Marvel’s Most Powerful Weapon Returns to the Comics

Marvel’s Most Powerful Weapon Returns to the Comics

The Ultimate Nullifier is the most powerful weapon in the Marvel Universe, capable of scaring even Galactus, and now it’s making a return!

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Marvel’s Most Powerful Weapon Returns to the Comics

Spoilers for Fantastic Four #27 and 28 ahead!

The most powerful weapon in the Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Nullifier will be making its grand return in Fantastic Four #28. Recent issues of the series have seen the team go up against a truly heavyweight villain, and it looks like only the Nullifier can stop her! Written by Dan Slott with art by R.B. Silva, the issue will be in stores on January 27.

The Ultimate Nullifier is billed as the most powerful weapon in the Marvel Universe, capable of scaring even Galactus. It scares him so much he keeps it on his worldship, the Taa II. The weapon’s origins are unknown, although some believe it to be an aspect of Galactus himself. The weapon is capable of completely obliterating its target, but if the user is not careful, they can destroy themselves as well. There is also no known limit to the weapon’s power—it is only hindered by the user’s intellect and concentration. That means in the hands of someone like Reed Richards or Galactus, it can be capable of wiping out entire universes. The Ultimate Nullifier first appeared in Fantastic Four #50, way back in 1966. Galactus was threatening to consume the Earth, and the only weapon capable of turning him back was the Nullifier. The weapon has made only sporadic appearances since but is now officially on its way back to the Marvel Universe.

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Hordes of alien refugees are pouring into New York through the Forever Gate, which links to every point in space and time. The Fantastic Four learns these refugees are fleeing the Griever at the End of All Things. The living embodiment of entropy at universe’s end, she is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. Complicating matters is that Franklin Richards, another of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, has lost his powers, putting the Fantastic Four at a severe disadvantage. Enter the Ultimate Nullifier! The image for the next issue’s cover shows someone wielding the weapon, but it’s unclear who it is.

Marvel’s Most Powerful Weapon Returns to the Comics

The Griever is a powerful being who was able to defeat the Molecule Man (no slouch himself) easily, so it makes perfect sense that the Nullifier might be the only weapon capable of defeating her, especially with Franklin Richards off the table.

The Marvel Universe is home to many fantastic beings and weapons, each seemingly more powerful than the next, yet there is one weapon that usually sends them all packing: The Ultimate Nullifier. Whether or not it will be able to stop the Griever is up in the air, but it may be the only hope the Fantastic Four have.

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