Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

Seinfeld: 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst


We all love Seinfeld’s Kramer because he’s hilarious and endearing. But he’s not always a great guy! Here are 10 times Kramer was the absolute worst.

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Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

While every character on Seinfeld can be accused of being just about the worst person, Cosmo Kramer usually gets a pass due to his friendly nature. He was always willing to help, even if it wasn’t asked of him, and was a person who had a bunch of “guys” to get favors done.

However, Kramer was by no means a good person himself, as there were times when he could be the absolute worst. These ranged from his attitude to bad things he did without remorse. In case you want a recap of the times we’re referring to, check out these 10 instances where Kramer really was the worst character.

10 Helping The Soup Nazi Bully People

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

Kramer was the one guy the Soup Nazi didn’t talk down to, but this didn’t have to do with the former’s friendly nature. Instead, it was because Kramer was the only one who “understood” the Soup Nazi. To put it simpler terms, Kramer encouraged the Soup Nazi to scream at people.

This was evident when we saw Kramer told people to beat it after they had been screamed upon and he had no problems with this either, as he gladly accepted a gift from the Soup Nazi for supporting his bullying ways.

9 Every Time He Made Jackie Chiles Lose His Case

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

You really have to feel for Jackie Chiles, who was left hapless in defeat each time Kramer hired him. The fact that Kramer was always the one to convince Chiles to represent him was what makes him culpable here.

After all, Chiles would outright refuse to be Kramer’s lawyer, only for the latter to assure him they had a winning chance. However, in every instance, Kramer would cut a deal with the other party, thereby both wasting Jackie Chiles’ time and adding in a loss to his record as a lawyer.

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8 Telling A Woman She Needed A Nose Job

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

While he was easily the nicest of the gang, Kramer was also the bluntest out of them. This doesn’t excuse him for being tactless, though, as his attitude led to more than a few feeling hurt. Case in point was George’s girlfriend, who had a rather large nose.

Kramer didn’t waste any time in letting her know what he thought of her, calling her just as pretty as any other girl but one who badly needed a nose job. Even the otherwise apathetic gang of George, Jerry, and Elaine were horrified with Kramer making this rude remark.

7 Buying A Cheap Wheelchair For A Handicapped Person

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

One of Kramer’s girlfriends happened to be a person in a wheelchair, who became severely injured due to George’s car being parked in a handicapped spot. After coming across her, Kramer seemed to have fallen in love, just not enough to purchase a quality wheelchair for her.

As a result of getting her this hazardous equipment, Kramer’s girlfriend ended up having an even bigger accident, as she lost control in the middle of the road. You’d think being in love would have warranted at least a few extra bucks out of him.

6 Making Jerry Stay In His Unlivable Apartment

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

The lights from the newly opened restaurant across the street caused his apartment to be bathed in a horrid reddish hue and Kramer found himself unable to fall asleep. After an argument over this with Jerry, the two swapped apartments.

However, Kramer was a hypocrite here, as he continued to support the restaurant by becoming addicted to their food, thereby enabling them to remain in business while also living in Jerry’s apartment so that the latter would be stuck in the unlivable situation. This almost turned Jerry crazy, but Kramer hid the fact as long as he could.

5 When He Stole Susan’s Girlfriend

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

It appears as if having scruples was never on Kramer’s agenda, as he very gladly broke a romance because it benefited him. After Susan’s girlfriend fell in love with him, Kramer encouraged this attraction simply because she taught him how to golf better.

That’s right, Kramer made her switch her orientation just so that he could take a few swings off his golf game. Not only that, but he proudly bragged about doing so, even though it meant Susan lost the person she had been in love with.

4 Berating Jerry And Elaine For Disliking His Girlfriend, Whom He Also Hated

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

This one really escapes understanding and it seems as if Kramer was just looking to take out his frustrations on someone. As it happened, he decided to dump a girlfriend he admitted he hated. This allowed Jerry and Elaine to also admit their dislike for her.

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However, after he couldn’t go through with the breakup — in a scene where he said the nastiest things to hurt her — Kramer returned to Jerry and Elaine and was livid at them. Branding them as liars, he refused to talk to them again because they disliked his girlfriend, even though he himself had been the one to encourage them to badmouth her in the first place.

3 Beating Up Children In Karate

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

It appeared as if Kramer had somehow become the master of karate when he claimed he was the best in his class, only for it to be revealed that he was partaking in a class comprising completely of children. Not only did he win, but Kramer also took to beating the kids up, no holds barred.

He did so in order to establish his dominance, as he had no reservations with manhandling children who weren’t very good at karate, to begin with. At least he got his just desserts when the kids ganged up on him later on.

2 Celebrating When A Person Was Killed

Seinfeld 10 Times Kramer Was The Absolute Worst

Things took a very dark turn on Seinfeld when a storyline about a killer at large was shown. In this angle, Kramer was hunted by the cops as the one suspected to be the killer.

However, when he was released — as it turned out another person had been killed while Kramer was in jail — not only did Kramer not care about the victims, he outright danced in the street because the death meant he was off the hook. He even forgot about the fact that his own girlfriend was one of the victims!

1 Kidnapping And Abandoning Someone’s Dog

After Elaine found it unbearable when a neighbor’s dog continually barked into the night, Kramer proposed he hire someone to kill it. When Elaine couldn’t go through with it, he dialed it down to simply kidnapping the dog.

Even though Elaine was still hesitant, Kramer would insist they go continue with the plan, hiring Newman to come up with the scheme. Unfortunately for him, the dog turned out to be smart enough to retrace her steps and return to the city, but there’s no escaping the fact that Kramer was willing to kill off a dog and masterminded a plan to abandon it somewhere far away.

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