Robin Tim Drake Just Got The Red Hood Treatment In DC’s Future

Robin: Tim Drake Just Got The Red Hood Treatment In DC’s Future

In DC’s Future State, the current Robin, Tim Drake, just came back from the dead like the Red Hood, thanks to the power of the Lazarus Pit.

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Robin Tim Drake Just Got The Red Hood Treatment In DC’s Future

Warning: contains spoilers for Future State: Robin Eternal #2

While Tim Drake was thought to have been killed by the Magistrate in the first issue of Future State: Robin Eternal, the current Robin was resurrected after inadvertently being covered by the organization’s experimental Lazarus Pit resin, very similar to the compound and substance that brought former Robin Jason Todd back to life in the past, leading to his evolution in the DC Universe as Magistrate bounty hunter Red Hood. Now, Tim Drake is following suit, getting a second chance at life while also having his strength augmented.

In the new Future State: Robin Eternal #2 from writer Meghan Fitzmartin with art by Eddy Barrows, Tim Drake is feeling good thanks to the Lazarus resin. Not only has Tim come back from death after having broken several bones such as his spine and neck in the first issue, but he also feels stronger and almost invincible. As such, he wonders if this is how Jason feels all the time as Red Hood. Furthermore, despite a full regiment of Magistrate enforcers headed towards himself and his allies Stephanie and Darcy, Tim takes them all on with fierce confidence and his new strength, feeling as though he could take on the world.

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However, just like with the original Lazarus Pit belonging to R’as al Ghul, the powerful waters aren’t without their negative side-effects on sanity. For a long time, Red Hood was a villain of pure brutality and it wasn’t until later that he would emerge as the anti-hero and outlaw he is today, having regained control of his mind. Likewise, the Lazarus resin created by the Magistrate is revealed to be incompatible with human emotions, and that too much will lead to the subject’s death.

Eventually, it’s revealed that the best way to dilute the resin on the convoy is to dump it into the Gotham River, though the arrival of the Magistrate’s elite Peacekeepers arrive to throw a wrench into those plans. While Drake quickly defeats them in hand-to-hand combat, the resin affecting his mind begins to influence him, trying to goad him into killing one of the Peacekeepers with his bare hands, which is reminiscent of Red Hood’s earliest days. However, Drake managed to not only resist the urge to kill the Magistrate operative but to also push back the resin’s influence temporarily.

By the issue’s end, the Magistrate manages to arrest and leave with Stephanie, just before the convoy is set to crash and explode. This would have killed Darcy, had Drake not thrown her to safety while falling into the Gotham River himself. While Darcy believes Tim to have died at the issue’s end by giving his own life for hers, the final panel sees Tim having survived, cheating death once more. The implication also exists that he’s now free of the resin’s negative effects as well, thanks to his dive into the river. As such, it seems as though Tim Drake’s Robin is still alive and kicking, and he’ll no doubt continue fighting the oppression of the Magistrate as DC’s Future State continues.

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