Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Star Wars: Every Maul Lightsaber Duel, Ranked


Darth Maul instantly became one of the most iconic Star Wars when they were introduced and they’ve had some epic lightsaber duels over the years.

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Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Fans were treated to something special in 1999 when Darth Maul debuted on-screen. A total badass clad in red and black, wielding the most awesome lightsaber fans had ever seen. It was inevitable he would die, but what was far less predictable was that he would return, drop the Darth, and become one of the greatest characters in Star Wars history.

Maul’s time in The Clone Wars and Rebels gave us not only some incredible, emotional moments but also some insane action in the form of lightsaber duels, some of which challenge and maybe even surpass the beloved Duel of the Fates.

11 Vs. Savage Opress

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

This duel between brothers is not so much a lightsaber fight, but rather what Maul refers to as teaching his brother a lesson after Savage challenged Maul’s declaration that he is the master and Savage is the apprentice. It is mere seconds long and is simply a display of Maul’s power.

10 Scuffle With Qui-Gon

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Before audiences got to witness the full awesomeness of Darth Maul and his double-bladed lightsaber in the Duel of the Fates, Maul made his presence known to the heroes on Tatooine during a small scuffle with Qui-Gon.

As Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, etc., are taking Anakin to Coruscant, they are ambushed by the mysterious Sith Lord. The fight is short and is simply a burst of excitement, a small, small taste of what is to come later in the movie, nothing inherently special in itself.

9 Vs. The Inquisitorius

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Maul’s reemergence into on-screen Star Wars post-Clone Wars came in Rebels’ second season finale, and in his presentation as Old Master, Maul initially seemed to be an ally to the heroes.

He was the gamechanger in the fight between the heroes and the three Inquisitors hunting them down. He was a badass as he charged for the three Inquisitorius, and it was so strange yet great seeing him on the good side, however brief and however deceptive it was.

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8 Vs. Ahsoka Tano/Kanan Jarrus

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

It was clear that Maul had some sort of ulterior motives when he enlisted Ezra Bridgers’s help on Malachor. When Ezra was gone, and he was left with Kanan and Ahsoka, he revealed his true intentions.

By blinding Kanan, he sent the Jedi down a new path, a path that led him to grow a closer connection to the Force. It also made him mad. After Maul blinded Kanan, he sparred with Ahsoka before Kanan gathered his senses, and he and Maul went at each other. It was great for what it was, but similar to the above duel, it was all building to the main event between Ahsoka and Vader.

7 W/ Savage Opress Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Adi Galia

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

The initial run from Maul upon his return was as fantastic as it was shocking; seeing him back seemed surreal, but it pretty quickly established itself as an awesome move from the creative team.

One of the initial three episodes of his return, “Revival,” saw Maul and Savage arrive on Florrum, a planet occupied by Hondo and his pirates, only to be met by Adi Galia and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The duel was great and saw Savage and Maul murder Galia, and also showed off some of Obi-Wan’s genius as he sent the brothers packing.

6 W/ Savage Opress Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Asajj Ventress

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Just an episode prior, Obi-Wan was still going at it with the two Dathomirian brothers, this time with another, a far more unpredictable ally by his side in the form of Asajj Ventress.

This duel is one of the most underrated in all of The Clone Wars. Not only does it have some great action between the four participants, but the banter and verbal exchanges between Obi-Wan and Asajj, as well as Obi-Wan and Maul, are excellent.

5 Vs. Pre Vizsla

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Seeing a Mandalorian in action is always fantastic, and when the partnership between Maul and Pre Viszla fell through, it led to another fantastic duel between the leader of the Death Watch and a Force user.

Viszla pulled out all the stops to kill Maul, while Maul showcased his skill and ruthlessness even further. Maul executing Viszla was a crucial moment in Mandalore’s story and that of its people, and the image of Viszla accepting his fate with Maul towered over him was harrowing.

4 W/ Savage Opress Vs. Darth Sidious

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

At the end of that very same arc, one of the best in all of The Clone Wars, one of the most incredible, shocking lightsaber duels of Star Wars occurred, as Darth Sidious arrived on Mandalore to take his former apprentice down a peg.

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This was Sidious like he has never been seen before. There was a limit to the power he could display in Revenge Of The Sith, but here, the way he not only outmatched the two brothers in every way but actually seemed to enjoy himself was immense. Maul and Savage were, of course, great, especially Maul as he begs for mercy, but Sidious stole the show right at the end of this insane arc.

3 Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

Some lightsaber duels are hurt by the fact they lack emotional impact and are all action; this is a problem Maul and Obi-Wan’s final encounter did not have, as despite some having an issue about its length, it is an amazing scene.

It is only a few swipes of a lightsaber before Maul fades away, but it is still outstanding. The way Obi-Wan lulls Maul into a false sense of security by using Qui-Gon’s stance, the way Maul is fatigued from his trek through the desert, the way Obi-Wan holds his longest enemy as he dies, it is all just goosebump-inducing storytelling from Filoni and co.

2 The Duel Of The Fates

Star Wars Every Maul Lightsaber Duel Ranked

From the end of their journey to the beginning, the Duel of the Fates is one of the most iconic battles in all of Star Wars, with action, music, and importance that surpass most others.

Nobody could have predicted that this battle would kick off arguably the greatest rivalry in Star Wars, but even ignoring Maul’s journey with Obi-Wan, this duel is awesome. The choreography, Mauls double-bladed lightsaber, and, of course, John Williams – it all adds up to create something special.

1 Vs. Ahsoka Tano

It is extremely difficult not to put Duel of the Fates top. It is pretty much perfect. On any other day, it could easily earn the top spot, but today that goes to arguably the greatest animated lightsaber battle of all time between Maul and Ahsoka Tano.

There is a fluidity to this duel that is so beautiful to watch. The mo-cap performances give this an edge over most other animated duels and even over the Duel of the Fates. The emotion-packed into Ahsoka’s story with the audience’s knowledge that she is defending the honor of a friend who Maul is right about, as well as other factors like the battle going on outside, the visuals of their surroundings, the voice performances, and the music, it is all magnificent.

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