Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

Rotten Tomatoes: The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)


2020 has been a strange year for movies. But from The Invisible Man to Host, critics have been loving the thrills the horror genre has to offer.

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Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

2020 has been a strange year for movies. Now that people can no longer flock to theaters to see new releases due to Covid-19, at-home streaming and video-on-demand are the means of consumption. Fortunately, there is plenty of good stuff to consume, especially when it comes to horror films.

The year started out strong for horror with Leigh Whannell’s The Invisible Man, and even after public life can to a halt, one well-received scary flick after another was released. From slow-burn features to gory monster movies, the year’s best horror (so far) has run the gambit. These movies are also from all over the world, bringing more diverse scares into the genre.

10 After Midnight (88%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

Described as a romantic monster movie, After Midnight is a sweet Southern horror flick about Hank, a heartbroken man who is haunted by memories of his former love. Hank, played by co-director and scriptwriter Jeremy Gardner, is also being hunted by a literal monster — a creature none of his friends actually believe exists.

As Hank spends his nights drinking and trying to capture the elusive monster, he also tries to comes to terms with what went wrong in his failed relationship. Brea Grant and Justin Benson co-star.

9 Sputnik (88%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

Another monster movie, Sputnik is a moody Russian space thriller that revives the scary sci-fi tropes established by Alien. Oksana Akinshina stars as a young doctor who is hired by the military to study an organism growing inside the only survivor of a failed cosmonautic mission.

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Set during the Cold War, Sputnik is marked by body horror, government intrigue, and psychological warfare. While its narrative doesn’t jump into entirely new territory, Sputnik still provides plenty of terror.

8 Swallow (89%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

An unsettlingly psychological feature, Swallow stars Haley Bennett as Hunter Conrad, a woman who becomes obsessed with consuming inedible objects. Hunter is recently married and lives in a beautiful home with her wealthy husband on the Hudson River.

Hunter feels stifled by her new life, and things take a turn for her mentally when she finds out she’s pregnant. This torturous yet compelling tale hinges on Bennett’s dedicated performance.

7 Blood Quantum (90%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

Blood Quantum is a Canadian zombie flick filmed within First Nations reserves around Quebec. Directed by Jeff Barnaby, a Mi’kmaqi, this original take on the undead follows a group of people who are immune to a zombie invasion because of their indigenous status.

As the world collapses around them, this group must choose between protecting themselves and inviting white refugees into their preserve. Indigenous Canadian actors Michael Greyeyes and Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers co-star in this refreshing addition to the genre.

6 Relic (91%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

This bleak horror feature centers around three generations of women brought together by the matriarch’s physical and mental decline. Edna (Robyn Nevin), who struggles with what seems to be dementia, compels her daughter and granddaughter (Emily Mortimer and Bella Heathcote, respectively) to visit her.

What the women find is something much more supernatural haunting their family member. It doesn’t take long for this nefarious entity to haunt them, too.

5 The Invisible Man (91%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

Elisabeth Moss’ performance in Leigh Whannell’s remake of The Invisible Man wowed critics and audiences at the beginning of the year, and it remains one of the best horror movies of 2020. Refreshingly updated, Whannell’s take on the Universal monster first invented by author H.G. Wells feels appropriately contemporary.

Moss’ character Cecilia Kass flees in the night from her overbearing boyfriend, options engineer Adrian Griffin. Griffin, played by Oliver Jackson-Cohen, fakes his own death and dons an invisibility suit to taunt his ex-girlfriend into submission.

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4 Impetigore (94%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

This Indonesian haunted house film, available on Shudder, is directed by Joko Anwar, a prolific horror director known for his gruesome works of cinematic art. In Anwar’s latest movie, a woman inherits a house in her ancestral village, but the estate comes with some unexpected caveats.

Impetigore amplifies the creaking windows and dark corners usually found in these kinds of films, filling viewers with dread until it reaches a breaking point. The movie also succeeds because it translates Indonesian folktales and regional narratives into a universally scary story.

3 La Llorona (97%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

La Llorona, also known as the Wailing Woman, is a character in Hispanic American lore who drowned her own children and spends eternity mourning their losses. She is the subject of multiple films, most recently Jayro Bustamante’s Guatemalan feature, now streaming on Shudder.

Bustamante’s La Llorona revolves around a former dictator who avoids jail time for his role in a Mayan genocide during the 1980s. After a new houseworker named Alma arrives to help the aging man, supernatural events begin to plague him.

2 Extra Ordinary (98%)

Rotten Tomatoes The 10 Highest Rated Horror Movies From 2020 (So Far)

The most comedic horror flick on this list, Extra Ordinary is an Irish feature directed by Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman. Will Forte stars as failing rock star Christian Winter, who sacrifices virgins to Satan to keep his career afloat.

When Winter targets a teenage girl, her father recruits a psychic driving instructor to help him. With its mix of oddball humor and occult vibes, Extra Ordinary harkens back to classics like Ghostbusters.

1 Host (100%)

Host is an effective, socially distant horror movie whose events transpire over the course of a one-hour Zoom meeting. Instead of simply catching up with each other, a group of friends decides to host a séance that goes from goofy to gory.

After one of the friends fakes making contact with a former schoolmate who committed suicide, the medium they hired warns them the prank likely summoned a demon. One by one, the Zoomers are targeted by the angry spirit.

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