Star Wars What Happened To The Original Red Five (Lukes Callsign)

Star Wars: What Happened To The Original Red Five (Luke’s Callsign)

When the Rebels attacked the Death Star in the original Star Wars, Luke Skywalker used the callsign “Red Five,” but he wasn’t the first to claim it.

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Star Wars What Happened To The Original Red Five (Lukes Callsign)

In Star Wars, the Battle of Yavin sees Luke Skywalker using the callsign “Red Five,” but he wasn’t the first Rebel pilot to do so. The question is what happened to the original pilot given the call callsign and why was Luke assigned to it?

After Sheev Palpatine and Darth Vader converted the longstanding Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, their authoritarian rule subjugated much of the universe but also unwittingly fomented revolution. The Empire was eventually defeated by the Rebel Alliance, whose first major victory in the war came when Luke Skywalker destroyed the original Death Star. Opposition to the Empire for many years consisted only of disparate, unconnected rebellions until roughly two years before the Battle of Yavin (2 BBY) when the movements coalesced to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Although massively outnumbered by the Empire, the Rebel starship fleet was a key asset in the conflict, capable of winning several major battles shorthanded, including those at Yavin, Hoth, and Endor.

As shown in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, another Rebel pilot of the Red Squadron – Pedrin Gaul – previously made use of the Red Five designation before Luke. Gaul was killed in action during the Battle of Scarif, however, one of many to give their lives to help the Rebels steal the Death Star plans. The events of A New Hope follow those of Rogue One almost immediately, so the recently-abandoned moniker is still unclaimed when Luke joins the Rebellion and is assigned to him for his soon-to-be-famous first mission.

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As closely identified as “Red Five” is with Luke, it’s not unusual for a callsign to change hands in this way. In fact, by the time of Return of the Jedi, four years after the Battle of Yavin (4 ABY), Luke had effectively retired from Red Squadron, instead choosing to follow the Jedi path more actively. As such, the Red Five callsign had been adopted by another pilot, named Grizz Frix, who used it during the Battle of Endor.

Although Star Wars stands as perhaps the most culturally recognizable monument to the space opera genre, there are practical details in the films that emphasize the influence of the related genre of military science fiction, the organization of the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps among them. Beyond lending verisimilitude, this serves as a reminder of the practical, unsentimental aspects of the story which, in their own way, can inspire sentiment: just as callsigns change hands, the Rebellion as a movement had existed prior to Luke’s arrival and, given the existence of a Red Squadron among the Resistance forces in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, would continue to exist in spirit long after.

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