MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

MCU: 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than T’Challa)


T’Challa and Nakia are one of the best couples in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are some other people Nakia could have dated.

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MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

T’Challa and Nakia are one of the best and most underrated couples in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe even though they only are together in one movie. Sadly, with Chadwick Boseman’s tragic passing, their relationship likely won’t be explored that much further in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, but their relationship will remain in the canon story and likely shape Nakia’s character going forward.

However, while these two were great together, there are other people that Nakia could have been with, or could be within the future if the story takes this route, that would also make a lot of sense. Some of these pairings make more sense than others, but all of these characters could be a possible match for Nakia, even if mostly just in fanfiction.

10 Steve Rogers

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

While Steve Rogers and Nakia are never shown in any scenes together, it’s implied that they would have known each other, or at least they could have.

After the events of Captain America: Civil War, Steve and Bucky are given refuge in Wakanda by T’Challa. Bucky lives there in the years between Civil War and Infinity War, while Steve comes back and forth somewhat. However, though Bucky was around more, Steve seems like a better match for Nakia personality-wise as they are both very loyal but serious people. They are also both very determined to follow the paths they believe to be right.

9 Sam Wilson

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

We never see Sam and Nakia interact, and we don’t know if they would have in the canon story up to this point. However, there might be an opportunity for the two characters to meet in the future, especially with a Captain America 4 movie on the way.

Sam does visit Wakanda in Infinity War, and the Wakandans do give him wings when he is ruined in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. However, Sam might not be serious enough for Nakia.

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8 Natasha Romanoff

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

A lot of the characters on this list are ones that Nakia has never met, but this makes sense seeing as how the character was only in Black Panther so far. While other Wakandans were in Infinity War or Endgame, Nakia has only been in one movie.

However, based on personality, these two might work. They are both spies and work in espionage, and they both understand the difficulties and trauma of the world. Their personalities seem like they would work well, too.

7 Carol Danvers

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

Carol Danvers is a character that many fans have speculated, or wished, would be made LGBTQ+ in the movies. Carol is commonly shipped with Maria Rambeau, which makes sense given that they were best friends and very close, or with Valkyrie.

That said, it would be great to at least some more interactions between Nakia and other women in the franchise, even if it’s not in a romantic way. While Carol is a bit more outgoing than Nakia and extroverted, they could balance each other out. They are both leaders, who make their own paths in life, and that could be great grounds on which to build their relationship.

6 Valkyrie

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

Just like with Carol Danvers, Valkyrie is a character that Nakia has ever interacted with, and unlike Carol, Valkyrie isn’t even from the same planet as Nakia.

At first glance, they seem to be very different people as Nakia is devoted and loyal while Valkyrie seems a bit more immature and playful. However, they both know what it’s like to be devoted to a group of warriors. Nakia with the War Dogs and Valkyrie with the other Valkyrie guards, so they could relate on that level.

5 Gamora

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

It’s overall a shame that Nakia wasn’t in any of the Avengers ensemble films, as it would have been great to see more of her as a character and also see how she interacts with others.

While Gamora has a much different life story and past than Nakia, they could work. Gamora is a bit rougher around the edges and less motivated by compassion, but she’s also a good person that cares about others. Nakia and Gamora are both strong warriors that could bond over the different battles they fight.

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4 Xoliswa

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

Xoliswa is a minor character that fans might not even recognize the name of, and this is partly because she meets an extremely tragic end in the films. She is murdered by Killmonger. However, if she didn’t die, or even if she did, these two could have had a relationship of some kind. They at least would have known each other quite well as Xoliswa was a member of the Dora Milaje.

While not much is known about her personality, these two exist in the same social circles, and Nakia likely would have interacted with her on a regular basis.

3 M’Baku

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

As far as canon goes, M’Baku and Nakia will likely never be together and would likely work better as friends.

However, these two were both in a similar station as royals with claims to the throne of Wakanda so they do have some shared ground. They likely wouldn’t have gotten along well given M’Baku’s resentment of T’Challa at first, but they probably became friends after T’Challa and M’Baku became closer.

2 Ayo

MCU 10 People Nakia Could Have Been With (Other Than TChalla)

Ayo is a supporting character in the series who has gotten more scenes after being included in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Fans would definitely like to see more of this character, who is an important member of the Dora Milaje, and seeing as how Ayo is is a lesbian in the comics written by Roxanne Gay, it would be especially amazing to see her date another woman at some point in the franchise.

While the MCU might not want Nakia to move on from T’Challa, these two women would make a good pair, even if it’s just in fanfic.

1 Okoye

Okoye and Nakia have a compelling relationship that makes them seem like the best option for a romantic relationship for Nakia if the story had been different. While Okoye is with W’Kabi and Nakia is with T’Challa, these two women are close.

They work together and seem to be friends, and while they have different approaches after Killmonger seemingly kills T’Challa, they are both loyal and compassionate people. These two likely would continue to be close, and it would be great to see more of them together in scenes, even just as friends.

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