SpiderMans Avengers Assemble Scene Was Better Than Captain Americas

Spider-Man’s ‘Avengers Assemble’ Scene Was Better Than Captain America’s

Captain America’s big “Assemble” moment from Avengers: Endgame is as epic as it gets, but Spider-Man’s version of the scene is even more inspiring.

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SpiderMans Avengers Assemble Scene Was Better Than Captain Americas

Captain America’s unforgettable “Avengers: Assemble” line from Avengers: Endgame may be one of the biggest superhero moments of all time, but Spider-Man’s own strikingly similar scene from the comics is arguably even more epic. As Endgame reached its climax, Captain America was left to face Thanos’ army on his own, until the heroes who were just snapped back into existence arrived in the knick of time, gathering around Cap and allowing him to finally utter the most famous Avengers line for the first time in the MCU.

Just as this big Endgame moment revolves around the re-gathering of heroes five years after their most devastating loss, the comics’ equivalent of that scene also occurs sometime after a pretty disastrous defeat for Marvel’s heroes. 2008’s What If? House of M by Brian Reed, Jim McCann and Paolo Pantalena was a one-shot that explored what would have happened if the Scarlet Witch said “no more powers” at the climax of Marvel’s House of M storyline instead of her infamous “no more mutants” line. The result is a Marvel world now devoid of any superpowered humans or mutants, rendering every former hero no different from everyone else.

Some, mostly tech-based heroes attempt to uphold the old ways as vigilantes, but most of them retire to their own quaint lives. After a few months go by, the Red Skull begins his rise to power by acquiring the Cosmic Cube and uniting the forces of Hydra, the Hand and A.I.M. under his leadership. As Red Skull fills the power vacuum in a world with almost no heroes left to stop him, he publically kills Reed Richards and declares his new world order. Skull’s next move is to obliterate New York City as a show of his unmatched power, leading to an Endgame-level climax where a variety of depowered Marvel heroes show up in their own unique Iron Man suits, spearheaded by Tony Stark.

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However, they’re not nearly enough to match Red Skull’s forces. That’s when Peter Parker shows up with nothing but his web-shooters to thwip the Cube from the Skull’s hands and break it on a brick wall. At this point, Peter’s the only one standing between the Red Skull and his victory, finding himself in a very similar position to Cap in Endgame. Only in Cap’s case, his reinforcements show up right on time through no action of his own, whereas Peter has to give one heck of a rousing speech to earn his backup. He calls out to the crowd of New York citizens cowering indoors and in alleyways, telling them they can no longer wait for heroes to save them, that they all have a responsibility to rise up and take their city back. “We stand up and fight, or we roll over and die. Now or never,” Peter bellows out before a large battalion of average, everyday citizens follows his lead as he cries out, “Avengers…Assemble!”

There’s no denying that Avengers: Endgame’s big “Assemble” moment has the added advantage of being an expertly executed film scene with roughly ten years worth of movies building up to it, but as far as a sheer showing of will displayed by a single character making an inspiring stand, Spider-Man takes the cake over Captain America on this one. With no powers at all, Peter gives the inspiring speech of a lifetime that incites an entire crowd of average people to become Avengers themselves and take down an army of organized villains. Now if that’s not every bit as goosebump-worthy as Endgame’s final battle, we’re not sure what is.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-had-a-more-epic-avengers-assemble-scene-than-captain-americas/

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