Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Sex Education: Maeve’s 10 Best Quotes


Maeve Wiley from Sex Education is one of TV’s smartest and toughest characters and she proves it whenever she delivers these fantastic lines.

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Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

One of Moordale’s smartest and wittiest characters, Maeve Wiley always has something clever to say. She’s sarcastic, pessimistic, and incredibly knowledgeable, which makes her a great friend, business partner, and potential romantic interest for Otis. Maeve seems self-assured and confident on the surface, but she has many deep fears and doubts about her life, especially her future.

Self-sufficient at the age of 16, Maeve lives alone in a rusty trailer park, occasionally visited by unreliable relatives. In season 2, Maeve pours more of her energy into herself and her schoolwork. Her future is closing in fast, and she wants to ensure she gives herself the best shot at making something significant of her life. She’s still Maeve, though, which means she has plenty of snarky comments to make, but also some wise ones.

10 “All Of Our Brains Are Slowly Dying. You’re Not Unique.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

When Maeve meets Isaac in season 2, they get off to a bit of a rough start. However, after spending some time together, they realize they have quite a lot in common, including their dark sense of humor.

Isaac often makes self-deprecating jokes, but Maeve makes sure she puts him in his place. She reminds him that everyone is slowly dying, brains included, which means that Isaac’s disability doesn’t make him special in that department.

9 “Do You Know How Long I’ve Been Called ‘Cock Biter’? Four Years.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Maeve has a reputation around campus as a “slag” and nobody bothers to find out whether or not the rumors about her are actually true. She’s a social outcast, which she seems not to mind, but when she and Otis are investigating the incidents surrounding Ruby’s leaked photo, Maeve reveals that it does bother her.

Otis doesn’t understand why Maeve cares so much about Ruby’s problem because he thinks Ruby isn’t a very nice person. Furthermore, Maeve doesn’t accept her money, so it’s not for business. She explains to him that people have been spreading awful rumors about her since she was 14, and she doesn’t wish that for anyone, not even Ruby. “This kind of thing sticks,” she says.

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8 “Why Celebrate The Day I Got Pushed Out Of Some Random Vagina Against My Will?”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Ever the optimist, Maeve’s perspective on her birthday is a wry one. When Otis asks her why she doesn’t like her birthday, she replies that it’s kind of a pointless celebration.

Maeve doesn’t have the best relationship with her mother, but on this particular birthday, Aimee and Otis make her feel special. Otis gives her a five-year diary with her birthdays torn out, which Maeve appreciates – so much that she almost confesses her affection for him.

7 “Funfairs Are Simply A Distraction From The Inevitability Of Death.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Once again, Maeve’s sarcasm shows the true darkness of her outlook on life. In season 2, when Otis asks her if she’ll go to the fair, she says it’s not her thing. Otis agrees with her sentiment, a little surprised at its bleakness.

Maeve has watched her family crumble and face life’s challenges without much success, so she’s not too optimistic about her own future. For her, something as silly and inconsequential as a fair is just a distraction from the struggle that life really is in her eyes.

6 “No, It’s My Vagina.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

One of the most powerful moments of the first season comes after Olivia has claimed accountability for her actions. All day, Ruby has been going along with the Untouchables about the explicit photo that’s been shared with their entire cohort.

It turns out that the photo is Ruby’s, and Olivia shared it to taunt her as revenge. At assembly the next morning, Mr. Groff gives a warning speech about digital culture. Olivia redeems herself by standing up and telling everyone that it’s her vagina. After Maeve’s touching speech about the derogatory names she’s been called, she stands up, too. This inspires many students around the hall to join them.

5 “It’s Just A Stupid Bus.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Maeve’s best friend Aimee goes through a lot in season 2, and Maeve is there for her every step of the way. However, for a long time, she doesn’t entirely understand the way Aimee’s trauma has affected her.

At the end of the season, Aimee breaks down and reveals that she can’t get on the bus. The next morning, Maeve and the rest of the girls are waiting for Aimee at her bus stop. Maeve holds out her hand and lets Aimee take her time getting on.

4 “Complex Female Characters.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

In season 1, Maeve and Jackson share a flirtatious relationship but hesitate to make it something more. Jackson tries to get to know her better, but she remains elusive and vague.

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At Aimee’s party, Jackson invites her to the hot tub, but Maeve says that hot tubs aren’t really her “thing.” When asked what her “thing” is, Maeve replies, “Complex female characters.” This response throws Jackson off, but it’s true. Maeve enjoys reading classic feminist texts and rejects social stereotypes about women’s roles in romance and society at large.

3 “I Can Also Guage The Depths Of Mr. Hendricks’ Personal Despair Based On His Choice Of Hawaiian Shirt.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

Maeve is educated and knowledgeable because she reads a lot and has a natural aptitude for absorbing new information, but she’s also witty and sharp-tongued. After getting kicked out of school for her brother’s drug ring, Maeve returns, determined to fight her way back in.

She infiltrates Mr. Groff’s office and makes excellent use of his announcer’s microphone to read out A-level essays she’s written for other students. When a horrified Groff finds her, she rushes to defend herself in typical Maeve fashion, referring to her extensive and impressive knowledge of feminist literature and maintaining her wry sense of humor.

2 “… Selective Castration Is Our Only Hope.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

After Otis unintentionally gives Jackson advice on how to impress Maeve, he starts reading Virginia Woolf aloud in front of her, hoping to catch her attention. In episode 4 of season 1, he’s jogging during a P.E. class and holding A Room Of One’s Own in one hand.

Jackson asks Maeve what she thinks Woolf meant by her famous quote, “The history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.” Maeve is quick to give her weary answer: “That men are d**ks and selective castration is our only hope.” Of course, she’s joking, but she doesn’t sound like she is.

1 “Yeah, That Makes Me Sick.”

Sex Education Maeves 10 Best Quotes

One of Maeve’s most iconic moments is when she tells Otis what she thinks of rom-com love stories. “You know in rom-coms, when the guy finally realizes he’s in love with the girl, and he turns up with a boom box outside her house, blasting her favorite song, and everyone in the audience swoons? Yeah, that makes me sick.”

Otis laughs because he agrees, but as he’s leaving school that afternoon, he runs into Jackson and hatches a plan. Jackson is seeking more advice on how he can impress Maeve, so he feeds him false information and tells him to make a grand gesture. To Otis’s chagrin, it actually works. Interestingly, Maeve later enjoys dressing up for the dance despite her adamance that she wouldn’t be attending. This proves that being a feminist doesn’t mean hating all men or rejecting all social norms of femininity or girlishness.

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