Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways She’s The Anime’s Real Villain)


Homura Akemi is one of the most tragic figures in all of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but was she always on the right side of history or not?

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a show with tons of suffering. Many fans will even argue that the shows most tragic character is Homura Akemi. Before the magical girl transformation, Homura was a weak girl with poor health and eyesight. Upon meeting Madoka, she immediately grew attached and soon wanted to join her in becoming a magical girl.

This, of course, ended in both of them dying and Homura using her wish to ensure that Madoka survived. This single wish is what kickstarted the evens of the series and gave it many of its dark twists and turns near the end. Here are five ways Homura did nothing wrong and five more that prove she was the villain of Puella Magi Madoka Magica this whole time.

10 SHE’S WRONG: Bullying Others & Being Emotionally Distant

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Homura takes actions towards Madoka that are reminiscent of bullying. She fakes being ill to confront Madoka and is cold and distant from her on multiple occasions. Because she doesn’t know Homura’s side of the story, this makes Madoka feel sad and Homrua makes no effort to reassure her.

Given Homura’s real motives and reasons, her cruel streak can feel completely out of place to some and most viewers can obviously tell that it didn’t go over well with the other girls. Homura became cruel instead of trying to find a loving approach.

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9 SHE DID NOTHING WRONG: Being Overprotective

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

At times, Homura is shown as being overprotective of Madoka, which is completely understandable. Homura knows that Madoka Kaname is fated to be killed and wants to do anything she can to stop this fate from happening.

She does go to extremes to prevent her from making a contract, but it is all out of love. Homura isn’t wrong for trying to keep Madoka safe in the show.

8 SHE’S WRONG: Tricking Madoka

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Homura could have just told Madoka the truth from the get-go but instead, she would rather trick her former friends. She only comes forth with important information like the truth about the Soul Gems when there is no other option. This is seen when Sayaka throws her Soul Gem onto the back of a truck and starts to die.

Homura would rather use tricks then getting straight to the point.

7 SHE DID NOTHING WRONG: Saving Kyubey’s Victims

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Homura would prefer none of the girls to fall victim to the cruel reality of Kyubies’ methods. Not only does she know that the girls are killing other magical girls in secret, but she knows the true nature of the soul gem.

Many viewers have come to the conclusion that Homura wants to prevent contracts and keep this information to herself. Being burdened with the pain of knowledge alone is a terrible and noble fate.

6 SHE’S WRONG: Threatening Other Magical Girls

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Homura constantly threatens and gets into fights with many of the other magical girls. Homura is not hesitant to get into an altercation with Mami Sakaya, or Kyoko.

This is especially shown in the movie and is meant to depict just how twisted by fate the young girl has become in her seemingly endless time fighting witches. Homura could have easily found a way around fighting her friends, but she succumbed to the despair of her fate.

5 SHE DID NOTHING WRONG: Threating Kyubey

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

In one of her fits of rage, Homura begins to outright attack Kyubei. This happens at the beginning and near the middle of the show. She is shown as being completely merciless to Kyubey and doesn’t stop with just shooting him once.

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In fact, it appears like Homura would be willing to use every bit of her power to kill Kyubey. Attacking Kyubey is completely understandable and even commendable to some viewers, but it doesn’t do much good.

4 SHE’S WRONG: Becoming Obsessive

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

There’s no other way of saying this, but Homura is completely obsessive over Madoka. This quickly turns from loving her into a murderous tendency that sees Homura willing to do anything to ensure Madoka’s happiness.

At one point, Homura even attempts to kill Sayaka in order to keep Madoka from having to grieve anyone. Homura oversteps every boundary she can in order to try and make Madoka happy.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

The fact that Homura loves Madoka isn’t wrong. They met when Homura was weak, and she really learned to look up to Madoka. Everything in the show started as a pure form of admiration and was mostly twisted by the cruel fate of the pair.

Homura never wavers from wanting to save Madoka and refuses to hurt her physically. There is nothing long with the love Homura harbors for the young girl.

2 SHE’S WRONG: Becoming The Devil

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 5 Reasons Why Homura Did Nothing Wrong (& 5 Ways Shes The Animes Real Villain)

Homura’s last move in the story was to literally rip Madoka in half and corrupt herself to the point of becoming the universe’s devil. She takes Madoka’s god status and recreates the world in her own image, for better or worse.

While the world does seem peaceful and magical girls have been saved from their dark fate, all of this is still based on Homura’s on selfish wish. Homura was willing to turn herself into pure evil instead of accepting her fate or fighting it.

1 SHE DID NOTHING WRONG: Wanting to See Madoka

Homura is in love with Madoka, which can clearly be seen in moments through the series like after she kills Kyubey. Homura struggles so much because she only wants to see Madoka happy and live in a world alongside her.

Fans of the show love the moments that Homura expresses her true emotions for Madoka. The love the two share is heartbreaking and makes the fans hopeful for a final good ending.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/puella-magi-madoka-magica-homura-right-wrong-comparison/

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