My Hero Academia Hawks Tragic Childhood Revealed

My Hero Academia: Hawks’ Tragic Childhood Revealed

Chapter 299 of the My Hero Academia manga reveals the tragic childhood history of Hawks, who successfully infiltrated the League of Villains.

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My Hero Academia Hawks Tragic Childhood Revealed

Warning: Spoilers ahead for My Hero Academia Chapter 299

My Hero Academia’s latest chapter reveals the tragic childhood of Keigo Takami, also known as Hawks. Hawks plays an important role before and during the Hero Association’s raid on the Paranormal Liberation Front’s hideout. He joins the League of Villains under the guise that he agrees with their ideology. The reality, however, is far from that. He is merely tasked by the Hero Public Safety Commission to be a double agent and infiltrate the League of Villains. In order to prove his loyalty, he even has to sell Endeavor’s location for a Nomu attack and personally confront Best Jeanist as his final test. Afterwards, he goes to Dabi with Beast Jeanist’s body.

After Hawks successfully infiltrates the League of Villains, he witnesses them absorbing the Meta Liberation Army and forming the Paranormal Liberation Front. He then slowly and meticulously gathers data while also feeding them sensitive data about the pro heroes and the Hero Association. When he has gathered enough information about the Paranormal Liberation Front, he tips off Endeavor about their plans. But since he’s being tracked and monitored, Hawks isn’t able to outright relay the information to Endeavor. Instead, he uses the Meta Liberation War book and trusts on Endeavor’s ability to see through his unnatural behavior. Endeavor lives up to his name and manages to organize a raid, which results in loads of casualties on both sides.

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Chapter 299 of the manga reveals this fan favorite’s tragic childhood. Hawks isn’t a child born out of love. He was only conceived because his mother sheltered his father, a wanted murderer. Because of that, he’s been locked inside their home as his father fears that Keigo will rat him out to the the authorities. Keigo then grows up without love or companionship. He mostly spends his time watching the television, which often shows heroes. Since he has been isolated, he grows up believing heroes are merely fictional characters. When Keigo sneaks outside after feeling a tingling sensation on his feathers, his father mistakes his actions as ratting him out and starts to beat him up. He also tells Keigo about how he could be free if he wasn’t born. Keigo endures these abuses from his parents until Endeavor catches his father.

Even after his father is put into prison, Hawks’ hardships haven’t ended yet. With no survival skills in the society, he and his mother are forced to live on the streets. When he suggests going to the police, his mother tells him to get them some money no matter what method he uses. That’s when he uses his wings to save people from a high-speed car accident, which arouses the attention of Hero Public Safety Commission. This agency then bribes his mother to groom him into a master of deception and infiltration.

With his tragic backstory, fans are seeing Hawks in a new light. His story, however, doesn’t seem to only be a tool to garner My Hero Academia fans’ sympathy. Chapter 299 ends with Hawks stating that Endeavor is in danger, and his origin may have something to do with it.

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