Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

Star Wars: Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66


Order 66 was a success in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, but there are reasons why the Jedi should have found out about this sinister protocol.

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Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

Order 66 allowed the Empire to successfully supplant the Republic in the Star Wars prequels, but there are several reasons why the Jedi should have found out about the conspiracy. Palpatine (secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious) successfully executed a master plan to destroy the Jedi Order and take over the galaxy in the prequel trilogy, and Order 66 was one of the most important aspects of his machinations. The Jedi were spread out across the galaxy fighting a manufactured war against an opponent of Sidious’s making and serving alongside the Clone Troopers, who Sidious designed to be the Jedi’s eventual assassins. Although the coup succeeded, the Jedi may have come quite close to uncovering it beforehand.

In both Disney canon and the Star Wars Expanded Universe timeline (now known as Legends), Clone Troopers had the trust of their Jedi leaders in most cases. Unfortunately, they were made with dormant programming that would activate when Order 66 was given. Their conditioning would compel them to kill the Jedi and support Palpatine’s fascist regime. In Legends, the clones were specifically and intensely indoctrinated to follow Order 66, but in canon, they received classified brain implants as embryos that compelled their obedience to the order. Through various means, clones in both timelines managed to retain (or restore) their free will, but not nearly enough to impede Order 66’s success.

Although there were multiples reasons why the Jedi should have discovered the conspiracy behind the Clone Wars, Palpatine was not a fool. As one of the most brilliant (and cruel) beings in the galaxy, Palpatine wisely relied on the Jedi Order’s arrogance, hypocrisy, and obsolescence. Palpatine hid in plain sight as the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and used the Jedi’s failings against them through the Clone Wars. As described in the Legends-era novelization of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, the Clone Wars were essentially the perfect Jedi trap. By engaging in the first place, the Jedi ensured their doom.

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The Clone Army’s Origin Was Too Suspicious

Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

Officially, the Clone Army was commissioned by the Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas in secret as a means to fortify the Republic against dire premonitions. In actuality, Sifo-Dyas was being manipulated by both Palpatine and Dooku, the latter of which murdered him and assumed his identity for a time upon becoming the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. As shown in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi correctly believed that Sifo-Dyas was killed before the Clone Army was commissioned. The Jedi investigated Sifo-Dyas’s death and discovered that Dooku was involved in the army’s creation, but chose to hide their findings out of trust for the clones and fear of Republic citizens’ reactions to this revelation.

Jango Fett Was Associated With Count Dooku

Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

All Clone Troopers were grown from the template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Fett was an able-bodied and skilled bounty hunter, so he makes sense as a genetic template. However, he was also a known long-term associate of Count Dooku, one of the leaders of the CIS. Dooku hired Jango Fett to assassinate Padme Amidala during the Separatist Crisis, and the Mandalorian served as Dooku’s bodyguard shortly before the Battle of Geonosis began. Dooku and Jango’s close connections should have raised suspicion among the Jedi, but the order never investigated their history.

They Should Have Examined The Clone Programming More

Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

The Republic’s Clone Troopers were among the finest warriors in the galaxy, allowing them to successfully back up the Jedi throughout the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. With this in mind, the Jedi would have been wise to examine and oversee clone growth and training more closely. If they had, they may have discovered their Order 66 programming and halted Palpatine’s coup before it happened. Instead, the Jedi were largely uninvolved in their development, and the clones were trained by bounty hunters in canon due to Jango Fett’s apathy towards the army. In Legends, Jango was heavily involved in their training and programming and hired other Mandalorians (the Cuy’val Dar) to help train the clones as well. Given the anti-Jedi sentiment among many Mandalorians (and especially Jango after the Battle of Galidraan), this should have been alarming for the Jedi.

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An Order 66 False Start Should Have Caught the Jedi’s Attention

Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the Clone Trooper Tup prematurely executed Order 66 on Jedi Master Tiplar due to a faulty control chip. The other Jedi and clones were baffled and horrified by the incident, and Tup was brought back to Kamino for examination. The Jedi eventually learned about the existence of the inhibitor chips, but they were told that their purpose was to curb aggression among clones. Another clone, Fives, investigated the matter even further, removing his implant and discovering almost the entirety of Palpatine’s Sith conspiracy. Fives was framed to look delusional and violent, and he was killed shortly afterward. Rather than investigate Tup and Fives further, the Jedi believed the Republic’s official cover story.

They Should Have Paid Attention To Yoda’s Visions

Star Wars Every Reason The Jedi Should Have Found Out About Order 66

The anthology book The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark reveals that Yoda saw Order 66 in a Force vision early in the war. Yoda trusted the clones, having witnessed their humanity and free will many times by this point, and never acted on these visions. While Yoda’s decision is understandable early on, he and the Jedi Order should have revisited these visions and studied them more closely after discovering both the inhibitor chips and Dooku’s direct involvement in the Clone Army’s creation. This proves that the clones and Jedi genuinely trusted each other before the Order 66 brainwashing was activated.

Order 66 Was a Known Contingency Order In Legends

In the Legends timeline, Order 66 was not a secret directive, but instead was one of 150 contingency orders that were known to the Republic military. The contingency orders prepared the Clone Army for almost any possibility, from the Supreme Chancellor being incapacitated to declaring martial law on a world. The Jedi should have closely examined Order 66’s text because it not only calls for the immediate termination of all Jedi but also prepares the clones for an entirely new command structure. Essentially, it was the perfect tool for a fascist coup. The Jedi’s failure to analyze the contingency orders was just one of the many reasons why they didn’t discover Order 66, allowing Palpatine to succeed in the Star Wars prequels.

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