Senuas Saga Hellblade 2 Combat Required Star To Train For Two Years

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 Combat Required Star To Train For Two Years

After skipping E3, Ninja Theory takes the stage at the Xbox Games Showcase Extended to talk more about the work behind Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II.

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Ninja Theory’s chief creative Tameem Antoniades took the stage during the Xbox Games Showcase Extended to talk a little more about the team’s upcoming title, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. The studio’s participation in the show was revealed by Xbox previously, and the announcement left many eager to hear more from the quiet developer. Among other details and a short trailer which mixed both game footage and real-life action, Antoniades stated that the actress behind the game’s protagonist prepared for two years to get combat ready.

Melina Juergens, who plays the titular character in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, has been one of the best sources for fans looking to learn more on Ninja Theory’s latest game. Back in January, the actor shared an up-close look at Senua’s intricate web of facial tattoos on her Twitter. This was one of the first looks at the character’s design since the game was initially announced at The Game Awards 2019. Juergens also released a video diary showing off some of her work on the title two months ago. The video gives a small glimpse into the world of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, but also featured a look at the actor’s behind-the-scenes motion capture.

In today’s Xbox Games Showcase Extended interview, Tameem Antoniades explains Ninja Theory is aiming for intense fighting which called for actor Melina Juergens to undergo an equally intense two-year long training regimen. “We wanted to be extra real and brutal,” explained Antoniades. To that end, Senua’s actor was not the only one to prepare for battle in ninth-century Iceland. According to the creative director, every animator working on Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II also got some combat training. “We wanted to do something extra special,” says Antoniades, “and so we are making our lives as difficult as possible in that pursuit.”

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The interview also touched on a few details that had previously come to light about the game. Before rolling a new, though vague, clip for the title, the creative director mentioned how the team had been working with Epic Games to give the game a “next-gen” look. Ninja Theory showed the results of the collaboration earlier this year on social media. The post contained a single screenshot of Senua standing in front of a field of light. The team cautions that the look may not be finalized, but the picture is an exciting look at what the game could look like.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is still very early in the development process. Antoniades confirmed that in this recent interview when he stated the game had yet to enter into full production. It may be a long wait for fans eager to get ahold of the title, but, so far, it seems Ninja Theory is doing some amazing things to make its sequel even greater than the original.

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