Wait Did Scream Quietly Tease a Third Killer

Wait, Did Scream Quietly Tease a Third Killer?

The Scream franchise doesn’t do coincidences, and these clues tease that 2022’s Scream might have one more secret up its sleeve.

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Wait Did Scream Quietly Tease a Third Killer

WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for Scream, now playing in theaters.

2022’s Scream ends in a way that homages Wes Craven’s original Scream film. In the final act, viewers learn that the Ghostface killers are Sam’s boyfriend, Ritchie, and Tara’s best friend, Amber. It turns out that the two are diehard Stab film fans and concocted the latest rounds of Woodsboro murders to be a real-life “requel.” All the while, the film uses Ritchie and Amber’s monologues as the film’s meta-commentary about horror’s current obsession with rebooting and retconning killer franchises. While some Scream fans might love this twist that blends the likes of previous Ghostface killers — the psychotic pairing of Scream’s Billy and Stu, the film theory obsession of Roman and Mickey, and the glee of Mrs. Loomis — others will find the reveal to be underwhelming. However, Scream might have been hiding one more reveal.

While Scream 5 never confirms this outright, there are enough clues to point to a possible third killer in the film. The first major hint that someone else might be involved shows up in Ghostface’s face-off with Dewey. Although Dewey tragically dies, he still shoots Ghostface no less than three times in the chest and pummels Ghostface into a glass display case. During the fight, audiences see Ritchie there with Sam and Tara, so we’re led to believe that Amber is the one behind the mask killing Dewey. However, when we next see Amber in the house party scene, she has zero injuries. Although it’s true that Amber was likely wearing a bulletproof vest, the impact would still have bruised her ribs and caused physical pain.

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Wait Did Scream Quietly Tease a Third Killer

So if Amber didn’t kill Dewey, who did? Before Dewey dies, Ghostface says, “It’s an honor.” The Scream franchise seldom drops in verbatim dialogue without a reason, and this line is word-for-word what Scream 4’s Kirby says when she initially meets Sidney Prescott. As 2022’s Scream also reveals, Kirby is very much alive in the world of Scream, a fact shown through Ritchie scrolling YouTube and seeing her conducting interviews. Woodsboro Cinema Club’s Charlie also echoes similar lines in Scream 4 when he meets Sid — and let’s not forget that when Ghostface first calls Tara, he calls himself “Charlie.” While neither character in seen the film, both horror nerds are prime candidates for the puppet master role for having been backstabbed and burned by Woodsboro killings.

Later, in the film’s final act at Stu’s house, the phone rings and startles Ritchie. Although no one ever answers the phone, it’s possible that the phone call was meant for Ritchie and Amber. While Scream loves to fake out its audiences, it knows the significance of a call in its franchise. Furthermore, a fake-out isn’t necessary at the film’s last stretch after the killers are revealed, so it’s possible it was written in as an avenue to explore a third killer — or mastermind — in future Scream films.

If 2022’s Scream is really referencing the original trilogy, then it’s likely that someone was influencing Ritchie and Amber — just like Billy and Stu. Whether or not this mysterious person was actively killing is debatable, but it helps explain some smaller plot holes. For example, if Sam’s lineage was so secret, how did Ritchie and Amber find out? Why would a 30-something-year-old Ritchie trust a hot-tempered 16-year-old as a co-murderer? How did either Ritchie or Amber — who aren’t seen as tech savvy — hack Tara’s home and clone her phone? This is something Charlie is certainly capable of doing.

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While Scream doesn’t answer any of these questions, it leaves a lot of exciting possibilities open.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/scream-2022-third-killer-possibility-explained/

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