Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Once Upon A Time: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene


From heartbreaking sacrifices to campy musical numbers, what was the most iconic scene for each of Once Upon A Time’s main characters?

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Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Over the course of seven seasons, fans got to see Once Upon A Time’s main characters as their best and their worst selves. Through all the twists and turns and various realms, practically every character had the chance to be a hero and a villain.

Through all these ups and downs, though, each main character had at least one scene that defined them and showed who they truly were. These scenes were iconic not only because they were memorable, but because they often embodied the essence of what makes each character tick, and in some cases showed a character’s profound growth.

10 Prince Charming: When He Got Baby Emma To The Wardrobe

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

The scene that best embodied Prince Charming occurred in the pilot episode as he cradled his newborn daughter with one arm while using the other to wield a sword against the Evil Queen’s soldiers. Against all odds, the courageous and daring Charming defeated the soldiers who stood in his way and kept baby Emma safe.

He cleared a path to the wardrobe and sent her through it so she could escape the impending Dark Curse and ultimately fulfill her destiny as the Savior. This scene proved that if Charming attended Hogwarts, he would be sorted into Gryffindor as he embodied the main Gryffindor traits in this scene and throughout the rest of the series.

9 Snow White: When She Saved Charming From The Trolls

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

The early season 1 episode “Snow Falls” revealed some of Charming and Snow White’s backstory in flashbacks. When Charming was about to be executed by trolls after a negotiation went wrong, Snow White threw fairy dust onto the trolls and turned them into bugs, thus saving Charming’s life.

This scene showed Snow’s bravery, innovation, and how she put others before herself. She had the opportunity to escape with the ring and her own life, but she came back at her own risk to save Charming and found an outside-the-box solution to saving him. This was a Snow White with a lot of agency and it was her saving Charming that helped build their trust and initial relationship.

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8 Robin Hood: When He Sacrificed Himself To Save Regina

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

When Hades tried to kill Regina and obliterate her soul with the Olympian Crystal, Robin Hood sacrificed himself to save his true love. The Olympian Crystal not only took his life but destroyed his soul, meaning his soul would never go to the Underworld and never have the chance to move on.

In this heartbreaking Once Upon A Time moment, Robin Hood showed what it meant to be a hero and that his love for Regina was always true. As if this wasn’t iconic enough, it is also remembered as one of the few permanent deaths of a main character in Once Upon A Time, making his sacrifice all the more noteworthy.

7 Belle: When She Used The Dagger To Banish Rumplestiltskin

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Belle is remembered for her compassion, her ability to see the best in others, and her love for books. Yet, the scene that really defined her was when she used the Dark One Dagger to banish Rumplestiltskin from Storybrooke in season 4’s midseason finale. When she learned that Rumplestiltskin had been relentlessly lying to her, gaslighting her, and hurting others in Storybrooke, Belle took a firm stance.

She cut out the toxicity from her life and from her home. This scene illustrated that even Belle’s compassion had limits and that she would put her foot down before allowing herself and others to be hurt and manipulated.

6 Zelena: When She Sang “Wicked Always Wins”

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Zelena’s song “Wicked Always Wins” was the highlight of the musical episode in Once Upon A Time’s sixth season. Using what was already Zelena’s most memorable quote, the song displayed her at the peak of her villainous glory. All throughout the song, Zelena relished tormenting the Munchkins of Oz and plotting her diabolical revenge against her sister.

The thrill Zelena experiences when she is wicked is palpable and the song is unabashedly fun, campy, and over the top, fitting perfectly with Zelena’s villainous era and the tone of the musical episode.

5 Rumplestiltskin: When He Sacrificed Himself And Killed Pan To Save Everyone

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

After being a selfish and conniving villain for most of the series, Rumplestiltskin made the ultimate sacrifice to save his loved ones in season 3’s midseason finale. He used the Dark One Dagger to kill his father Peter Pan/Malcolm and to kill himself. Rumplestilskin knew it was the only way to save Belle, Baelfire, Henry, and everyone else.

He finally made the right choice and used his power for the greater good. While Rumplestiltskin was resurrected soon after this, this scene could’ve served as a fitting ending and culmination of his character development.

4 Henry: When He Became The Author

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Growing up in a family that included the likes of Rumplestiltskin, Snow White, and the Savior herself, Henry struggled to figure out what his own identity and individual path in life looked like. This led to Henry’s most important scene in the season 4 finale when he became the next Author.

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Henry’s unique intelligence and wisdom made him the perfect fit for this position. Just like the rest of his family, Henry found a meaningful responsibility best suited to his individual strengths. It was fitting that Henry’s path was just as special and important as the rest of his family while also being truly distinctive for him.

3 Hook: When He Told Emma He Gave Up The Jolly Roger For Her

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Towards the end of the season 3 finale, Hook shared with Emma that he traded the Jolly Roger for the magic bean that allowed him to find his way back to her. This solidified that Hook’s feelings for Emma were genuine and transcended his charming flirtations.

He was willing to trade his beloved ship if it meant being reunited with Emma and saving her and her family. This big romantic gesture proved how serious Hook was about Emma and about building a relationship with her, paving the way for what became one of the best relationships in the series.

2 Regina: When She Was Crowned As The Good Queen Of All The Realms

Once Upon A Time Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Regina’s story arc culminated in the series finale when she was crowned the Good Queen of the United Realms. When fans were first introduced to her in the pilot episode, she was the Evil Queen crashing Snow White and Prince Charming’s wedding, threatening to hurt everyone by unleashing the Dark Curse.

Now the same people she once threatened had chosen her as their self-appointed leader and the individual best-suited to lead all of the realms. This heartwarming moment demonstrated Regina’s character growth both in her own eyes and in the eyes of others. Regina had the most hard-fought road to redemption and self-improvement and this iconic scene celebrated that with an enormous payoff in the series finale.

1 Emma: When She Broke The First Dark Curse

Once Upon A Time wasted no time establishing that Emma Swan was destined to be the Savior who would break the Dark Curse. The audience didn’t know what this would look like in the end and it took all of the first season for Emma to believe in herself and in magic until she finally embraced her destiny and broke the Dark Curse.

The buildup to this scene made the outcome satisfying, but it was also the way that it happened as Emma broke the Dark Curse by kissing Henry, showing the power of the true love Emma felt for her son. Emma proved to be heroic on numerous other occasions, but the elegant simplicity and beauty of this heroic moment made it her most iconic scene.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/once-upon-a-time-each-main-character-most-iconic-scene/

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