Neo Is Already In Mortal Kombat

Neo Is Already In Mortal Kombat


The Matrix’s Neo is a science fiction and pop culture icon whose appearance in Mortal Kombat would be incredible for fans of the series.

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Neo Is Already In Mortal Kombat

The Matrix’s Neo is a science fiction and pop culture icon whose appearance in Mortal Kombat would be incredible. For fans of the Mortal Kombat series and its many great DLC crossovers, Neo would surely be a welcome addition. His reality-bending powers and martial arts prowess would be a fun fit in the fighting game series. Though he doesn’t exist by name, some fans seem to think Neo is already in Mortal Kombat – in theory.

Other big science fiction movie names exist in the Mortal Kombat series already. Robocop is the first movie that comes to mind with an incredible representation. His entry sequence as an OmniCorp police officer calls for backup is absolute gold. Even his special move where an ED-209 robot blasts his enemy is an epic callback to the Robocop movie franchise. Also, who could forget the epic showdown between Robocop and The Terminator? It leaves fans that want to see Neo in Mortal Kombat dreaming of the possibilities.

When answering fan questions in an interview, one came up about the inclusion of Keanu Reeve’s characters in Mortal Kombat. He replied, “If it was up to me, no. Neo, John Wick, they’re doing their own thing. Mortal Kombat’s doing [its] own thing.” That’s a bit disappointing to hear, but luckily for fans, there is already a character in Mortal Kombat that seems to offer a lot of what Neo would bring and that character is Shinnok.

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Who Is Shinnok & Why Is He Mortal Kombat’s Neo?

Shinnok has been in the Mortal Kombat series for a long time. The Fallen God of Death, who managed to take over the Netherrealm, first appeared in the adventure game Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. He later returned and was even the final boss of Mortal Kombat X. He’s essentially been an integral antagonist in the series for as long as some fans can remember.

Neo may not be a god in The Matrix, but he sure wields a lot of power. Neo can stop a hail of bullets in mid-air with just an extended palm and block a flurry of punches without even looking at his opponent. Neo is even such an adept martial artist that he can make disabling two opponents in mere seconds, look effortless. However, as Reddit users have pointed out, so can Shinnok in Mortal Kombat. The similarities may be coincidental – or Shinnok might have borrowed a move or two from Neo.

Neo may not have officially appeared in Mortal Kombat. However, that doesn’t mean he never will. Maybe Keanu Reeves will change his stance on Neo’s inclusion. In the meantime, fans can enjoy playing Shinnok and using a bit of imagination. If and when Neo does drop into the fighting game series, it will assuredly be epic.

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