Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

Stranger Things: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers


Joyce Byers has been through a lot in Stranger Things, along with Will and Jonathan. Here are some things about her that just don’t make sense.

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Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

Joyce Byers, the crazy magnet lady, played by Winona Ryder in the Emmy award-winning Netflix show, Stranger Things and all of its current three seasons is an important character, who has done some pretty important stuff. This includes the fact that she recognized Will’s existence, amidst rumors of his death and demanded to check the birthmark on the fake-Will body. She also built a communication system with Will using the wall and noticed the presence of the Mind Flayer inside of Will.

However, there are some things that people just do not understand at all about her and also some questions that remained unanswered or just did not make any sense. This list counts down the top 10 things that are strange about Stranger Things’ Joyce Byers.

10 Why Did She Get Back With Lonnie?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

In Season 1, after finally being pressured into accepting Will’s death, Joyce Byers gets back into a relationship with her ex-husband, who clearly has betrayed her and her kids, leaving their lives miserable before, and causing their household to live in financial instability.

This came as a shock to all, especially her older son Jonathan, who immediately recognized the financially influenced need of Lonnie as being the reason to contact her again. This later proves to be true, thus Joyce kicks him out. But, why did she let him back in the first place? He was never a good father, a good man, or a good husband.

9 Why Did She Stand Up Hopper?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

In Season 3, the one where her magnets fall, Hopper asks Joyce out for a date at Enzo’s to which she agrees but then doesn’t show up. She clearly had a romantic interest in him. He was clearly good with kids, well… kind of. Nevertheless, during Will’s disappearance, he was the only support she had, so she knew his ability.

He was clearly perfect for her. She needed emotional support, he could give it, having experienced the loss of his daughter as well, he knew what she was going through, unlike anyone in the show, yet, she stood him up, using her magnets as an excuse. Was she really over the death of Bob? or was she scared of losing him too much to date him? Anyway, it’s just plain weird.

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8 Did She Really Love Bob Newby?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

Bob Newby was an old class fellow of Joyce’s, whom she later started dating sometime between the events of Stranger Things and Stranger Things 2. By her awkward behavior sometimes, it is clear that her feelings for Bob didn’t really match his feelings for her.

It was clear to see the lack of appreciation between Joyce and Bob. However, when he was torn apart by the demo-dogs, she cried like a baby and grieved his death a lot, during Stranger Things 3. This suggests her feelings may have run deeper than it appeared.

7 Why Did She Ignore Jonathan?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

During the events of Stranger Things 1, 2 and even 3, Joyce is shown paying little attention to the life of Jonathan, one who has clearly been a beacon of hope for her during her times of distress and paying more attention to Will.

The only times she had shown genuine concern towards Jonathan, is after he started dating Nancy Wheeler. A pretty weird and unexplained fact about Joyce, hoping to be answered in Stranger Things 4.

6 Why Did She Move?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

In the closing moments of Stranger Things 3, Joyce is shown taking Jonathan, Will, Eleven, and herself away, leaving Hawkins, presumably forever. This came as a huge shocker, as Joyce had gone through so much there, and things finally started to settle. Then just as their lives were getting back to normal, it was at this exact moment, that she decided to move away from Hawkins, taking all her emotional baggage with her.

This created a rift between Mike and Eleven and Will from the rest of the gang. Therefore, a very weird and stupid decision made by Joyce breaking up crucial friendships and introducing huge changes in the children’s lives at critical times like that.

5 If She Did Want To Move, Why Didn’t She Move Sooner?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

Look, if Joyce wanted to move, why didn’t she move right after finding Will from the Upside Down? There were much better opportunities for Joyce to move, yet she didn’t and moved at the worst time for everyone, the end of Stranger Things 3. She went through so much in Hawkins and even contributed majorly to save the city, thrice.

Yet, after asking f0r a normal life, she left it at the time when she finally got what she asked for. She left everything behind and ruined her children’s lives as well as the relationships of her newly adopted daughter, Eleven with Mike and also the Jonathan-Nancy relationship, dubbed Mileven and Jancy by the community, respectively.

4 What Happened To Joyce’s Family?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

During all these years in Stranger Things, not once do we see her family visiting her home in Hawkins, even to visit the children, they never call or write to her and her children never mention her parents or any possible siblings she might have.

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It’s weird to see not even a mention of her parents or any of her family, even by Bob, and this leaves one wondering if she really has any family, at all, except for Darelene, her mentally deranged aunt, mentioned in Season 1. This also indicates the poor relationship her children have with their presumable grandparents, that is if they’re even alive, which, at this point is very unclear.

3 Now, What Is She Going To Do?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

She clearly has no qualifications for a job that would be easy to transfer and would enable her to comfortably provide for her family. She worked at a department store in Hawkins, so presumably needed to quit.

Now, as she moved away, Jonathan also lost his job at the Hawkin’s Post as that is definitely location-specific. How will she afford the new house and the expenses to get Will through high school? She will also need to support herself and now Eleven as well, all of this seems a mystery bound to be answered in Stranger Things 4, hopefully…

2 Where Are Her Friends?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Joyce Byers

Throughout all the seasons, Joyce has only one friend, Hopper who sticks by her when no one else does. Lonnie betrays her, Bob dies and so does Hopper, when her son, Will presumably died, no one came to console her, or check on how she was doing. Only the Wheelers came, and even then only because of their son, Mike, who was Will’s best friend.

This was a major point where everyone wondered, where are her friends, but later in the season, people start to see her as a delusional freak, after she refuses to accept her son’s death. All of this makes everyone wonder, does Joyce really have any friends in Hawkins, or even in her life, after Bob and Hopper’s death?

1 Why Can’t She Get Her Relationships Right?

Joyce’s romantic interests seem to change season-by-season, a very strange thing. (pun intended) She got back with Lonnie, which on her part, was poor judgment. In Season 2, she dated Bob, who was finally a good choice for her, yet she didn’t appear top love and appreciate him the way he loved her. In Season 3, after mourning over Bob for quite a long time, she stood up Hooper, who just wanted to protect her and knew her very well.

The question is, why can’t she keep her relationships on track? Is it her fear of everyone ending up like Lonnie, and betraying her, or maybe them ending up like Bob and Hopper, who are dead (or presumed dead, in Hopper’s case).

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