Marvels Superman Just Brutally Murdered Galactus

Marvel’s Superman Just Brutally Murdered Galactus

Marvel’s Superman, Hyperion, just got revenge on Galactus for killing his entire family, as he brutally murdered the villain.

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Marvels Superman Just Brutally Murdered Galactus

Warning! Spoilers for Heroes Reborn #1 by Marvel Comics below.

Marvel’s Superman just got revenge on Galactus, by brutally murdering the villain when he arrived on Earth. In a new preview for Heroes Reborn #2, Hyperion reveals the Devourer of Worlds is responsible for the death of his planet and family, so when Galactus tries to take over his current home planet, the powerful hero doesn’t mess around in killing the cosmic villain for good.

In the current Marvel Universe, everything has changed under mysterious circumstances, as the hero Blade has awoken in a timeline where the Avengers don’t exist. In Heroes Reborn, the Squadron Supreme has replaced them as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, as Marvel’s pastiche of the Justice League has taken center stage for the new event. In the new world, Tony Stark has continued making weapons for the military, Captain Marvel struggles in the Air Force due to insubordination, the Hulk has been thrown into the Negative Zone, Wakanda is still a myth, and Captain America has never been unfrozen in ice.

In a new look at Marvel Comics’ Heroes Reborn #2 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matthew Wilson, and Cory Petit, Galactus arrives on Earth, just like his first full appearance in Fantastic Four #49. As Galactus tells the planet he’s going to feast on it to sustain his hunger, Silver Surfer warns him of something coming towards him that’s even faster than him. That’s when Hyperion speeds through the cosmic juggernaut’s head, bursting through the back of his skull, instantly killing Galactus.

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Hyperion has a reason to end Galactus’ life on sight. In the preceding monologue, he reveals he didn’t know his parent’s names or faces, as they were killed on his home planet by Galactus. The only reason he survived is, much like Superman, he was put on a ship and sent into space as the planet was destroyed. Hyperion says he hopes those who were lost in Galactus’ hunger somehow saw him kill him so their deaths were not in vain.

Hyperion killing Galactus shows what separates him from the DC Comics character he was originally based on. Superman would try to find a solution to stopping Galactus without killing him. Meanwhile, Hyperion was understandably enraged at the sight of Galactus given his history with him – and as soon as he touched down on Earth, he wasted no time in ending his life. It’s an incredible moment showing Hyperion’s amazing strength, as he easily takes down one of the strongest cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe. Heroes Reborn #2 is in stores next week.

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