Narutos Son Boruto Vs Supermans Son Jon Who Would Win in a Fight

Naruto’s Son Boruto Vs. Superman’s Son Jon: Who Would Win in a Fight?

Naruto’s son Boruto and Superman’s Son Jon are both incredibly powerful heroes regardless of their famous fathers, but who’d win in a fight?

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Narutos Son Boruto Vs Supermans Son Jon Who Would Win in a Fight

In terms of family background, Boruto and Superboy have comparable stories. As the son of Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki, Boruto came into to world with a number of advantages. He inherited his father’s immense reserve of chakra, or the special force that is essential for a ninja to skillfully perform the secret ninja fighting techniques known as jutsu. From his mother, he inherited her clan’s kekkei genkai, a hereditary genetic mutation that gives the possessors unique magical abilities.

For Superboy, being a member of the House of El also has its privileges. He inherited most, if not all, of his father, Superman’s basic powers including super-strength, invulnerability, and flight. From his mother, Lois Lane, he inherited her human DNA which, when combined with Superman’s Kryptonian genes, may potentially give him powers over and above those of his father.

In addition to their similar hereditary backgrounds, Boruto and Superboy also share the fact that, unlike their fathers, their parents have been present and supportive of them all their lives. As such, they have been able to learn much from their parents, including their triumphs, failures, desires, and wisdom. This has made both Boruto and Jonathan Kent more grounded, cerebral, and sensitive heroes. Moreover, both have been in the hero game since they were kids. This has allowed both to develop friendships with the children of other powerful heroes. Through these connections, both have developed a deep understanding of what it means to be a superhero, and the sacrifices it requires from a very deep and personal place.

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The primary difference between the two young heroes is in powers and abilities. Boruto is a first-class ninja. In hand-to-hand combat and stealth techniques, few are his match. Additionally, Boruto can supplement his fighting skills with three key magical abilities. First, with Rasengan, he can channel his chakra energy and release it as an energy ball bomb. Second, via his kekkei genkai, he has the power of jogan, which gives him a special ability to track an opponent based on the release of their chakra. Third, the kama, or karma, seal etched on his hand, allows him to siphon the chakra from others and essentially absorb their skills. On the other hand, Superboy is a younger version of his father and manifests all his powers and abilities.

Intuitively, it does not seem that it would be much of a fight. Whatever Boruto throws at him, Superboy is likely to resist. Conversely, for all his abilities, it does not appear that Boruto has any defenses to overcome such Superboy powers as heat vision, freeze breath, super speed, and flight. The only viable way that Boruto might be able to win is based on the degree to which Superboy inherited his father’s vulnerability to magic. If he has, then Boruto is the favorite to win. While he might be able to subdue Superboy with a physical attack the least he could use his kama seal to send Superboy to another dimension.

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