Researchers Have Uncovered A ‘Treasure Map’ For Future Moon Exploration

Researchers Have Uncovered A ‘Treasure Map’ For Future Moon Exploration


Research reveals areas of frozen water and CO2 on the moon that could contain molecules necessary to make materials needed for moon exploration.

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Researchers Have Uncovered A ‘Treasure Map’ For Future Moon Exploration

Researchers have uncovered potential pockets of ice on the surface of the Moon and created a map that lunar explorers could excavate. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been collecting temperature readings for 11 years, making what could be the greatest treasure map man has ever known.

Up until now, cold traps on the Moon have only been theorized based on scientific observations of frozen water on Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres. Many of these cold traps aren’t visible on the optical level and can only be discovered through surface temperature data. In 2009, NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation (LRO) and Sensor Satellite (LCROSS) hurled a piece of rocket debris into a lunar crater and analyzed the impact plume, detecting CO2 and water molecules. The LRO found several regions on the Moon’s surface, many of which are in shadowed craters, that haven’t seen sunlight in at least a billion years. These super cold areas represent conditions necessary for CO2 & water to ‘sublimate,’ changing from a gas to a solid.

There’s no real way for anyone to know for sure if there is frozen CO2 or water ice trapped in these cold regions until astronauts on future moon missions go and find out. This study has located areas that are so cold and shaded where ice is sure to be accumulating. There’s more data to go off of than temperature readings that give future moon exploration more hope.

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A Map of Hidden Treasure on the Moon

From the temperature mapping of cold traps on the moon, researchers have found an area of roughly 6,000 square miles of frozen water in the south polar regions and 70 square miles of area cold enough to form solid CO2. Lunar explorers could use CO2 to make Methane which is the rocket fuel used by SpaceX. It’s unknown where CO2 on the Moon’s surface might have come from, but scientists think it’s deposited by comets that are full of different kinds of ice that constantly impact the Moon. Scientists also claim that there is Sulfur dioxide and ammonia in the Cabeus crater on the moon, which are building blocks for various organic materials.

While the existence of ice on the Moon located in cold temperature traps isn’t a given, that shouldn’t dissuade future moon exploration one bit. It’s just like the pirates who never really knew if ‘X’ marked the spot until they went on an epic quest to find out. More often than not, to their delight, treasure hunters found a secret cache of Spanish gold. Scientists have drawn the map, and they have to follow through and find the buried treasure hidden on the Moon’s surface.

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