Star Wars Revenge of the Sith May Have Left Out Its Coolest Lightsaber Battle

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith May Have Left Out Its Coolest Lightsaber Battle

Though there have been numerous lightsaber battles in the Star Wars franchise over the years, Revenge of the Sith could have had the best.

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Star Wars Revenge of the Sith May Have Left Out Its Coolest Lightsaber Battle

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith may have left out its coolest lightsaber battle. The final film in the prequel trilogy was arguably the biggest fan favorite of the divisive Star Wars films directed by George Lucas between 1999-2005. Though there was much within The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith to raise the ire of Star Wars fans, one of the trilogy’s saving graces was its willingness to indulge audiences with a decent amount of lightsaber battles.

The Star Wars prequel trilogy told the story of how a young Anakin Skywalker made the decision to abandon the teachings of the Jedi in order to give in to the dark side and become Darth Vader. Throughout this journey, Anakin is taught to wield a lightsaber with precision by a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and the numerous battles that take place within the films expanded on what has been one of the most engaging elements of the entire franchise. Since the first time audiences were introduced to the lightsaber in A New Hope, its presence has been captivating, largely due to the fact that it exists solely within its own mythology. The originality of the weapon paired with the expertise of the Jedi who wield it has proven irresistibly cool.

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Of course, when it comes to the question of which lightsaber battle is the most memorable or which is the outright best of the entire franchise, there is no easy answer. As it stands, Revenge of the Sith has a very noteworthy final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan, but according to new insight from EW, the final prequel film contained another battle that was even more exceptional. So, if it was indeed so great, exactly why didn’t we see it? Well, that all comes down to time, and a decision made by Lucas. During an interview with Revenge of the Sith’s stunt coordinator, Nick Gillard, it was revealed that Lucas had McGregor train for weeks for the complicated fight choreography required when Obi-Wan takes on six of General Grievous’ bodyguards. Unfortunately, when it came time to shoot the scene, time was short and Lucas decided that its inclusion wasn’t essential to the film’s story. Instead, Obi-Wan uses the Force to crush his foes with a chunk of the ceiling. Said Gillard:

“It was the most complicated fight we ever did, and George said, ‘I’m really sorry, I’m going to drop a container on five of them!’”

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith May Have Left Out Its Coolest Lightsaber Battle

For those who already harbor negative feelings about the prequels as well as what is often viewed as Lucas’ incessant tampering with the franchise, this insight will likely only provide more fuel for the anti-Lucas fire. However, while it could have been a visually stunning battle sequence, if it didn’t actually help the story in any significant manner, there’s no real way to tell how impressive it could have been. If there was one specific reason the prequels didn’t reach the bar that the original trilogy had already established, it’s doubtful it was the result of too few grandiose lightsaber battles. Despite the popularity of the Jedi weapons, surely even the most staunch lightsaber devotee can agree that Revenge of the Sith wasn’t lacking in that respect.

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Still, this is Star Wars and if there’s one thing that fans truly dislike, it’s hearing they missed out on something that could have potentially been amazing. From the sounds of it, the preparation and choreography were extensive, and for some Star Wars fans, simply knowing that something better could have made its way into the final cut is enough to cause sleepless nights. For the rest of us, however, it’s best to just accept that the scene wasn’t to be, and although we’ll never know just how that fight sequence would have played out, the mystery of it makes it all the more legendary.

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