MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

MCU: Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are


From Thanos’ plan to complete all his objectives with a single snap to Ego’s assimilation of planets, MCU villains’ schemes range in complexity.

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MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently in its fourth phase of movies and TV shows, but Phase Three is where the franchise’s most significant stories took place. It’s where Thanos put his plans into motion and also featured events like the Avengers’ civil war and Asgard’s destruction, among other big-time conflicts.

The villains that appeared in this phase all had evil schemes that varied in complexity, scale, and execution of the planning. It’s worth noting that while certain plans had eviler consequences, they aren’t considered the most clever due to a number of factors. It means that low-level villains can rank higher, so it’s worth looking into how clever the antagonists’ plans were.

10 Hela: Assume Her Place As Queen Of Asgard To Conquer The Nine Realms And Beyond

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Hela was the rightful ruler of Asgard since she was Odin’s firstborn child, so there wasn’t really much of any planning for her to do. In addition, her powers easily outclassed Thor, meaning she didn’t need to resort to any strategy to take down her main enemy.

Her overall plan was also rather by-the-numbers, in that she mainly just wanted to use her undead army to access the Bifrost and enslave the universe. There was no real need for her to make use of her intelligence here, seeing as Hela was too powerful and would have easily conquered other planets.

9 Ghost: Steal The Quantum Tunnel To Use The Quantum Realm’s Energy

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Easily the most sympathetic villain in the MCU, Ghost only needed the Quantum tunnel to use the energy and cure her ailment. She wasn’t “evil” per se but was the antagonist because her usage of the tunnel would likely have denied the return of Janet van Dyne, which the heroes were trying to accomplish.

Her plan was straightforward, with Ghost tailing the heroes to find the location of the tunnel to then harness the quantum energy from within. She was smart enough to have the allegiance of Bill Foster, who was the one to suggest the use of the Quantum tunnel to Ghost.

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8 Vulture: Steal Avengers Tech And Weapons While They Were Being Transported

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Vulture could have become one of the richest MCU villains had it not been for Spider-Man foiling his plans. His goal was to steal the enhanced weapons the Avengers had in their possession from the DODC plane while they were being transported to the New Avengers Facility.

It was a pretty brilliant plan, as Vulture covertly gained access into the location at a time when no one would have expected. Still, the plan had some gaps in them, mainly the fact that he had no backup for when he got caught and Spider-Man did indeed put an end to proceedings through his intervention.

7 Dormammu: Take Over Earth Through The Use Of His Zealots

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Dormammu let Kaecilius carry out the majority of his plans, which involved opening up a portal for him to absorb the world and then toward that particular reality. Dormammu’s strategy was smart because he convinced his zealots of bounties by giving them some of his powers, while never actually planning to reward them.

In effect, Dormammu was basically planning to lie in wait for the time to strike when his minions did all the work. Of course, this ended up biting him instead since Dormammu’s zealots led Doctor Strange to him, who ended up outsmarting Dormammu, so the nefarious scheme was by no means foolproof.

6 Yon-Rogg: Manipulate Captain Marvel To Use Her Against The Skrulls

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Yon-Rogg convinced an amnesiac Captain Marvel that she was his student and was in the process of training her as his protege. He planned to use her as his weapon in the war against the Skrulls, which was a clever manner of thinking since Carol was so loyal to him.

However, the scheme was exposed when Captain Marvel ended up regaining her memories, which then totally upended Yon-Rogg’s plans. To his credit, he couldn’t have foreseen the turn in events that led to Danvers’ heroics, so the overall strategy was pretty good. Still, he put too many eggs in one basket and it went splat when things went south.

5 Ego: Manipulate His Children To Extract Their Powers And Assimilate Worlds

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

While Ego is a definite contender for the funniest MCU villain, his evil plan was perhaps the most long-lasting of all. Ego planted his seeds – children he’d sired with various species of women – across the universe to find the spawn who had the same powers he did.

Ego’s plan was to then combine his Celestial powers with his child’s and terraform the planets he’d been to. It would have worked, as seen when the Guardians nearly lost to Ego, so the latter’s master plan most definitely had merit. The failings in his schemes were that he didn’t account for his children learning of his weak spot, which Star-Lord ultimately destroyed.

4 Mysterio: Manipulate Spider-Man To Hand Over The E.D.I.T.H. Glasses In Order To Establish Himself As A False Hero

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Mysterio had a massive ego that he surprisingly was able to harness to successfully get his ploy moving. He faked the existence of monsters to appear as if he knew how to vanquish them, thereby gaining Spider-Man’s trust, who handed over the E.D.I.T.H. glasses to Mysterio.

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Mysterio’s overall intention was to use E.D.I.T.H.’s orbital weaponized drones and increase the complexity of his illusions to play himself off as the newest Avenger-level hero. There wasn’t that much wrong with the plan, but Mysterio’s arrogance made him overlook that Spider-Man could deduce the trick he pulled, which led to his defeat. Overall, however, it was an ingenious way to claim the glasses without having to reveal his villainy.

3 Erik Killmonger: Usurp The Wakandan Throne To Use War Dogs Around The World To Start A World War

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Killmonger was a villain who took his time craft out his goal years in advance, pulling it off perfectly as he killed off Ulysses Klau to gain entry into Wakanda, cashed in on his right to vie for the throne, and then aligned himself with people like W’Kabi to use the Wakandan army.

There’s little doubt that his planning worked to perfection, with Killmonger assigning war dogs around the world to attack once they had weapons delivered from Wakanda. The only problem was that he couldn’t see T’Challa’s survival coming, which came down to pure luck. Killmonger also failed to account for the Dora Milaje’s loyalty to T’Challa.

2 Helmut Zemo: Destroy The Avengers By Making Them Fight Each Other

MCU Ranking The Phase 3 Villains By How Clever Their Evil Plans Are

Despite being a normal human, Zemo is considered among the best MCU villains in Phase Three. That comes down to the fact that Zemo destroyed the Avengers where no other could. His plan was to frame The Winter Soldier behind the bombing of the UN, which then pinned the blame on the Avengers and split them in half.

Zemo then used the tape of the death of Tony Stark’s parents to drive a wedge between him and Captain America, ensuring the Avengers were indefinitely dismantled. Unlike the other villains, this plan had no flaws in it at all, as Zemo was successful in pulling his scheme off.

1 Thanos: Use The Infinity Stones To Eliminate Half Of All Life In The Universe To Prevent Overpopulation

Although Thanos’ actions were reversed in Avengers: Endgame, it was only years after he had successfully completed his mission. Thanos’ plan was to assemble the Infinity Stones to complete the Infinity Gaunlet and eliminate half of all life to solve the overpopulation problem.

It was an intelligent plan because the Snap achieved what Thanos wanted in a single moment. He didn’t need to spend what would have been thousands of years killing off half of the population on every planet, as the gauntlet allowed him an easy fix. Moreover, the powers the stones offered him empowered him to the point where heroes who would have defeated him otherwise were disposed of.

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