Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts


The world of Squid Game and the Marvel Cinematic Universe aren’t as different as one might think. In fact, many of the characters are very similar.

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Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Squid Game and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are some of the biggest cultural phenomenons to take place in recent years. The MCU has been prevalent across popular culture since Iron Man in 2008. It’s very rare to meet someone who has never seen a Marvel film or at least some basic knowledge of the Avengers.

Squid Game is a much more recent development, but no less popular. The Korean drama took the world by storm when it launched on Netflix in September. It would only make sense that they are many connections between these cultural phenomenons. Upon a closer look, the heroes of the MCU aren’t so different from the contestants of the Squid Game.

10 Cho Sang-Woo: Loki

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Sang-Woo starts as a relatable protagonist, becomes an antagonist, and then redeems himself in the end. This is very similar to Loki’s journey: he is introduced as a neutral character in Thor, he then quickly becomes a villain in later MCU films, but then, in the end, redeems himself by sacrificing his life.

Both of these characters are simply trying to survive in the best way they can by utilizing trickery. Sang-Woo knows about the Squid Game Dalgona challenge before it begins, but does not say anything. He also tricks Ali during the marble game so that he could move on to the next game. Loki, meanwhile, uses illusions to escape the T.V.A. and, later, the Void, in a vain effort to preserve the MCU’s main timeline.

9 Abdul Ali: Peter Parker

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Ali is one of the most tragic characters in Squid Game. Like Peter Parker, he is younger than his teammates and often looks up to them. The relationship Ali has with Sang-Woo is very similar to that of Peter and Tony Stark. Ali looks up to Sang-Woo and often asks him for guidance. Sang-Woo grows begrudgingly fond of Ali in the same way Tony feels for Peter.

In addition, Ali is also often underestimated like Peter. Sang-Woo chooses to work with Ali for the marble game because he believes Ali will be easy to beat, but that is not the case. Peter is also often underestimated by Tony and Happy despite the many things he is able to do. Most of all, Ali and Peter both suffer many tragedies. Ali loses his family and life, while Peter loses his mentor and identity.

8 Han Mi-Nyeo: Rocket

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Mi-Nyeo is one of the more dynamic characters in the competition. She is willing to do anything to keep herself alive. She talks in circles in the hopes that she can get in with the bigger groups, whether it be Deok-Su or Sang-Woo, and she is absolutely ruthless. This is very similar to Rocket in that they both share a strong survival instinct.

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Rocket is often difficult to get along with as he tends to only look out for himself (and Groot). Mi-Nyeo does the same as she constantly flips allegiances. Both Rocket and Mi-Nyeo have deeper sides than they want to reveal, however. Rocket cares for the other Guardians even if he doesn’t always show it. Similarly, Mi-Nyeo is not afraid to take her life into her own hands to right a wrong.

7 Jang Deok-Su: Nebula

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Deok-Su is very similar to the reformed Nebula of Guardians of the Galaxy. Both characters have shady backgrounds as Deok-Su was a thug and Nebula is one of Thanos’ children and chief soldiers. Deok-Su is another villain of Squid Game just as Nebula is initially a villain. Deok-Su is ruthless and cold, using others to get his way and killing without a second thought. This is exactly how Nebula was trained to act as an assassin for Thanos.

In addition, the glass bridge game in Squid Game revealed to fans just how scared Deok-Su really was. When he was next to take a leap of faith, he refused to move which would ultimately be his downfall. Nebula has similar fears buried deep inside her, but it takes many years for her to feel comfortable showing them.

6 Ji-Yeong: Shuri

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Ji-Yeong touched fans in a way that many other characters did not. She is younger and relatable on the surface, much like Shuri. Both characters prove themselves to be very intelligent. As soon as Ji-Yeong and Sae-Byeok learn one of them will have to lose the marble game, Ji-Yeong begins distracting Sae-Byeok. She learns as much as she can about Sae-Byeok in a short amount of time and decides she cannot allow her to die.

The game Ji-Yeong comes up with is incredibly simple but smart, getting the job done. Ji-Yeong is able to guarantee Sae-Byeok will move on to the next game, giving fans one of the best Squid Game quotes. Shuri has a different kind of ingenuity with her inventions, but it’s a high intelligence that nonetheless allows her to save her family and, in Avengers: Endgame, Wakanda itself from Thanos’ invading army.

5 Kang Sae-Byeok: Natasha Romanoff

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Sae-Byeok’s MCU counterpart is Natasha Romanoff, otherwise known as the Black Widow. Both women are closed off to those around them. They grew up in volatile environments and have learned not to trust others. This results in a very cold and calculated exterior that covers their true emotional selves.

Like Natasha, Sae-Byeok is also very secretive. She is able to return to the games a second time without being affected by the gas which allows her to keep her knife. She then uses the knife to unscrew an air vent covering and discover the next game. This entire chain of events is very similar to moves Natasha may have been trained to do in the Red Room.

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4 Oh Il-Nam: Tony Stark

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Il-Nam has been a decisive character among Squid Game fans. He was initially introduced as a sweet old man but was eventually revealed to be the mastermind behind the games. He constantly volleys between being the solution and causing the problem itself.

Il-Nam’s creation of the Squid Game is very similar to Tony’s creation of Ultron as both were made with good intentions but hurt countless people. Both of these characters tend to rub fans the wrong way due to their drastic decisions. Also, Il-Nam is the smartest character in Squid Game, and Tony is considered one of the most intelligent characters in the MCU. Il-Nam not only thought of the entire game but also participated without bringing himself to an untimely end.

3 Hwang Jun-Ho: Steve Rogers

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

Jun-Ho is definitely the Captain America of Squid Game. He goes to investigate the games without any orders, both breaking the rules and upholding his own morals. His search for his brother parallels Steve’s search for Bucky. Both characters have lost an important figure in their lives and are willing to do anything to get them back.

The games are comparable to Hydra as they are a deadly organization that has been growing under the government’s radar for many years. Finally, the scene in which the Frontman reveals himself to be Jun-Ho’s brother is shockingly similar to Steve seeing Bucky for the first time in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

2 Hwang In-Ho: The Winter Soldier

Squid Game Characters & Their MCU Counterparts

In-Ho as the Frontman is a huge plot twist in Squid Game. Although not much is known about how In-Ho became the Frontman, it appears to be very similar to how Bucky became the Winter Soldier. In-Ho was originally a participant in the games, but then somehow became a large part of them. In-Ho now appears to hold all the power but, as his nickname would suggest, is really just a front. This is similar to how Hydra forced Bucky to do their dirty and so he appeared powerful, but in reality, he was completely at the mercy of Hydra.

1 Seong Gi-Hun: Scott Lang

Gi-Hun’s MCU counterpart is Scott Lang. Both Scott and Gi-Hun are struggling fathers who just want the best for their daughters. They’ve done things in their past that resulted in a divorce and losing a lot of contact with their daughter. They both try to be better, they just go about it in different ways. Gi-Hun’s never-ending optimism also connects him to Scott.

They are both mood-makers. When those around them are down they can’t help but try to break the ice with jokes. Gi-Hun is also underestimated by those around him, just like Scott. He teams up Il-Nam and is constantly giving himself worse odds, but, like Scott, eventually triumphs.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/squid-game-characters-mcu-counterparts/

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