Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Stranger Things: 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Can’t Stand)


Netflix’s Stranger Things has a wide range of characters that are generally “good” or “bad”. Here are the 5 most likable and 5 most hated on the show.

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Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Stranger Things is one of the best shows on Netflix right now and it’s found a place in fans’ hearts. The sci-fi drama has everything – romance, thrills, and comedy. There are a large number of characters who play different roles in this story and while they have separate storylines, it all leads to The Upside Down.

The show doesn’t really have a protagonist, although it’s arguably Will, and has a huge number of supporting actors that give shape to the story. While some of these characters are fan favorites, some are just intensely dislikable. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the five most likable characters and the five that fans can’t stand from Stranger Things.

***Spoiler Alert ***

10 Can’t Stand: Grigori

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Grigori is season 3’s biggest villain, after The Mind Flayer. He is responsible for the deaths or disappearance of two of the shows’ fan favorites. He not only killed Alexeim but also had a hand to play in Hopper’s supposed death, now confirmed as a disappearance in the season 4 teaser.

Grigori meets his end in a tussle with Jim in the finale of season 3, when he tries to stop the police chief from closing the door to The Upside Down.

9 Like: Mike

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Mike is one of the kids around whom the show revolves. He is a smart kid who figures out that there is something wrong with Will’s untimely disappearance and he does everything he can to find him.

He loves his friends, cares for them, and would do anything to protect them. He is in love with Eleven and they really are very cute together. Now that Eleven has left Hawkins, it’ll be interesting to see how Mike develops.

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8 Can’t Stand: Billy

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Billy Hargrove, brother of Max, is one of the most hated characters in the show, despite what he did in season 3. He is a bully, doesn’t talk nicely to people, and most of all, he feels no remorse for his troublesome actions.

He is taken under control by The Mind Flayer and fans didn’t even feel bad for him. Instead, they wanted him to suffer. One right thing he did, though, was saving Max and her friends’ lives.

7 Like: Eleven

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

The show’s strongest character – Eleven is the savior of Hawkins. She is adapting to life in a social environment and even though it takes time, she finally trusts Mike, Hopper, and their respective friend circles. She knows the value of honesty, coming from a difficult childhood.

Eleven is always haunted by the demons of The Upside Down, but that’s the curse she has to live with, along with her powers. Hopper is a father figure to her and it remains to be seen how she will cope without him and Mike.

6 Can’t Stand: Tom

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Another villainous character in Stranger Things is Hawkins Post’s Editor in Chief, Tom. He simply doesn’t have any regard for women, as he openly mistreats them, even his wife. He doesn’t respect both Johnathon and Nancy, which is not really surprising.

He also gets possessed by The Mind Flayer and he dies at the hands of Jonathon, quite fittingly. Fans are relieved that they won’t have to see this foul-mouthed character anymore.

5 Like: Jim Hopper

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Jim Hopper is an absolute fan favorite. His character is incredibly detailed and, being the chief of police in Hawkins, he also has a lot of responsibilities. He also has a troubled past which he would rather not visit.

Hopper is someone who doesn’t like to run from his problems and he does everything he can to protect Eleven. He is now in Russia if the teaser for season 4 is to be believed, and that is a long way from his home.

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4 Can’t Stand: Mayor Larry

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Larry is a corrupt government official and is at the heart of all the deaths. He is working for the Russians and when Hopper and Alexei arrive at the fair, he is the one who alerts the Russians.

After the dust settles, he is taken into custody and made to answer for all his misdeeds. He also receives a good beating at the hands of Hopper, which is a very satisfying scene for the fans.

3 Like: Dustin

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Dustin provides comic relief to Stranger Things. He is, by far, the most intelligent character. His love for science makes him the go-to man during intense situations that need solutions. His pairing with Steve in season 3 is absolutely incredible, to say the least.

He is a lovable kid, whose smile is the show-stealer. Dustin is also very caring and his innocent nature comes to the forefront when he tries to keep a small Demogorgon as a pet. He also loves food, which makes him all the more likable.

2 Can’t Stand: Bruce

Stranger Things 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

The most despised character has to be Bruce, who also works at the Hawkins Post. He mocks Nancy at every opportunity, even dismissing her ‘rats in Hawkins’ problem, like a bully.

He also dies in season 3 and it’s Nancy who does the deed. Bruce is taken control by The Mind Flayer and, after he is killed, he just turns into jelly and forms a part of the monster. Like it was meant to be.

1 Like: Steve

A character whose development from season 1 has been fascinating to see is Steve Harrington. When he was first introduced in the series, he looked like a typical rich kid who was handed everything in his life. But in season 3, when he gets himself a job at Starcourt Mall, he seemingly grows up and finds out that there’s more to life than just popularity.

Thanks to Robin, he finally started understanding what’s important to him. Steve has really good comic timing and his partnership with Robin steals the show. The fans are really interested to see what happens with Steve next.

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