No Time To Die Has Bond’s Worst Title CallOut Scene

No Time To Die Has Bond’s Worst Title Call-Out Scene

Recent Bond outings mostly eschewed title drops, but new 007 Nomi’s No Time To Die call-out was a hilariously corny return to the franchise tradition.

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No Time To Die Has Bond’s Worst Title CallOut Scene

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for No Time To Die.

Daniel Craig’s James Bond swansong No Time To Die subverted a lot of the franchise’s cliches, but its title call-out was one of the corniest and worst that the 007 movies have done in some time. The James Bond franchise is infamous for its cliche elements. From zany over-the-top Bond villains to Bond girls who are doomed to die after sleeping with the suave super-spy, the James Bond movies tend to follow a somewhat predictable formula. Or at least, the series used to until relatively recently.

Layer Cake star Daniel Craig’s casting as Bond in 2006’s Casino Royale ushered in a new era for the James Bond franchise wherein 007 was far more fallible and much less quick to quip. The grounded, comparatively realistic Bond adventures that followed his debut were still action-heavy thrill rides, but these 007 movies featured less campy cliches than their predecessors in the James Bond franchise. For example, Craig’s Bond movies barely featured the Bond tradition of title drops, a potentially comical element of the 007 franchise that could have been tonally jarring in the more taciturn outings.

However, No Time To Die’s new 007 Lashana Lynch brought back the title drop with a vengeance near the end of the 007 adventure, and the moment was one of the Bond franchise’s worst title call-outs so far. When secondary villain Obruchev almost escapes, Lynch’s agent Nomi pushes him into a vat of acid while intoning that it is ‘time to die’ – a line that could scarcely have been goofier if it were played for intentional laughs. While No Time To Die featured plenty of humor, Craig’s final Bond movie was mostly a self-serious affair and had the saddest ending of the 007 series since On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. As such, the silliness of No Time To Die’s title drop stuck out like a moment airdropped in from a more playful, silly 007 movie, and jarred badly with the established tone.

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Luckily, the presence of Ana De Armas’ Paloma ensured that No Time To Die featured other scenes of lighter, more fun action. As such, Nomi’s out-of-nowhere title drop was not the only self-aware moment wherein No Time To Die winked at its audience, although the line was the most egregious gag in Craig’s final 007 adventure. As out-of-place as the title drop may have been, the line did allow No Time To Die to inject levity back into the franchise, something James Bond movies need to focus on with Craig gone.

The Bond franchise can bring back the lighter, more playful tone of Brosnan-era 007 movies in Craig’s absence, but tonal consistency will play a big part in making this transformation work. Much like Spectre’s silly Blofeld twist was a step too far into campy territory for some Bond fans, No Time To Die’s title drop proves the next 007 movies can’t simply start adding jokes to dark, brooding action thrillers. However, introducing a more light-hearted Bond could help the franchise pull off moments like No Time To Die’s title call out, which felt silly in such a dark movie but could work in the super-spy’s next adventure.

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