortable.

11 Rocket Raccoon Has Grown in Personality But Is Still An Acquired Taste For Some Avengers

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

When Rocket first joined with the Guardians of the Galaxy in the MCU alongside his long-time partner Groot, he had a rough and abrasive personality that was built upon years of experimentation and abuse, though he began to soften when he found a family alongside the Guardians.

His humor and sometimes arrogant brilliance began to add to his personality instead of detracting, especially when Rocket began working alongside The Avengers and other personalities like Tony Stark and Thor during Endgame.

10 Captain Marvel Has Spent Her Life Proving Herself In The Army To Become One Of The MCU’s Most Powerful

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

In the MCU, Captain Marvel was raised in competition with her brothers and forced to prove herself, which worked well during her training as a soldier in the Air Force that further influenced her personality. She has one focus and that is getting the job at hand done, which serves her well as a defender of the universe and frequent cavalry for the Avengers

In the comics, the character took a beating in the Civil War II storyline when she sided with other heroes against Tony Stark in a controversial battle that turned many against her. Despite this, she is still a mentor to many characters including Ms. Marvel, who is set to join the MCU and Captain Marvel in her own Disney+ series and The Marvels.

9 War Machine Is A Military Man With A Sense Of Humor Who Is Extremely Loyal To His Friends

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

James “Rhodey” Rhodes was the best friend of Tony Stark in the MCU who was a high-ranking Air Force officer who soon gained his own powerful suit of armor as the military’s own Iron Man known as War Machine and briefly, Iron Patriot.

It takes a certain personality to be best friends with Tony Stark that includes Rhodey’s unique sense of humor, and despite their many differences and disagreements, Rhodey’s loyalty to his friend (which later extends to The Avengers) ultimately guides his decisions which showcases some of his best personality traits and character qualities.

8 Black Widow Spent Years As An Untrustworthy Spy But Proved Herself As A Valued Member Of The Avengers

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Black Widow was raised as an assassin by the secretive Russian Red Room, which gave her the detached mentality and personality of a spy. When she has a mission, it comes before almost any friendship or alliance, though her relationships with Hawkeye and Captain America allowed her to open up and reveal more of her own personality.

She even almost found love with fellow troubled Avenger Bruce Banner, though her detachment allowed her to focus on her new role as the leader of the Avengers in the post-snap world of Avengers: Endgame that ultimately saw her sacrifice herself for the universe.

7 Hawkeye Was A Sometimes Detached Avenger With A Secret That Revealed His True Heart

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Hawkeye’s characterization in the MCU was largely focused on his Ultimate Marvel counterpart in the comics who came from a S.H.I.E.L.D. background and was able to remain detached and focus on the mission, which kept him separate from the rest of The Avengers.

However, Avengers: Age of Ultron featured an entirely different side of Clint Barton as he revealed the existence of his family to The Avengers, which revealed his true personality and his reasons for detachment in order to keep his family safe from his work. His dark turn in Endgame as Ronin only further proved how ingrained his family was to his personality.

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6 The Falcon Was A Great Friend Who Was Hand-Picked To Become The Next Captain America

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

In the comics, The Falcon was initially a street kid who fought to protect those he loved and then ended up as a hero thanks to the trust and respect he earned from Captain America, though in the MCU, The Falcon was a soldier, just like Captain America.

He quickly became a great friend to the displaced Steve Rogers due to their similar experiences during wartime which led to his eventual place on the team as one of the most personable members of The Avengers. Sam Wilson was even hand-picked by Steve Rogers to take over as the new Captain America, which he finally earned for himself in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

5 Scott Lang Added Humor, Positivity, And Inspiration To The Avengers As Ant-Man

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Ant-Man joined the ranks of The Avengers in Captain America: Civil War following his debut in 2015’s self-titled movie, and he quickly stood out due to his unique sense of humor and fanboy-like qualities that made him instantly relatable to fans of the MCU.

However, Scott Lang was also an ongoing source of positivity as he was quick to throw support at any of his fellow Avengers while also bringing the ultimate solution of time travel through the Quantum Realm to the team, providing critical inspiration to Tony Stark when needed to bring him back to the fight.

4 Tony Stark Is A Genius With A Dynamic Personality That Sometimes Made Enemies As Iron Man

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

Tony Stark is easily the most personable character in the MCU, but the problem is that he is not trustworthy all the time. He is even worse in the comic books, as someone who goes by his baser instincts more than he goes with his amazing brain which has led to numerous problems in events like Civil War and Secret Invasion.

While he is not the most trustworthy person in the MCU, he is still one of the most personable and can convince anyone to join him. He also is someone who his friends can trust when the cards are down despite the many differences they have had over the years.

3 Spider-Man Is A Relatable Teenager With Great Humor & A Well-Defined Sense Of Responsibility

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

There have been a few different versions of Spider-Man in the comics as the character has grown from a teenager to an adult and gone through many milestones that have continued to alter his personality, though the MCU version of the character exists as a high school student being mentored by his superhero peers.

His sense of humor is on full display along with the sense of responsibility that has defined all versions of the character, making him one of the most-liked and respected (though sometimes thought of as annoying) members of the team due to his unique personality.

2 Captain America Is Known As The Sentinel Of Liberty & Is Well-Regarded As The Most Moral Avenger

Marvel Ranking The Top 15 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

The most trustworthy member of The Avengers is, and always has been, Captain America. Even when he started a revolution and kicked off the Civil War, he was doing it for the reasons that he believed in his heart was right. And he never hurt anyone else when doing it, unlike Iron Man, who was more of a blunt hammer than a heroic force for good.

The MCU version of the character quickly became the leader of The Avengers and the man to call when threats like Thanos arose, proving his dependability. Even his simple courtesy to Groot upon their first meeting highlights the innate goodness of his personality.

1 Thor Is One Of The Nicest & Most Charismatic Members Of The Avengers Who Always Proves Himself Worthy

Thor is an Asgardian god and he is one of the most arrogant characters in the Marvel Universe, both in the comic books and the MCU. However, Thor is also one of the nicest and most charismatic characters who has spent countless years both reveling in battle and worship as well as fighting for those weaker than him.

He was there to snap pictures with fans and always had a smile on his face until the events of Avengers: Infinity War knocked him down following the loss of his home, most of his people, and the last of his family. However, Thor was able to bounce back with the help of his friends and he proved himself once again worthy of both Mjolnir and the respect of his team in Endgame.

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