Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Seinfeld: Jerry’s Exes, Ranked By Likability


Jerry never finds lasting love on Seinfeld, but the sitcom character has plenty of girlfriends, ranging from awful to absolutely wonderful people.

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Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Unlike most sitcoms, Seinfeld was never about the main characters finding true love. Even Jerry Seinfeld, the title character of the show, has a pretty spotty love life. Jerry did date a lot of different women over the course of the series, but they never panned out. Some barely lasted a single date while others turned into relationships, but they all became Jerry’s exes.

For some of these relationships, Jerry really seemed to dodge a bullet. He has been known to choose for girlfriends who are not likable people. On the other hand, some of these women were perfectly pleasant and Jerry was the problem.

10 Beth

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

For a few episodes, Beth was the object of Jerry’s obsession. She was a married woman whom he kept hoping would divorce her husband so that he could swoop in as the rebound relationships.

Eventually, Jerry gets his wish and Beth becomes single. It doesn’t take him long to ask her out and they seem like a nice match. Beth even shares Jerry’s disdain for dentists. Unfortunately, she then proves herself to also be a racist and an anti-Semite, easily making her the vilest of Jerry’s exes.

9 Sharon

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Sharon is one of Jerry’s briefest relationships and the whole romance starts off from a pretty peculiar place. She is a reporter for a university newspaper who is tasked with writing a profile on him. However, she accidentally overhears Jerry and George joking around about being gay together and decides to write the article about that.

Jerry tries to convince her that it was a joke and even persuades her to go out with him, but several misunderstandings make her continue to believe he is gay. Regardless of his sexual orientation, for her to out someone to the public against their wishes is pretty terrible.

8 Jane

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Sometimes it is not so much that Jerry doesn’t connect well with his girlfriends but rather that his friends don’t. In the case of Jane, she has a run-in with Elaine that causes Jerry to try and keep the two of them separated forever.

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Though Elaine is not always the easiest person to get along with, this was completely Jane’s fault. When in the bathroom, Elaine asks Jane in the stall next to her if she can borrow some toilet paper but Jane stubbornly refuses to “spare a square.” This is such an unnecessarily meanspirited thing to do.

7 Jeannie

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Just as it was seeming as if Jerry would never find his soulmate, he happens to meet Jeannie Steinman after she saves him from almost being run over by a car. After that, they bond over the fact that they have the same initials. Jerry sees that she is like a female version of himself and instinctively proposes to her.

However, Jerry and the audience soon realize that one Jerry is fun but two can be a little annoying. While Jeannie doesn’t do anything too egregious, she is just a bit obnoxious. Thankfully, she can’t stand Jerry either and they call off the marriage amicably.

6 Dolores

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Dolores is one of Jerry’s girlfriends who is memorable for being so unmemorable. Despite going out with her a couple of times, Jerry cannot remember what this girl’s name is and only has the hint that it rhymes with a part of the female anatomy.

This leads to a lot of hilarious gags in which Jerry tries various ways to find out her name. But in the end, Dolores is neither likable nor unlikable, but rather a punchline in a pretty funny joke.

5 Jenna

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

It is known that Jerry can be quite a clean freak so one can imagine his horror when he accidentally knocks his girlfriend’s toothbrush into the toilet. To make matters worse, Jenna, the girlfriend, uses it to brush her teeth before Jerry can tell her what happened.

After coming up with various excuses to avoid kissing her, Jerry finally comes clean about the toothbrush incident. Jenna is rightfully horrified and retaliates by putting something of Jerry’s in the toilet and not telling him what it is. While it might be a little petty, it’s also nice to see someone get revenge on Jerry.

4 Sidra

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Sidra seeing how badly she is treated by Jerry. They meet at the gym and Jerry is instantly attracted to her. But when Elaine suggests Sidra’s breasts are fake, Jerry decides to call off the date.

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After Elaine gets confirmation that they are real, Jerry desperately tries to get another date with her. But after learning the truth of Jerry and Elaine’s little debate, she gets to put Jerry in his place by dumping him and announcing, “By the way, they’re real and they’re spectacular.”

3 Meryl

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

Before her days as Monica Gellar on Friends, Courteney Cox popped up as one of Jerry’s more charming girlfriends, Meryl. In fact, Meryl might be the only girlfriend Jerry ever says “I love you” to on the show and the couple even has a contest to see who says it the most.

Meryl is also quite savvy as she pretends to be Jerry’s wife so she can get his free laundry service. This eventually leads to the couple bickering like a real married couple, although it seems like Meryl is just annoyed with how immature Jerry is. In the end, Jerry cheats on her, which seems like a big mistake.

2 Elaine

Seinfeld Jerrys Exes Ranked By Likability

It can be easy for fans to forget that Jerry and Elaine were a couple at different times. They seem so compatible as friends that it is hard to imagine them in a real relationship. And while Elaine can be as self-centered and cruel as Jerry at times, she is also quite lovable.

When Jerry and Elaine try to be friends with benefits, it offers a small glimpse at what their romance might have been like. Despite Elaine’s other relationship failures, she seemed to be the one trying to make this work and Jerry was the problem.

1 Laura

If Jerry spent as much time on his romances as he did on his various schemes then he might have actually had a successful relationship. However, in the case of Laura, she seemed very willing to go along with all the stupidity.

Laura is deaf and can read lips, which gives George the idea to use her to spy on his girlfriend. When Jerry asks her to do it, she immediately agrees like it’s nothing at all. Though she is much more mature than the likes of Jerry and George, Laura is someone who likes to have a bit of fun.

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