Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

Power Rangers: 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)


The Power Rangers TV show and 2017 movie may seem like worlds apart, but they do share some traits. How are they similar and how are they not?

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Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

The debut of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in 1993 by Saban led to one of the biggest pop culture and media franchises that still exist. The Japanese-adapted show revolved around a group of teenagers with attitude chosen to defend the Earth from an evil witch named Rita Repulsa.

Fans were wary about the reboot movie in 2017, simply titled Power Rangers. The movie would still hold on to the key characters from the original series, but with different backstories and key details. Fans of the show were not ready to learn that Rita Repulsa would be so different from her television portrayal. That wasn’t the only aspect that the movie changed, but at least some things were kept closer to the original.

10 Different: The Characters Backstories

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

The original 1993 series was used as a way to enthrall young audiences and teach them valuable lessons. The reboot, Power Rangers, changed the characters’ backstories to be more teen drama than what fans were used to.

In the movie, Jason (Stranger Things’ Dacre Montgomery) was a once-great football player who got into trouble and butts head with his father; Kimberly (Naomi Scott) is the popular girl whose reputation is affected by leaked private photos; Trini (Becky G) is a misfit whose parents don’t trust and has no real social standing; Zack’s (Ludi Lin) priority is taking care of his ill mother; Billy (RJ Cycler) is still nerdy but dealing with his father’s death.

9 Same: Their Still Teens With Attitude & Angel Grove

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

Back in the 1993 series, the main characters were “teens with attitude” as Zordon described. The phrase isn’t given much relevance in the movie. It’s clear that the movie’s main characters are definitely teenagers with attitude and have some deep-seated issues.

Thankfully, the movie stayed true to the original show’s main location. The storyline takes place in Angel Grove and at Angel Grove high school. The town became synonymous with the Power Rangers and was still a storyline location for a couple more series installments.

8 Different: The Rangers Can’t Morph & Have Powers

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

After Zordon chooses the five teenagers to become the Power Rangers in the original series, they are given their Power Morphers; the drastic change of not including Morphers will later be discussed. When the Rangers are chosen in the movie by Zordon (voiced by Billy Cranston), they’re unable to morph. The suits used in the movie are much more high-tech than the show’s.

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They still don’t have the necessary mindset as a team that allows them to access the Morphin Grid. In the series, the Rangers use their Morphers to fight Puddies immediately. Another drastic difference from the original series is the movie characters have powers; they have super strength and agility. The series’ characters were normal run-of-the-mill teens who had no preternatural powers until they morphed. The Rangers were already trained in martial arts and gymnastics, and they knew how to fight from the start, save for Billy who learned as the show went on.

7 Same: Use Of Familiar Characters

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

There are many aspects of the original series that the movie reboot changed. Thankfully, they didn’t stray away from including the most prominent characters from Mighty Morphin. It wouldn’t make much sense to change the main characters or not include the famous Zordon and Alpha 5.

Fans weren’t surprised to learn the reboot would also include Rita Repulsa and her henchman, Goldar. However, the reboot took both characters in a direction that fans of the series never imagined and they weren’t well received.

6 Difference: Morphers & The Power Coins

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

A key aspect drastically changed from the original series is the famous Morphers used by generations of Power Rangers; the original series has the iconic Morpher that harnessed the power of their Power Coin. The characters would shout “It’s Morphin Time!” before saying their designated totem creature. Their transformation montage is known by every fan.

Sadly, the Morphers are glossed over in the movie; it can be seen on their waists after transforming, and an official toy confirms said object is indeed a Morpher. Jason does, however, say the classic catchphrase prior to their climactic transformation.

5 Same: Inclusion Of Zeo Crystals & Morphin Grid

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

Fans of the original series know the importance of the Zeo Crystals and the Morphin Grid in the creation of the Power Rangers. The reboot included both. The Zeo Crystals are five separate pieces that hold immense power and took over after the destruction of the Power Coins in the original series.

The Zeo Crystals also become the main power source for the following Power Ranger installment, Power Rangers Zeo. In the film reboot, Zordon also tells the Rangers that they need to access the Morphin Grid. The Morphin Grid is a multi-versal energy field that any Ranger can access, giving all of them their powers.

4 Different: The Love Story

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

The love story in Power Rangers is a bit bizarre to see happen on screen if a fan of the original series. In Mighty Morphin, Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson) never dates or has romantic feelings for Jason (Austin St. John). Their relationship is more like that of a brother and sister. Kimberly meets Tommy (Jason David Frank), the future Green/White Ranger, and their love story is known by all fans.

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In the reboot, there are some sparks between Jason and Kimberly. It’s an interesting dynamic between the once-popular girl and the once-famed football player, both aimless about their lives following their departures from popularity. As they spend time together, they develop a bond and finally kiss.

3 Same: The Zords

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

The Power Rangers wouldn’t be able to defeat big and powerful monsters if it weren’t for their Zords. The Rangers in the original series had Zords that were in the form of their given animal. The famous Zords were in the form of a pterodactyl, triceratops, tyrannosaurus, saber-tooth tiger, and a mastodon. When combined, the individual Zords would from a Megazord.

This is a key feature that needed to be included in the reboot movie seeing as the Rangers can only do so much fighting in their suits. When Goldar rises to find the Zeo Crystals, the Rangers get to use their Zords that are also in the form of the original animals. There are differences like the Mastodon Zord has arachnid features, but otherwise, they’re still essentially the same.

2 Different: Rita & Zordon’s Story

Power Rangers 5 Biggest Similarities Between The Show & Reboot Movie (& 5 Biggest Differences)

Fans weren’t expecting the reboot to change so much of Rita and Zordon’s story. In the original series, Zordon is a powerful wizard who was the only one capable of defeating Rita Repulsa as she wanted to conquer many worlds. In the end, Zordon traps Rita in a dumpster for thousand of years become he becomes trapped in a time warp.

The reboot took it to different extremes. It’s revealed that Zordon was once the Red Ranger along with others sworn to protect the Zeo Crystals; Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) was also a Ranger but the Green Ranger. She turns to evil, is filled with greed, and finally destroys Zordon and the original Rangers. Zordon orders a meteor strike to destroy him and the dinosaurs, as well as sends Rita to the bottom of the ocean.

1 Same: Tommy Oliver Connection

When Tommy was first introduced at Angel Grove High School, he caught the eye of Rita Repulsa. She forces him to become the evil Green Ranger; the worst enemy to ever face the Power Rangers.

Over time, the Rangers and Zordon break Rita’s spell and Tommy joins the team. Seeing as the Green Ranger’s powers were weakening Tommy, Zordon and Alpha turn him into the White Ranger. Tommy Oliver would become the longest-reigning original character in the franchise. The reboot movie tied in the character at the very end. Back at school, the teacher announces a new student named Tommy Oliver would be joining them. Instead of a person, audiences only see a green jacket.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/power-rangers-movie-show-comparison-explained/

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