MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

MCU: Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The Spider-Man Films


The MCU’s take on Spider-Man has provided fans with two stellar films and some fantastic performances from a very charming cast.

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MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

Fans everywhere rejoiced when word broke out that Spider-Man would be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, starting with 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. The following year, audiences got a tremendous solo endeavor in Spider-Man: Homecoming and 2019 saw Spider-Man: Far From Home.

In the eyes of many, this new take on Peter Parker was the best for the popular comic book superhero in history. It has felt like a true high school series and part of that is down to the excellent job that was done in casting these characters. There have been many actors who shined in this series, which spans two movies so far.

10 Tony Revolori

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

In most takes on Spider-Man stories, Flash Thompson is Peter Parker’s bully. That was kept somewhat the same for the MCU version but with a twist. Flash is also kind of a nerd, as he’s on things like the academic decathlon team, yet he seems to get bested by Peter, including being benched for him.

Part of what makes this take on the character work so well is Tony Revolori. He gives off the perfect vibe of a Flash who isn’t a jock but can still rag on Peter for various reasons. There are insecurities in him that are hidden not all that deep beneath the surface. Revolori is a strong source of comedy.

9 Martin Starr

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

It’s interesting to note that Martin Starr is actually playing a character that he first portrayed in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. Back then, he was a college student but here, he’s Peter’s teacher and academic decathlon coach, Mr. Harrington. He gets much more shine in this series.

As always, Starr has managed to become something of a scene-stealer. Each time he’s on the screen, you’re bound to laugh. Starr has a long history in comedy and he delivers one of the most enjoyable supporting roles in the entire MCU.

8 Jon Favreau

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

It’s the man who started the MCU by directing the first film, 2008’s Iron Man. Jon Favreau has stuck around since day one, appearing on-screen as Happy Hogan, Tony Stark’s head of security. He plays a bigger role than expected in the two Spider-Man movies.

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In Spider-Man: Homecoming, he’s in charge of keeping tabs on Peter and it’s funny to see how annoyed he is with the kid. However, Favreau really got to show his acting chops in the sequel when he helped Peter with the loss of Tony and in his ultimate mission.

7 Jacob Batalon

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

Spider-Man is the only superhero in the MCU to really worry about his secret identity, at least at first. That’s why it was refreshing in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter’s best friend Ned Leeds found out the truth. That set up a delightful dynamic. Jacob Batalon is spectacular as Ned, Peter’s “guy in the chair.”

The actor brings all of the energy and excitement that is needed for someone who is ecstatic that his best friend is now a superhero. Ned has become a beloved character because of Batalon’s performance and chemistry with the rest of the cast. His romantic subplot in Spider-Man: Far From Home was a treat.

6 Marisa Tomei

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

When Marisa Tomei was cast as Aunt May, first appearing in Captain America: Civil War, fans were split. She’s a talented actress but many felt she was too young for the role. However, that worked out well since this Peter was very young and it allowed for plenty of comedy based on her age.

The chemistry and flirtation between Tomei and co-stars like Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. were great. The best part is that she shared some great scenes with Tom Holland. The only negative is that Tomei didn’t get a ton of screen time between the two standalone films.

5 Robert Downey Jr.

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

Part of the reason for the major success of Spider-Man: Homecoming can be attributed to Robert Downey Jr. When he’s in an MCU film, they typically do better at the box office. He was reportedly paid $10 million for his work in what amounted to 15 minutes in the movie.

It was worth every penny. Downey Jr. has remarkable chemistry with Holland and really gave the film a boost. He was far better in the Uncle Ben style mentor role than anyone probably ever expected. The relationship formed by Stark and Parker is a driving force, even in Avengers: Endgame.

4 Zendaya

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

It seems like Zendaya can’t miss these days, can she? Whether stealing the show in The Greatest Showman or winning an Emmy for Euphoria, the talented youngster is on fire. That includes her outstanding work as Michelle “MJ” Jones in this series.

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She’s mostly off to the sides in Spider-Man: Homecoming, delivering fun quips here and there. It’s in Spider-Man: Far From Home where she truly shines. She’s incredibly likable and her chemistry with Holland is off the charts. Fans could watch the two characters hang out for hours even without any superhero action. That’s how good Zendaya is.

3 Jake Gyllenhaal

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

There were people everywhere who questioned how certain comic book characters could translate to the big screen. Mysterio was a villain who it that bill. With a look that featured his famous fishbowl helmet, it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to be taken seriously.

Enter the MCU and Jake Gyllenhaal. The actor, who was considered for the Spider-Man role in the past, was marvelous as Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio. His bond with Holland felt believable when he was faking being his friend. Then, his turn to reveal who he really was ended up being even better. Gyllenhaal was special in the role.

2 Michael Keaton

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

As great as Gyllenhaal was as a villain, he couldn’t quite surpass what fans got in the first installment. Michael Keaton, who starred as Batman and a former superhero in 2014’s Birdman, stepped into the role of Adrian Toomes, aka The Vulture. It was another character who didn’t seem like he would work in a movie.

In the comics, Vulture is an old man who is a lesser Spidey villain. Thanks to a well-crafted story and, most importantly, a chilling performance by Keaton, Vulture was threatening. The scene where Keaton realizes that Parker is Spider-Man is phenomenal.

1 Tom Holland

MCU Ranking The 10 Best Performances In The SpiderMan Films

Taking on the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man at this point is a herculean task. Many fans held Tobey Maguire’s work in high esteem and there was a charm to Andrew Garfield’s take. Despite being the third Spidey in about 15 years, Tom Holland managed to blow every other version out of the water.

Audiences everywhere are enamored with Holland’s work. He has massive charisma and is incredibly likable as Peter. You believe him as a kid who was thrust into this huge role and that he’s struggling with it. When it comes time to deliver big emotional moments, Holland also nails that and the same goes for the physical side of the character. He can do no wrong.

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