Ozark’s Marty Byrde Committed a Crime Fans Thought He Wasn’t Capable Of

Ozark’s Marty Byrde Committed a Crime Fans Thought He Wasn’t Capable Of

Fans of Netflix’s Ozark have watched Marty Byrde commit countless crimes, but none were as shocking as his brutal assault in Season 4, Part 2.

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Ozark’s Marty Byrde Committed a Crime Fans Thought He Wasn’t Capable Of

The following contains spoilers for Ozark Season 4, Part 2, now streaming on Netflix.

Fans of Netflix’s Ozark are no strangers to watching Marty Byrde commit crimes. So many viewers kept coming back season after season to watch Marty add another line to his rap sheet and further his descent into darkness. But even as Marty’s moral code slowly crumbled, there was one line he tried hard not to cross. While he certainly tolerated working alongside those who committed violent atrocities, Marty never showed interest in physically assaulting someone himself.

But in Season 4, Episode 11, “Pound of Flesh and Still Kickin’,” Marty let loose in one of the most surprising moments of the series’ final batch of episodes. After a meeting with the Navarros, Marty and his wife Wendy got caught in an awful traffic jam. When confronted by someone else’s road rage, Marty gave in and assaulted the other driver. But of all the insane situations that the Byrdes have been trapped in, what was it about this one that made Marty decide to break his last rule?

Ozark’s Marty Byrde Committed a Crime Fans Thought He Wasn’t Capable Of

The second part of Season 4 pushed Marty to the end of his rope. In Season 4, Episode 10, “You’re the Boss,” Marty traveled to Mexico to act as the Navarro cartel’s interim leader. While in Navarro’s home, Marty was forced to fully embrace the criminal he had become and ordered the execution of one of Navarro’s lieutenants, Arturo Cabrera. Upon his return to the Ozarks, Marty came to the realization that the traitor was actually Hector Navarro’s sister Camila — meaning he had sanctioned the torture and execution of an innocent man. That must have been especially hard for Marty since he had previously experienced being tortured in that very same dungeon.

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Racked with guilt and terrified of the implications, Marty shared the revelation with Wendy. Moments later, in villainous Wendy fashion, she blindsided her husband when she proposed that Camila take over as the cartel’s interim leader. Marty had no choice but to agree and endorse Camila’s rise to deadly power. The very next scene showed Marty and Wendy stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. The cars trapping the Honda minivan subtly represented the metaphorical walls closing in on Marty, leaving him only one way to go.

Over the span of 41 episodes, Marty had been handed the raw end of a deal time and time again — so when an angry driver wouldn’t let off his horn, Marty reached a boiling point and exited his car. The first punch surprised even Marty himself as he grabbed his hurt hand. But once the driver attacked Wendy, all bets were off. If a brave construction worker hadn’t stepped in Marty’s assault could have become another one of the season’s many brutal deaths.

Before Marty decided to start throwing fists, there was only one other moment when Ozark viewers saw him resort to violence — when he killed Mason Young in self-defense. This choice wasn’t made lightly as the Byrdes had done everything in their power to try and get Mason out of the Snells’ path unharmed. What separated the two situations was Marty instigating the argument that ultimately led to Season 4’s brawl in the street.

From the get-go, Ozark star Jason Bateman portrayed Marty Byrde as a man with no good options. Marty started the series being uncomfortable with committing crimes and eventually got to a point where it was second nature. The road-rage scene proved Marty’s morality had become wholly circumstantial and relative to the power he had in a given situation. Marty threw that first punch because he needed to feel powerful and in control. But he wasn’t beating up a random driver — he was imagining hitting every person he knew he couldn’t.

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All four seasons of Ozark are available to stream on Netflix.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/ozark-marty-crime-capable/

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