Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Schitt’s Creek: 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed


Schitt’s Creek wouldn’t have been the same without the fatherly love (and frustration) of Johnny Rose, who had plenty of hidden aspects people missed.

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Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Johnny Rose from Schitt’s Creek is the daddest of all dads, but he’s the upgrade that sitcom dads could really use because Johnny may not be tech-savvy or good at lighting a barbecue but he’s the most supportive and nurturing parent and partner anyone can have.

Johnny was perhaps the most worldly member of the Rose family who really shouldered most of the burden and took care of the biggest problems when the family goes bankrupt. He’s progressive, giving and most of all, he’s the biggest cheerleader for his family. Despite being a fan favorite, there are many things about Johnny that the fans don’t know. Here are just some hidden details about Johnny that can help everyone understand him better:

10 He Is Anxious About His Legacy

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Johnny Rose is completely self-made and the Rose Videos empire was one of the most successful businesses in America in the Schitt’s Creek universe. And though it had an untimely end and the Roses lost everything, Johnny is naturally sentimental about the name he created for himself, which is also why he is driven towards entrepreneurial aspects and not small-time jobs, to keep them afloat.

He was happy when David opened up Rose Apothecary because it eventually got the Rose name some recognition, and though Johnny never admitted it outright, he was relieved that the family name will not go down in oblivion.

9 Is A Great Ally

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Johnny Rose will forgive a lot of things but he never really got over ungrateful friends, and that is exactly what makes him a great ally, in business or otherwise because he is there when his friends need him. He was there when Stevie needed him to help run the motel, he was even there for Roland who he didn’t even like all that much. So when he runs into his old acquaintance Don who left the Roses high and dry after they go bankrupt, he blasts them publicly, while simultaneously praising Roland’s family for their generosity.

“You wrote us off, Don. Not a phone call, not an email, not a nickel. Roland and Jocelyn here, could not have been more generous with what little they have. They found us a place to live, they’ve offered us their truck whenever we’ve needed it. They’ve invited us to their parties, they even offered to take us out to dinner tonight,” Johnny said.

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8 He Was A Better Spouse Than Moira

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Fans could probably only tell by the end of fourth or fifth season that Johnny worked a lot harder to keep Moira happy, than Moira did for him.

It’s not like Moira didn’t love him enough or didn’t help him to cope with the crisis. But Johnny was simply desperate about putting a smile on Moira’s face be it with downplaying her spending problem or naming a rose garden after her or even by overlooking her selfishness on a few occasions, Johnny was by far, the more adaptable partner in the relationship.

7 He Dressed For The Job He Wanted

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Even during the worst days, Johnny couldn’t let go of his suit and pocket squares, and for him, it was essential to look the part – which is that of a former mogul who is also a business whiz. So, he was never truly ready to start from the scratch which is understandable considering Rose Videos was hugely successful.

Johnny also advised David to aim well for the job or position he is interested in, which starts with looking like you can handle the job.

6 He’s A Conscious Eater

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

It’s hard to eat right when you only have the Cafe Tropical at your disposal and not even one salad bar in the entire town. But Johnny was a really smart and conscious eater and would often bypass the waffles and mozzarella sticks to settle for a Mediterranean salad with a scoop of tuna or a healthy veggie platter.

This also says a lot about how he could make the best of every situation, by not whining about the things that aren’t under his control but simply choosing to do the best.

5 He Was Frequently Kept In The Dark By Moira

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

When they were at the peak of success the Roses had a dysfunctional marriage. It’s evident that they had very little time for each other and were busy with their respective jobs, and even didn’t have a lot of face-time with their kids. As it’s eventually revealed in the show Johnny was quite out of touch with his children’s lives, especially Alexis, because she was at boarding school and had a jet-setting lifestyle.

And though Moira knew about certain developments in Alexis’s personal life she never really discussed them with Johnny, possibly because she didn’t want to upset him or because she didn’t think they were that big of a deal. So when Johnny finds out that Alexis was on a whirlwind trip to South Africa when she was 14 or she was held hostage by some Middle-Eastern dilettante.

4 Is Prouder Of Alexis Than David

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

Johnny is proud of both his children, especially since they’ve both worked on themselves and have given up quite a lot to come to terms with their crisis. But he’s especially proud of Alexis because she’s had a harder time adjusting to their new reality and has really turned her life around with her never-say-die spirit.

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She doesn’t just get a job but also goes back to school and makes some personal changes which help her put her past life behind and Johnny was Alexis’ biggest cheerleader, always motivating her to keep going even when nothing was going in her favor.

3 Never Lost Touch With His Working-Class Roots

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

The reason why Johnny comes across as the most worldly Rose is that he never got too carried away with excessive fame and wealth. He made his own empire with his own hands so he is very aware of the work it takes to succeed. He was the quickest to adapt to the family’s time of crisis and didn’t flinch when he realized he may have to get back to working like he had nothing.

This marks him as the epitome of a working-class success story because he never got that out of touch with his own origins or with the way this world works; his children, on the other hand, had always been privileged but Johnny always was incredibly grounded.

2 Likes Patrick More Than Ted

Schitts Creek 10 Hidden Details About Johnny Everyone Missed

It’s obvious that amid all the people his children have dated, he loves Patrick the most and not just because he used to work at a Rose Video store. But because Patrick is the closest to Johnny in temperament and ethics, which is quite funny because David is very similar to Moira and can often get a little too self-obsessed to notice if others around him are doing okay.

Both Patrick and Johnny make for incredible partners as they are resilient and giving. Johnny clearly identifies these aspects of Patrick and also respects how he helped David with his business venture.

1 He’s A Risk Taker

Johnny is decisive enough to make the tough decisions, however, some of his ideas are maybe too bold. And as audacious and surprising as they may be, they are the key to his success. Who else would look at a dreary motel and think about growing it into a multi-million dollar venture? Johnny was at his core a businessman and he trusted his instincts completely which is why he had so much confidence that he could turn his life around as he did once.

This also made him a big risk-taker. “Motels have the potential of offering a window into the unique charm of small-town life. And that’s exactly what the Rosebud Motel Group plans to do…As Stevie can attest, if my family can find peace and comfort staying at a motel, anyone can,” Johnny says.

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