Smallvilles Doomsday Was Worse Than Batman v Supermans

Smallville’s Doomsday Was Worse Than Batman v Superman’s

Batman v. Superman’s take on Doomsday is widely disliked, but Smallville’s version of the fan-favorite Superman villain was even more disappointing.

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Smallvilles Doomsday Was Worse Than Batman v Supermans

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’s Doomsday has been criticized by many fans, but surprisingly, Smallville’s take on the villain is even more disappointing. The Superman prequel series, which aired from 2001 to 2011, was the first show to create a live-action Doomsday. In the comic books, Doomsday is notorious for killing the Last Son of Krypton in the 1993 “Death of Superman” event.

The DCEU took quite a few liberties with Doomsday when it adapted the character to the big screen for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The movie kept Doomsday’s role in the death of Superman, but changed nearly everything else, including his design, origin, and powers. Doomsday was conceived in the comics as an unstoppable killing machine created by Kryptonian scientists, but Batman v. Superman gave him a new origin story by having him created from the DNA of Lex Luthor and the body of the Kryptonian villain from Man of Steel, General Zod. Fans were dissatisfied with the decision to throw out Doomsday’s comic book origin, and perhaps even more displeased with his appearance, which some said looked more like the MCU’s Abomination than his comic book counterpart.

Interestingly, the changes made to Doomsday in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice don’t compare to what Smallville did with the character in season 8, which introduced a new series regular, a troubled paramedic named Davis Bloome (Sam Witwer) who was romantically interested in Chloe (Allison Mack). It was revealed over the course of the season that Davis was actually a genetically-engineered life form from Krypton who secretly traveled to Earth on Clark’s spaceship during the meteor shower that was depicted in the pilot episode. Davis, unaware of his true nature, transformed into the murderous Doomsday at night, and reverted back to his human form in the daytime, with no memory of his actions as Doomsday.

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Smallville’s Doomsday actually had a lot in common with most werewolf stories than it did with the source material. Doomsday being a human who transformed into a serial killing monster with no control over his actions is right in line with what viewers would expect from a werewolf, which is essentially the story that Smallville told in season 8.

Fans were disappointed with Smallville’s portrayal of Doomsday, a character who isn’t supposed to have a human alter ego or emotions of any kind. This aspect of the character, at least, wasn’t present in Batman v. Superman. So far, the only live-action show to have a comic book accurate Doomsday was Krypton.

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