No Way Home Why Is Sandman A Villain (SpiderMan 3 Retcon)

No Way Home: Why Is Sandman A Villain (Spider-Man 3 Retcon)?

Spider-Man No Way Home sees Sandman returning as a villain. While he ends Spider-Man 3 on a seemingly redemptive note, this is not a retcon.

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No Way Home Why Is Sandman A Villain (SpiderMan 3 Retcon)

Spider-Man: No Way Home features the return of Sandman as a villain, prompting fans to wonder if the MCU is attempting to retcon the widely panned Spider-Man 3. The ending of Sam Raimi’s 2007 threequel seems to suggest that the character redeemed himself and made peace with Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man. However, when looking a little further at Sandman (aka Flint Marko), it actually makes a lot of sense why he would return to the big screen as a villain.

The first trailer for No Way Home only offered vague hints that Sandman would be returning, showing sand clouds engulf police cars while accompanied by Electro’s lightning bolts. The second trailer, however, gave viewers their first full look at the returning character, originally portrayed by Thomas Haden Church. In the trailer, Sandman is seen in his sand monster form as he, along with Electro and the Lizard, appear to be taking on Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.

Despite what Spider-Man 3 suggests, Sandman returning as a villain in No Way Home would not be a retcon of the previous film. Sandman’s actions in Spider-Man 3 as well as how his primary motivation drives him to commit such actions make it clear that he is far from redeemed despite the film insinuating otherwise. This lack of redemption will likely carry over and could be a major factor in the character’s arc in No Way Home.

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Flint Marko’s motivation in Spider-Man 3 is simply to get money for his daughter’s cancer treatments. While this by itself is an incredibly sympathetic motivation, it also drives him to commit his worst actions and team up with fellow supervillains. Venom is able to get Sandman to join him by playing on his anger over being unable to help Penny and the blame he places on Spider-Man. The same thing can happen in No Way Home, where a villain—likely Green Goblin—will use Penny as a means to convince her father to join their side. No matter what, the character will do whatever he can to help his daughter, regardless of how immoral it is. And if he can’t, then he will make whoever he deems responsible pay.

Adding on to that, Spider-Man 3 shows Marko making peace with the wall-crawler. While this ends the character on a positive note, this doesn’t necessarily mean he is redeemed. Before this, he helps Venom kidnap Mary Jane and endangers several innocent lives just to draw out Spider-Man with the intent to kill him. Earlier in the film his previous robberies also led to several civilians and police officers being severely injured, if not outright killed. And unlike Spider-Man 2’s Doc Ock and Harry Osborn, Sandman doesn’t take any action to prove he’s truly changed for the better aside from lamenting about the results of his misdeeds. Even then, he tries to claim that he’s not a bad person, just someone with bad luck. This line proves that although he regrets the direction his actions took, he still feels they are justified.

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Ultimately, Sandman returning as a villain in Spider-Man: No Way Home does not retcon Spider-Man 3 because the original film did not fully redeem his character. He’s certainly not completely evil, but there’s still a lot of work to be done on his part before one can say that he is no longer a villain. Given the film’s already massive scope, it’s unclear whether No Way Home will be able to fully address this. However, if Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man does indeed return, he may be able to help Sandman see the error of his ways and turn to the side of good.

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