Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s, Ranked By IMDb


Horror in the 1970s saw independent studios bring down and dirty thrills to Hollywood, making for great movies all decade long.

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Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

The 1970s saw horror movies take a dark turn. After the Hammer Horror films of the 1960s, an independent wave hit Hollywood in every genre, and the horror movies got down and dirty. This was also the era where the slasher movies really started to take form with the introduction of Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees.

However, the 1970s additionally saw the arrival of some angry horror movies that never would have passed through Hollywood before this, with chainsaw-wielding killers and mutant cannibals living in the hills terrorizing anyone who comes close. The best horror movies of the decade offer something from almost every subgenre.

10 1970 – House Of Dark Shadows – 6.4

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

In 1970, the horror movies were still similar to the 1960s, where the decade was full of haunted house and Hammer Horror films. When it comes to the best-rated movie of 1970 according to IMDb votes, the movie fits in well with House of Dark Shadows.

The movie is about a vampire who wants to find a cure for vampirism so he can marry a woman he loves. The movie was extremely popular when it came out because it was a spinoff to the ABC horror soap opera series that ran from 1966 to 1971.

9 1971 – The Abominable Dr. Phibes – 7.1

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

The most popular horror movie from 1971 based on IMDb voters was a British horror-comedy called The Abominable Dr. Phibes. The movie starred the legendary Vincent Price and Joseph Cotten, a legendary actor who previously appeared in Citizen Kane and The Third Man.

The movie had Price star as Dr. Phibes, a concert organist who set out to seek vengeance on the doctors he believed were guilty of his wife’s death while undergoing surgery. The movie was campy and fun, while the makeup effects on Price were great.

8 1972 – Deliverance – 7.7

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

A very different type of horror movie arrived in 1972 with Deliverance. This was a survival horror-thriller about a group of friends heading out for a canoe trip down a river in rural Georgia. The cast was great, with Burt Reynolds and Jon Voigt teaming with newcomers Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox.

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When the canoe trip goes wrong, and someone starts trying to kill the four, they end up in a fight for their lives in terrain they have no experience in surviving in. Deliverance was a massive success with three Oscar nominations, and the Library of Congress later added it to the National Film Registry in 2008.

7 1973 – The Exorcist – 8.0

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

Arguably, one of the greatest pure horror movies of the 1970s hit in 1973 with The Exorcist. Based on the novel by William Peter Blatty, the movie tells the story of two Catholic priests called in to help with the exorcism of a young girl, only to find the demon in control is more powerful than any they have encountered.

The Exorcist was a considerable success, the first horror movie to ever receive a nomination for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. It was also the highest-grossing R-rated movie at the box office until 2017.

6 1974 – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – 7.5

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

In 1974, things began to change in horror. Loosely based on the real-life serial killer Ed Gein, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre tells the story of a family of cannibals who sell meat made out of humans. When a group of young people ventures into their path, they find themselves running for their lives.

This movie introduced the world to the violent Leatherface. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was one of the most successful of the violent horror movies that grew to popularity in the 1970s. It also helped to popularize many tropes from the slasher genre that formed shortly after this.

5 1975 – Jaws – 8.0

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

In 1975, Steven Spielberg changed Hollywood when he helped create what became known as the summer blockbuster. That first summer blockbuster was Jaws, and it not only thrilled audiences that summer but hurt business for beach towns for years to come.

The movie about a killer shark terrorizing a summer resort town during vacation season was the highest-grossing movie of all time until Star Wars beat it out two years later. Jaws won three Oscars and it was nominated for Best Picture and entered the National Film Registry in 2001.

4 1976 – The Tenant – 7.7

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

Roman Polanski directed one of the best horror movies of the 1960s with Rosemary’s Baby. While he didn’t come close to that one with The Tenant, it was still IMDb voters’ favorite horror movie of 1976. It narrowly beat out Carrie and The Omen for the honor.

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The Tenant was part of Polanski’s Apartment Trilogy, which also included Repulsion and Rosemary’s Baby, and told the story of a man who finds the tenants in his apartment building acting strangely and soon begins his descent into paranoia. While critics at the time hated the movie, it has since become a cult classic.

3 1977 – Suspiria – 7.4

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

Daria Argento master the Giallo style of horror and that carried him to critical success in the 1970s and 1980s. The movie that brought him his most fam was the 1977 horror movie Suspiria. The movie was about an American ballet student who travels to Germany to train at a prestigious academy.

It is here that she learns, too late, that it is a coven of witches and they soon target her for a ritual sacrifice. The movie was a critical success thanks to Argento’s visual style and the vibrant colors he used for the scenes. The movie is not only a fan favorite, but also holds a high 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

2 1978 – Dawn Of The Dead – 7.9

Scariest Horror Movie From Each Year In The 1970s Ranked By IMDb

1978 was a big year for horror movies. While Halloween has become a culturally significant movie and popularized the slasher genre, its 7.7 IMDb rating sits just below the 7.9 for George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. This was the sequel to his breakthrough movie, Night of the Living Dead.

Dawn of the Dead was not only a great zombie movie but was a critical look at the socioeconomic culture of the time, a trope that remained important in the zombie genre for years to come. This was also the movie that helped Tom Savini become a major player in the world of makeup effects.

1 1979 – Alien – 8.4

In 1979, Ridley Scott directed the highest-ranked horror movie of the entire 1970s when it comes to IMDb voters. This was Alien, and while some consider it science fiction, it fits more solidly in the horror genre, as a haunted house monster movie where the house is a spacecraft in the far reaches of space.

There was a sequel that was pure science fiction action, but this first movie had Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley as the Final Girl in a movie where an alien killed all her crewmates before focusing on her. The movie won an Oscar, was added to the National Film Registry in 2002 and remains one of the most lauded horror movies in history.

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