Sexy Beasts What We Know About Show Narrator Rob Delaney

Sexy Beasts: What We Know About Show Narrator Rob Delaney

The Netflix show Sexy Beasts has created quite a stir with its promotional trailer. Learn about the show’s hilarious host Rob Delaney.

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Sexy Beasts What We Know About Show Narrator Rob Delaney

Sexy Beasts is going to be the strangest show on Netflix, and fans are wondering who the narrator of the future hit show is. Narrator Rob Delaney is along for the ride, ready to help people on their anonymous dates by providing hilarious commentary. He seems ready to have fun with the concept, with a dry tone and the power of understatement.

Delaney was born in 1977 and started a career as a stand-up comedian. Twitter discovered him around the same time that the world discovered Twitter, in 2009, and they responded positively to his style. He was one of the first comics to use the platform, and that boosted his career in television and film. Following the 2016 election, he also became an activist, declaring himself a Democratic socialist and joining organizations such as the ACLU. Delaney knows to toe the line when talking about comedy, or about serious situations. No one will judge him for appearing in the Tom & Jerry movie because 2020 and 2021 have been weird years in tandem, plus the movie has done well in the box office.

The trailer for Sexy Beasts on YouTube has Delaney commenting on what he calls the “strangest blind date ever” as people dressed from head to toe in furry cosplays meet for a meal or a quick cup of coffee. Some individuals lay out all their cards on the table, as one woman excitedly speaks and another person says “A** first, personality second.” Delaney maintains a neutral tone, which adds to the awkwardness and the potential that maybe someone can find their soulmate under all the literally skin-deep makeup. His voice seems to be perfect to temper out the drama that viewers can sense will bubble the minute this show premieres. The show producers may or may not be touching the surface that some people would rather keep the masks on and not know what’s under. Viewers have commented on this discrepancy at least.

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It’s no surprise that interested viewers think that Delaney’s voice can counter some of the show’s pitfalls, or translate some of the weirder moments if the trailer is any indication of what’s to come. He’s had years of experience to hone a refined inflection and intonation, to inform everyone when they should start panicking. It helps that he has ample acting under his belt, from bit parts in shows like Cougar Town to co-creating at least one successful television show, and appearing in Deadpool 2. Stand-up comedy has allowed him to gauge when to read the room and which tone seems appropriate for the situation.

Catastrophe is Delaney’s most well-known project, where he served as co-creator, co-writer, and executive producer while portraying the character. The show is about what happens when an advertising executive hooks up with an Irish teacher, and they decide to try and make a relationship work when she ends up pregnant. Neither of their families is accepting of the sudden change, and their friends are surprised as well as worried about if such a rushed romance can last in the long run. The late Carrie Fisher appeared in the series as a supporting character, and the show was her last project. Catastrophe ran for four series in the United Kingdom before wrapping up, between 2015 and 2019.

Viewer opinions are mixed on the new show and are unsure how to respond. They at least have Rob Delaney to guide the way, if they choose to watch. It certainly won’t be like listening to David Attenborough talking about birds or nature, since the animals in his shows seem a little tamer.

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