Stan Lee Hated the Avengers First TeamUp With SpiderMan

Stan Lee Hated the Avengers’ First Team-Up With Spider-Man

Spider-Man first met Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Avengers #11, but Stan Lee hated the story so much, he stepped in to change the ending.

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Stan Lee Hated the Avengers First TeamUp With SpiderMan

No name is more synonymous with comics than Stan Lee, and while the writer and editor has his critics, it’s undeniable that he put a personal stamp on the Marvel brand – as shown by the fact that when he felt readers were being cheated by Spider-Man’s first meeting with the Avengers, he went ahead and changed the story.

The comic in question is 1964’s Avengers #11, from Lee and artist Don Heck. At the time, Marvel Comics were written using the ‘Marvel Method,’ which gave artists unprecedented creative freedom in assembling the plot of a comic. Effectively, artists and writers would collaborate on a plot outline (though sometimes this fell mostly to the artist), artists would then draw the pages, with the writers coming in after to add dialogue and narration. The Marvel Method favored artistic instinct and creator collaboration over the stricter scripting of competitors like DC, but that didn’t mean writers were always happy with the result.

As confirmed by CBR, Stan Lee used the letters page of Avengers #11 to inform fans that he disliked the original plot of the comic so much, he stepped in to change it. While Lee was always the writer of the issue, it’s implied that on this occasion, the Marvel Method didn’t work out, and Heck’s intended narrative didn’t meet with Smilin’ Stan’s approval. The issue sees the Avengers fighting a robot sent by Kang, built to mimic the new superhero Spider-Man and catch them off guard. It’s a fun story, but Lee didn’t approve of telling fans to expect Spider-Man then presenting them with a fake, and as the comic’s writer and editor, decided the real Peter Parker should turn up to deactivate his mechanical doppelganger.

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The story fans actually got to read sees the real Spider-Man appear in the final pages to save the Avengers, with Captain America witnessing the battle. While the two don’t share any words, the issue serves as the first time the Avengers encounter Spider-Man, but Lee’s short editorial explains this wasn’t how the plot originally concluded. “After we started drawing the Avengers-Spidey yarn you’ve just finished, we got the feeling that some of you might feel cheated, because it wasn’t the real Spider-Man whom the Avengers were battling!” Lee writes. “So, we dropped everything and changed the ending around until it came out the way it appears in the mag… We never want you to think we’re trying to fool you, or put something over on you…”

While Lee uses “we” to indicate a team decision, basic knowledge of the Marvel Method used at the time implies that he ultimately disagreed with Heck’s decision not to include the real Spider-Man, stepping in to tweak the narrative so readers wouldn’t feel cheated. A consummate salesman, Lee understood the value of giving readers exactly what had been advertised, even if it meant an abrupt change to the narrative that unavoidably reads as the late-stage alteration it is (Spider-Man reveals his Spider-Sense alerted him to the impostor, who he’s been following ever since.) Protective of the Marvel brand, Stan Lee disliked Spider-Man’s first meeting with the Avengers so much he rewrote the final moments to actually include Peter Parker and avoid giving comic fans the impression that they’d been duped by a misleading headline.

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