SpiderMan Homecoming Sequel to Take Place Beyond New York City

Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel to Take Place Beyond New York City

According to Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming will begin production this July and will head outside of New York.

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While we know that Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is set to enter production in the coming months, very little is known about the film that is set in Marvel’s still secretive Phase Four. Kevin Feige and company have remained mum on the project, only revealing that director Jon Watts will be returning behind the camera. However, a new interview has revealed the untitled sequel will step outside of New York for at least a portion of the film.

io9 had a chance to speak with Kevin Feige during the press junket for Avengers: Infinity War today and managed to get the Marvel Studios President to offer up some teases for what fans can expect in Spider-Man: Homecoming 2. During the interview, Feige confirmed that not only will the film not be set primarily in New York like its predecessor, but that filming is slated to kickoff in early July, indicating casting isn’t far off now.

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Despite little to no news coming out regarding the sequel, pre-production appears to be well-underway as the film looks to begin filming this July. That’s a month off from the previously revealed June start, however, the news that Watts and crew may be returning to Germany for some of the filming does fall in line with Feige’s comments. According to Feige, while the first film shoot in Atlanta, they’ve opted to shoot the sequel in London. Although he was quick to reassure Spidey will still spend “some time” in New York, along with “other parts of the globe.” Perhaps Berlin is one of the “parts of the globe” he’s teasing.

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“We start filming early July,” Feige said. “We film in London. We shot first film in Atlanta. And we shoot a lot of films in London but there’s another reason we’re shooting in London which is, yes, Spidey, of course, will spend some time in New York, but he’ll spend some time in other parts of the globe.”

Unfortunately, those hoping Feige would elaborate as to why Peter is heading outside of New York will be disappointed as the Marvel Studios head kept his mouth shut. However, an earlier report from That Hashtag Show indicated that Marvel was looking to cast a European actress in her 20’s for a “femme fatale” role, which many believe to be Black Cat — a character that was expected to make her debut in Sony’s Silver & Black from director Gina Prince-Bythewood. That project, however, has since been stalled as Prince-Bythewood and the studio look to rework the script. Another character that had been speculated to be joining the film was Spider-Woman, aka Jessica Drew, a character that was coincidentally born in Europe. With the studio specifically looking for a European actress, it’s not surprising the film will take Peter away from the streets of New York and to various parts of the globe.

What remains to be seen, though, is how Avengers 4 impacts the decision to take Spider-Man out of New York for a good amount of the film. After all, it was previously revealed that Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 takes places just minutes after the events of Avengers 4.

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Sony and Marvel Studios are set to team up for the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming later this summer, when filming is expected to begin — possibly overseas. The film will be directed by Jon Watts and will see Tom Holland return as the titular character. The untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is slated to hit theaters on July 5th, 2019.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/spider-man-homecoming-2-global/

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