Oxygen Not Included Base Building Guide (Tips Tricks & Strategies)

Oxygen Not Included: Base Building Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)


In Oxygen Not Included, an efficient base is the key to smooth gameplay and duplicant happiness. Learn the basics of building a home for dupes.

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Oxygen Not Included Base Building Guide (Tips Tricks & Strategies)

Building an efficient base can be a daunting task in Oxygen Not Included. With so much danger for duplicants, it is essential to provide a space that is reliably safe from outside hazards so that dupes can recover from a hard cycle’s work in peace, with fresh oxygen to breathe, clean floors to dance on, accessible food to eat, and masterpieces to enjoy. As a player’s base expands, there are several important factors to consider. Careful planning can make all the difference in a colony sim that is so punishing on its colonists.

Building a base out slowly is the way to go when beginning Oxygen Not Included. At first, dupes should have their basic needs met with two outhouses, research stations, basic power generation, a microbe musher, water, and cots. However, ONI is designed so that, as the dupes need more materials to survive and eventually thrive, they encounter more dangers and need more space to grow their colony. As the colony grows, so do their needs.

Planning the basic shape of the base in Oxygen Not Included allows for fewer materials wasted on deconstruction, and better allocation of resources and duplicant time. The player should build the main base in a vertical rectangle with insulated tile. As in other base building sims, it is tempting to create interesting shapes out of the base itself, but, in Oxygen Not Included, this can impede gas flow and create pockets of heavier or lighter gasses. Well-placed airflow tiles help oxygen move smoothly throughout the base. It is also a good idea to place an electrolyzer at the top of the base, with a pipe pumping oxygen through a vent at the bottom. This ensures that oxygen is both floating up from the bottom and getting pushed down from the top. Of course, players will want to ensure that they are pumping hydrogen out to a generator.

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Where to Place Machines and Critters in an Oxygen Not Included Base

In Oxygen Not Included, some machines can produce dangerous, realistic byproducts, like excess heat, unbreathable gasses, or hazardous liquids. These should be kept outside the main base. At first, vital machines like the water sieve can be kept inside the base, as long as the player can disperse the heat with wheezeworts, radiant pipes, or liquid. However, once the player has researched shipping and has access to the auto-sweeper, this is no longer necessary.

Some critters and plants, like dreckos or balm lilies, will not produce while in oxygen. These should be kept outside the base. However, many other critters and plants do very well in oxygen-rich atmospheres and can be kept inside the base for ease of access.

Time is a hot commodity in Oxygen Not Included, and there are many building strategies that can save precious minutes and mitigate common problems for duplicants. One is to have oxygen-friendly plants and critters in the base where they can be tended to in safety and close to home. Another is to build related rooms close to one another. For example, a player might build a kitchen area below a farm and above a great hall; this way, food can be harvested, cooked, and served in a streamlined process.

Duplicant happiness is an integral component of Oxygen Not Included. Unsatisfied dupes are prone to a variety of breakdowns that can slow work to a halt. One way to keep dupes happy is to ensure that the base is clean and inviting. Players can keep spills and leaks contained by placing doors to rooms one block up from the main floor. That way, if liquid gets into a room, it will stay in that room until a dupe mops it up. In addition, players should keep an eye on décor. Higher décor raises duplicant morale, and happy dupes are productive dupes.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/oxygen-not-included-base-building-tips-tricks-strategies/

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