The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

The 11 Official Disney Princes, Ranked


There are only eleven official Disney Princes, as decided by the Disney brand, some of whom aren’t actually royalty, though they do have noble hearts.

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The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

The original Disney films were all about Princessesmeeting their Princes, falling in love, and living happily ever after. While the equation has changed somewhat with the newer heroes and heroines navigating their way through life without the social pressure of finding love in favor of more relatable adventures, the fact remains that the Disney Princes played a significant role in their films.

There are only eleven official Disney Princes, as decided by the Disney brand, some of whom aren’t actually royalty, though they do have noble hearts and prince-like qualities that have apparently made them worthy of the title.

11 Prince Florian Isn’t Memorable

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

Originally named Prince Charming, Snow White’s Prince Florian is exactly that. Singing to his true love in his signature operatic style, Florian is the very image of beauty, grace, and love. However, with very little screentime to develop any kind of personality, this character is little more than a relic of his time. He is not the hero of his story, and the audience learns very little about him; while he was the very first Disney Prince, Prince Florian is the least memorable of all of them.

10 Prince Charming Was Determined

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

While Florian was renamed, this Prince Charming kept his title, which is good for him because other than being charming and characteristically handsome, he has little else in his favor. The story of Cinderella is more about its title character, the magic of her fairy Godmother, and the whirlwind romance that takes place in a day. However, while the Prince plays only a small role in his story, he will at the very least be remembered for his determination to find the woman who captured his heart.

9 Prince Phillip Was Willing To Give Up His Kingdom

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

Sleeping Beauty’s Prince Phillip was the first sign of improvement after his predecessor’s unmemorable roles in their respective films. Although his role started out similarly, with him discovering Aurora and falling in love with her for her beauty, he was the first Prince willing to give up his kingdom if it meant winning her heart and being able to stay with her forever. Although it turned out that Aurora was royalty and that Philip wouldn’t have to give up his throne, he still had a great task ahead of him in defeating Maleficent so he would be able to rescue Aurora; Philip was the first Prince to actually save his one true love.

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8 Prince Naveen Grew Into A Better Person

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

At the beginning of The Princess and the Frog, it’s clear that Prince Naveen is little more than a spoiled brat, using his parent’s wealth and royal status to do whatever he wants, with little concern for whom it may affect so long as he is having a good time. He’s a lazy womanizer and has little respect for Tiana who is subsequently turned into a frog because of him.

Yet, for all of his bad qualities, Naveen proves that people can change. Where the majority of the other Princes were born perfect, it is Naveen’s imperfections that make him human. When he learned how difficult life can be without servants, he grew to respect Tiana and everyone else around him; Naveen might not have always been the best person, but he grew into someone dependable and hard working.

7 Prince Eric Has Endless Good Qualities

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

The Little Mermaid’s Prince Eric is one of the humblest Disney Princes. Despite his title, he still enjoys working among his subjects, earning their respect as he traverses the seas as part of a crew. After being rescued, Eric becomes determined to find his one true love, and even when he is presented with Ariel, whom he assumes is someone else, he’s still kind enough to take her in and ensure that she is treated with the utmost respect. As brave as he is kind, Eric is also willing to fight an all-powerful sea witch to save Ariel; with so many good qualities, Eric is in a league of his own.

6 John Smith Stood Up To His People

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

John Smith isn’t royalty but with a noble heart, eye for adventure, and dreams of new worlds to explore, he has all the qualities of any Prince. While it would have been easy for John Smith to band together with his people and assume that the people of the Powhatan tribe were savages, he instead took the time to communicate with Pocahontas and learn the ways of her people. It was in this act that he learned that he had previously been small-minded and that the world around him was not his for the taking, but rather a gift that he had to care for so that others might also experience its wonders in the future; John Smith proved that sometimes being a hero means standing up to one’s allies and never backing down from what is right.

5 Aladdin Is A Hero To The Forgotten

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

Aladdin knew what it was to want something more from life, having suffered under its cruelties. However, instead of becoming bitter and mean, he remained a hero to the forgotten, ensuring that starving children were fed and that those with power didn’t abuse those without it. After meeting Jasmine, he proved different from any of her suitors by respecting her wishes and listening to her desires. Even after a lifetime spent making wishes for a better future, Aladdin managed to do the right thing in freeing the Genie; he was the hero that nobody expected.

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4 Li Shang Is China’s Hero

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

Li Shang spent his life in the shadow of his father, a great war hero and general to the Chinese army. After China was invaded by the Huns, he had the grim task of repelling the invasion, and though it was a chance to prove himself, Li Shang cared more about his soldiers and protecting the citizens of his country. Unphased by rank or wealth, Shang proved himself to be a good captain, basing a soldier’s worth on their abilities and determination. Even after finding that Mulan was a woman, he learned to get over his prejudices, entrusting the fate of the Emporer to his best soldier.

3 Prince Adam Would Have Died For Belle

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

In Beauty and the Beast, Prince Adam started his journey as a terrible person, though he was much more callous, selfish, and destructive. For the time he spent as a Beast, it became apparent to all those around him, that he wasn’t going to change, and that he had doomed the subjects of his Kingdom.

Yet, Adam proved that people can be wrong. Not only did he learn to love, and be loved in return, he did one of the hardest things a person can do; he let that which he loved most go, freeing Belle from her imprisonment. Although Adam had little hope that Belle would return, he knew that he had done the right thing, and was willing to lay down his life shortly thereafter, ready to die peacefully when faced with Gaston.

2 Flynn Ryder Found Someone Who Needed Him

The 11 Official Disney Princes Ranked

Flynn Ryder was self-serving and arrogant, and even when he met Rapunzel, he had little reason to change. On a journey that began from the bitter seeds of blackmail, Flynn learned that though his own life had been tragic, there were others who had been through far worse than him. In Tangled, Rapunzel taught Flynn that happiness could be found in the darkest of times, and in return, he was willing to give up everything to ensure that she would be safe, happy, and free; although he started off as a selfish jerk, he found the true meaning of life and someone worth fighting for.

1 Kristoff Is A Relatable Hero

Humble and wise, Frozen’s Kristoff never doubts himself on his quests to help Anna and save Arendelle. Never assuming to be more than he is, Kristoff doesn’t ask what he can do to be the hero, but rather what people need him to be. Having learned the ways of the wise trolls, Kristoff rarely puts his own needs first, choosing to see the bigger picture. He knows he isn’t the strongest or wisest person in the world but still tries his best to do what’s right, despite whatever doubts he faces.

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