SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

She-Ra: 10 Best Warriors From The Series, Ranked


Just about every character in She-Ra and the Princess of Power is savvy in combat, but these 10 characters are on a completely different level.

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SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

In She-Ra and the Princess of Power, the heroes have to go up against the Horde over and over again. The series might be for children, but the core conflict is a war between good and evil and the fate of Etheria. Because Of this, most of the main characters have cultivated impressing combat prowess. While some are great at using weapons, many of them are Princesses of Power who have special magical abilities that aid them in battle.

The definition of a warrior can vary from person to person, but, in this list, characters are ranked based on the different skills they use when fighting and how good they seem to be in these situations. This includes many protagonists, as well as some of the main antagonists.

10 Sea Hawk

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Sea Hawk is the swashbuckling captain that has a rather ridiculous and over-the-top personality, but, despite his profession, he’s not the best of the warriors in the series. This doesn’t mean he’s totally incompetent, but he also doesn’t have the advantage of being an elemental princess. He’s also not nearly as disciplined or trained as other non-magical characters, such as Bow.

9 Perfuma

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Perfuma is the Princess of Power who has the most gentle personality, and she struggles at times to use her ability to manipulate plants in battle situations. She’s not naturally a fighter, and she would prefer to use her gifts to help things grow and aid others around her.

However, this doesn’t mean she isn’t extremely useful in fights. Her plant manipulation skills do come in useful in many situations, and she even overcomes her difficulty with using desert plants.

8 Frosta

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Frosta is someone who has the potential to continue to hone her skills and be a great warrior, and, in the series, she’s not a bad one—she’s just quite a bit younger than most of the other characters.

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Her cytokinesis powers allow her to manipulate ice and snow, and this is a formidable skill to encounter. However, viewers don’t see her in action as much as some of the other princesses, but she does enjoy the thrill of battle and has been in some of She-Ra’s most iconic scenes.

7 Mermista

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

While Mermista starts out as a more distant and sarcastic character, she really grows into her role as one of the leaders. At one point, she even takes on leading the Rebellion in Adora’s absence. Her abilities to manipulate water and turn into a mermaid are very useful in many fighting situations.

On top of that, she also has a trident that she uses as a weapon. Overall, she’s a rather well-rounded warrior who works hard and gives her all, and she becomes more and more skilled as time goes on.

6 Scorpia

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Scorpia, one of She-Ra’s best characters, might have a rather endearing and loving personality, but this doesn’t mean she’s not a formidable warrior. Scorpia is someone who doesn’t seem like they should be a member of the Horde, as she really just wants to have friends and take care of others. Yet, she does have the strength, not to mention her giant claw, to be extremely powerful in battle. Plus, after she reconnects to the power of the Black Garnet, she has lightning powers, further adding to her strength.

5 Bow

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Bow might not be a Princess of Power, but this doesn’t mean he’s not a strong fighter. Bow has been a member of the Rebellion against the Horde alongside Glimmer for a long time already given his young age. He’s had a fair amount of training and experience by the time the show begins, and he just gets more and more as time goes on.

Bow, as the name implies, is an expert with the bow and arrow and can also hold his own in hand-to-hand situations. He’s also great to have around because he’s rather level-headed in stressful situations and is good at planning ahead.

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4 Catra

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Catra is a rather tough and sneaky character who isn’t someone anyone would want to come up against in battle. While she always felt second best to Adora, she became a Force Captain and eventually second in command to Hordak.

She becomes a great strategist as time goes on, and she also has special abilities thanks to being part cat. She’s agile, quick, and has sharp claws that make her terrifying to deal with in a fight.

3 Glimmer

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

Glimmer is actually one of the stronger characters in the She-Ra series even though her magical powers are a bit harder to explain or pin down than some of the others.

Glimmer has a lot of experience in battle situations already when the series begins, and her powers allow her to do many things such as teleport and use her “sparkle powers.” She’s also decent in hand-to-hand combat. The main weakness she deals with is only being able to use her powers so much before she’s drained.

2 Hunatra

SheRa 10 Best Warriors From The Series Ranked

When thinking of a typical warrior, Huntara’s skills definitely comes to mind. She was a former soldier for the Horde, and she has extensive battle training in things like hand-to-hand combat and battle strategy. Plus, she was also living in the Crimson Waste for years, and she had to develop a level of toughness and mental agility to survive there and be feared. Huntara mainly uses a battle staff, and, despite having no magical powers, she’s very powerful.

1 Adora

Adora might not be one of She-Ra’s most intelligent characters as she tends to lead with her heart and gut more than her head, but she is the ultimate warrior on the series. She’s She-Ra, and she is able to use the Sword of Protection as well as her princess powers, such as her superhuman strength and agility, to great use.

She gives her all in battle, and, at times, this can be to the detriment of her own health and wellbeing. Adora is definitely the brawn of the series, and she’s even better at fighting than her two best friends.

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