Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Orange Is The New Black: Every Main Character’s Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)


Piper Chapman may have ended the series out of prison, but how long was she in for – and how long do the other OITNB character have left inside?

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Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Orange is the New Black may have ended its Netflix run after seven seasons, but the women of Litchfield will live in the minds of pop culture fans forever. The show may have most closely followed Piper Chapman on her fifteen-month stay, but fans cared at least as much (and often more so) for the women incarcerated with her during her tenure – the characters of Orange is the New Black truly captured hearts.

Piper served the least time of anyone, but that happens when some of your friends are actual murderers when Piper was only convicted of money laundering. Most of Piper’s prison-mates are still locked up post-program’s end.

10 Piper Chapman – 15 Months

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Fans followed Piper Chapman from her expensive New York lifestyle as she landed in the New York State prison system. Chapman was sentenced to fifteen months in a minimum-security facility for money laundering and criminal conspiracy. She served her time on the show and was, in the end, released to resume life in the “real world”. At least fans were given a timeline for Piper, for many of her more violent companions it was never revealed how long they had been sentenced to stay inside.

9 Alex Vause – Unknown

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Alex Vause was given a bit less time because she turned in Piper, however, she violated her parole and was put back behind bars anyway. She was originally in for heroin trafficking and then a parole violation. The show never reveals exactly how long Alex’s sentence is, though she is left behind and still incarcerated when Piper is released. By the end of the show Alex, like most of the rest of the cast, remains behind bars while Piper walks free. Alex is lucky Piper forgave her and loved her or she wouldn’t have had anything left in her life at all.

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8 Nicky Nichols – 5 Years

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Nicky, like Vause, is incarcerated in part due to drug charges; heroin. She is also arrested for breaking and entering. Her sentence was originally five years, but she got sent to max when it was discovered she was stashing heroin.

She only had a year or two left in the early seasons of the show, but due to the unknown addition due to her stay in max, it’s unclear how much longer Nicky has behind bars. She was still incarcerated when the show ended in season seven.

7 Lorna Morello – 34 Months

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Lorna was adorable, but had issues with her behavior and mental health. She was sent to prison for mail fraud, a restraining order violation, and attempted murder.

Her original sentence was for 34 months. She has less than two years left on her sentence, but, like most of her associates, was still in prison when Orange is the New Black came to a close at the end of season seven. As she grew more unstable in later seasons, Morello became more of a villain in the series, and it was also clear that she would likely get additional time added to her sentence.

6 Sophia Burset – 5 to 6 Years

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Sophia, played by the exceptional Laverne Cox, was originally sentenced to five to six years in prison for credit card fraud. By the time Piper arrived at Litchfield, Sophia was long into her sentence. Sophia was one of the few prisoners fans got to see released on the show. Not only was she released, but she also managed to keep from getting incarcerated again for parole violations or any other misbehavior on the outside. If anyone deserved to get out of prison and stay out it was Sophia.

5 Red – 13 to 14 Years

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Red looked out for her girls but she was hardcore. Red was arrested for participating in organized crime, in part because her husband was inept. Her sentence was a long one, thirteen to fourteen years on the inside. Like Sophia, Red is pretty far into her sentence by the time Piper appears on the scene. She only had about two years left on her sentence in season three, however the riot at the end of season four changes everything for everyone. At the end of season seven, Red is still incarcerated.

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4 Dayanara Diaz – 44 Months

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Diaz is originally incarcerated, alongside her mother, for forty-four months on drug charges. Again, everything changes at the end of season four when the riot takes over Litchfield. After murdering a CO, Diaz is transferred to max where her life continues to spiral out of control. How long her sentence is afterward is unknown, though it may be life. She is, obviously, still behind bars when the show comes to an end in season seven.

3 Taystee Jefferson – Unknown

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Taystee is originally arrested on drug charges. The length of her initial sentence is unknown but, after being released, she returns to Litchfield due to a parole violation.

After the death of Poussey, Taystee plays a major role in the riot and take over of Litchfield. She is later blamed for the riot. When she is found guilty her sentence is extended, and becomes life. She is still in prison when the series comes to a close at the end of season seven, but manages to find a kind of peace with her new life, and how she can help others.

2 Pennsatucky – Unknown

Orange Is The New Black Every Main Characters Prison Sentence (& How Much Time They Have Left to Serve)

Pennsatucky is originally incarcerated for assault with a deadly weapon, though how long that incarceration is supposed to be is not specified. She was arrested for attacking a nurse at a women’s clinic. She is supported by the “pro life” movement throughout her case even though she was never actually supporting their cause. It’s never revealed how much time she had left on her sentence when she dies of an overdose (thinking that she had failed her GED exam) at the end of Orange is the New Black season seven.

1 Norma Romano – 12 Years

Norma, Red’s silent sidekick, is in prison for the murder of a cult leader. Her initial sentence is for more than twelve years, because Red mentions they have been in prison together for twelve years. It’s unclear how much longer Norma is supposed to stay in prison, if perhaps she is in for life, but she is still in prison at the end of season seven.

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