Pokémon GO Every New Event For February 2021

Pokémon GO: Every New Event For February 2021


There are a handful of events happening in February 2021 within Pokemon Go to keep players excited. Here are all the events players can expect.

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Pokémon GO Every New Event For February 2021

The 5th anniversary of Pokemon Go and the 25th anniversary of the Pokemon series as a whole have tons planned for the month of February. This guide will provide every new event happening in February 2021. This is a big year to be a Pokemon fan. The series changed the world when it released back in 1996 and continues to generate the company behind it billions of dollars. From merchandise to video games, to trading card games, to movies and tv series. Pokemon has remained as the highest-earning multimedia franchise ever and shows no sign of slowing down. To celebrate this massive year, Pokemon Go is hosting tons of special events. This guide will show players what they can expect for the month of February.

For the month of January, players were treated to Timed Research centered around a different region every week. As the writing of this article, players are tasked with completing the Johto Collection. During this event, players will need to capture 9 specific Pokemon from the Johto region before this upcoming Sunday. Players will then be rewarded with a few items and an exclusive medal to commemorate their accomplishment. With February right around the corner, there are a few events happening to keep the momentum moving forward. Here is what players can expect in Pokemon Go during February 2021.

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Every February 2021 Event in Pokemon Go

For February 2021, there are two events players should keep an eye on.

February may include more events as the weeks go by but this line-up is already solid. The Collection events have been a great way to keep players coming back every day. Hopefully, February will have something similar to it announced soon.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pokemon-go-new-events-february-2021/

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