Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

Star Wars: 6 Exciting Things From Disney+’s Obi-Wan Behind-The-Scenes Reel, According To Reddit


The Obi-Wan Kenobi BTS reel from Disney+ Day has given Star Wars fans on Reddit several things to be excited about and speculate.

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Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

Though many online felt Disney+ Day was lackluster compared to what it was built up to be, Star Wars fans did get an enticing behind-the-scenes sizzle reel for next year’s Obi-Wan Kenobi series. It’s arguably the most anticipated piece of Star Wars content, especially with fan-favorite actor Ewan McGregor returning from his role in 2005’s Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

Fans would surely have hoped for a teaser trailer since it’s set to arrive in 2022. Still, the information given by the series’ director Deborah Chow and McGregor himself has many fans on Reddit thrilled and speculating about potential conflicts and character appearances.

Darth Vader Meditating In Fortress Vader

Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

The few pieces of concept art shown were undoubtedly the biggest reveals from the Obi-Wan BTS sizzle reel. Fans knew beforehand that Darth Vader would make a grand return after it was revealed upon last year’s Disney Investor Day. It’s been confirmed that Hayden Christensen himself will also return for the role, and one of the concept arts was of the Sith Lord meditating in Fortress Vader. Redditor billy13th99 shows their anticipation and excitement for the show, especially seeing “Vader sitting on his throne” in his castle.

Fans got a taste of this in 2016’s Star Wars anthology movie Rogue One, but this art seems to emphasize the character and the location’s importance beyond a simple cameo. Mustafar was the site where Anakin completed his fall from grace, making his fortress on the lava-covered planet more thematically appropriate. It could be interpreted as Vader’s self-imposed punishment on a deeper, psychological level.

The Inquisitorious Hunting Obi-Wan

Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

Another one of the concept arts shown gave some tantalizing glimpses at antagonists for Obi-Wan Kenobi aside from Darth Vader. One of these showed a group of Imperials exiting a ship in a desert environment. Two of them were simple Storm Troopers, but taking the lead appears to be a member of the Inquisitorious.

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Redditor Off-Ramp-A expresses excitement, saying “Live-action Kenobi versus an Inquisitor? This is where the fun begins!” as these villains were mainly focal points in Dave Filoni’s superb animated shows. The design in this art seems to be of the Second Sister from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (who was one of the game’s best characters), but Trilla in this timeline would have already been killed by Vader himself. Nevertheless, seeing these antagonists brought to live-action is a thrilling proposition.

Obi-Wan Having To Discreetly Fight Against Inquisitors

Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

The apparent inclusion of the Inquisitorious is enough to cause excitement, but how they’ll be implemented has fans eagerly speculating. Redditor ajabernathy points out that “Kenobi would eviscerate any Inquisitor but doing so would be highly suspicious and endanger everything,” and notes that realistically he “would have to hide and run, which would be an awesome suspense/thriller component.”

It’s a fascinating and logical theory, as while Obi-Wan is in “exile,” he’s still tasked with protecting a young Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi is also someone who would be a high priority for Vader, who’s tasked with carrying out the Great Jedi Purge. Given how Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was quickly discovered after using the Force seemingly discreetly, Obi-Wan would be found immediately. At this point in canon, Kenobi is arguably the strongest living Jedi, so the slightest hint at his identity could be fatal.

Obi-Wan And Darth Vader Fighting on Mustafar

Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

When Obi-Wan Kenobi was talked about last year on Disney’s Investor Day, Obi-Wan and Darth Vader clashing again was touted as a rematch for the ages. The BTS sizzle reel gave fans a piece of concept art with an explicit look at this, and McGregor himself said they might “get another swing at each other.” Redditor Unfriendly_Giraffe admits some apprehension about this choice in that it “kinda messes with the OT,” but on the other hand says “it will be incredible to see.”

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That mixture of uncertainty and excitement is common within the fanbase over this decision, with fans on both sides citing how it couldn’t and could still work canonically. The most common critique is that Episode IV – A New Hope suggested the two haven’t met since Revenge of the Sith, but other lines could imply one more meeting in between was possible. Assuming it’s narratively and visually well-executed, it would be quite the spectacle. Darth Vader has shown Star Wars fans how overpowered he can be, but he’ll find his match again in a rematch with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The Imperial-Occupied Jedi Temple

Star Wars 6 Exciting Things From Disneys ObiWan BehindTheScenes Reel According To Reddit

Aside from the major concept art reveals of Obi-Wan, Vader, and the Inquisitor(s), the grand interior of the Imperial-occupied, former Jedi Palace got fans excited at other locations to appear in the show. The art depicts countless Storm Troopers patrolling and standing around in a vast, grandiose hall of what used to be the grounds of the Jedi Council.

Redditor GRUMPYbug12 exclaims that this will be the first live-action “look at the Jedi Temple since [Palpatine] took it over!.” For the most part, the palace — renamed the Imperial Palace — was a location featured in different Star Wars novels and comic books. If the concept art is anything to go by, Obi-Wan Kenobi will give fans a stunning look at its interiors in massive scope.

Deborah Chow As Director

Obi-Wan Kenobi has been confirmed to be a single-season/limited series consisting of six episodes. Since this TV project is set to be a one-off, Lucasfilm decided to get a single director for all six episodes for a singular vision. Deborah Chow has already proven her mettle in the Star Wars universe, as she’s directed episodes of Disney+’s flagship series The Mandalorian.

Redditor Cofeeandsoda reminds fans saying “Chow did episode 3 and 7, which are both incredible and two of the more action-packed and emotional episodes,” and thinks that “Kenobi will be everything we hope it will be.” Taking note of Chow’s high pedigree and seeing her talk about the character in the reel, fans appear generally confident that she’ll deliver more powerful moments to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s mythos.

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